Everything that you say in this chatroom could be recorded and there should be no expectation of privacy. Once something has been written it cannot be deleted or edited in the same way that if you send a letter or an email it cannot be edited after being sent. The users of this chatroom can choose a name but we do not use any form of identity check. All information about users may be and probably is false. The users of this room are only hypothetical people who do not necessarily have a direct relation to a real human being in fact it may be that the users of this room are not humans but aliens from outer space. The only person who has access to the recorded text is the admin shep who is a talking dog with computer skills. (like Brian on Family guy) This chat adds a cookie when you login. If you look at a youtube video that someone has posted it might set cookies. If you click on one of the commercial links on the home page then the sites you go to will set cookies. Although not many people in this chatroom are actually real no criminal activity will be permitted. Terrorists, Peodophiles, Groomers, Inciters of violence will not be tolerated. If you don't like any of this please leave