History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2267142 maestroandalu : Sí, me suena
2267143 ScorpionN : Es mi signo
2267144 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› That azzhole.
2267145 Universe City : ‹@ScorpionN› Ahh, okay.
2267146 maestroandalu : Pero cholito era latino?
2267147 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› Sí, pero nunca lo dice. Es de El Salvador.
2267148 Universe City : Sé eso desde hace mucho tiempo.
2267149 ScorpionN : El chorlito sigue aquí
2267150 Universe City : Se averguenza decir que es Salvadoreño.
2267151 maestroandalu : Ni idea.
2267152 maestroandalu : Pero Cholito vive en NC?
2267153 ScorpionN : Ni idea
2267154 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› No, vive en Miami, Florida pero siempre miente de donde vive.
2267155 Universe City : The most recently place "he lives" is Chicago.
2267156 maestroandalu : and .... Does Cholito know English?
2267157 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› Nope.
2267158 Universe City : He speaks it like ScorpionN.
2267159 ScorpionN : Universe where are you from?
2267160 maestroandalu : Si de verdad es él, ¿por qué no lo dice?
2267161 Universe City : ‹@ScorpionN› Wisconsin, USA.
2267162 maestroandalu : Sea él o no, a mí me da igual.
2267163 maestroandalu : I came here for practicing English and helping with my Spanish
2267164 ScorpionN : Wisconsin I like to visit Wisconsin
2267165 Universe City : ‹@ScorpionN› How long have you lived in NC?
2267166 ScorpionN : Maestro así mismo pienso yo
2267167 ScorpionN : I don’t need to prove nobody that I am not cholito
2267168 Universe City : ‹@ScorpionN› How long have you lived in NC?
2267169 ScorpionN : Just came here to practice
2267170 maestroandalu : I desaproveché mi tiempo en Uk
2267171 Universe City : See how he doesn't want to answer that question?
2267172 maestroandalu : I lived there for 4 yrs
2267173 ScorpionN : About 20 years
2267174 Universe City : ‹@ScorpionN› You've lived in the USA for 20 years and still don't speak English?
2267175 maestroandalu : He said it before, you were absent
2267176 ScorpionN : I speak English
2267177 Universe City : BRB.
2267178 maestroandalu : who of both speaks English better?
2267179 Jdawg78 : I speak english well. I learned it from a book. :D
2267180 Universe City : Back.
2267181 Universe City : I g2g in about an hour.
2267182 Universe City : I have to go to the Social Security office.
2267183 maestroandalu : you are an American guy
2267184 maestroandalu : ok. see you
2267185 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› Jaja, not yet. In about an hour.
2267186 Jdawg78 : youtu.be/RoCslBHMDfM Me refiero a este clip. LOL
2267187 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› Is that from Great Britain?
2267188 ScorpionN : I am back
2267189 maestroandalu : Fawlty Towers
2267190 maestroandalu : I watched in uk
2267191 maestroandalu : Yes, it is from UK
2267192 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› Ahh, okay.
2267193 Universe City : Jdawg has a thing for British humour.
2267194 Universe City : Notice I SPELT it "humour" :D
2267195 ScorpionN : Well… I have things to do
2267196 maestroandalu : www.youtube.com/watch
2267197 Universe City : ‹@ScorpionN› Sure you do, Ch0lit0.
2267198 ScorpionN : See you guys
2267199 maestroandalu : Where are they from?
2267200 maestroandalu : On this link?
2267201 ScorpionN : Universe take it easy
2267203 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› England? Scotland?
2267205 Universe City : Jaja.
2267206 Universe City : Do Spaniards and English people generally get along?
2267207 maestroandalu : Ya le vas cogiendo el acento a los británicos, jajaja
2267208 Universe City : Jijiji.
2267209 maestroandalu : Depends on the person, hahhaa
2267210 Universe City : Ahh, okay.
2267211 Universe City : :D
2267212 Universe City : There was a Spaniard that used come in here that would always call Jugador a "British bastard" for gagging him.
2267213 Universe City : I forgot his nick.
2267214 Universe City : Camote or something like that.
2267215 Jdawg78 : I got these great pizzas from Aldi.
2267216 Jdawg78 : Jalapeño poppers pizza.
2267217 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› Ugh.
2267218 Universe City : Sounds gross.
2267219 Jdawg78 : Gross_
2267220 Jdawg78 : ?
2267221 Universe City : Anything with jalapeños mixed with cheese grosses me out.
2267222 Jdawg78 : ¿de qué diablos estás hablando?
2267223 Universe City : Jaja.
2267224 Jdawg78 : eres un bicho raro.
2267225 maestroandalu : poppers?
2267226 Universe City : Jajaja.
2267227 maestroandalu : ¿Qué es eso?
2267228 Universe City : Como palomitas, creo.
2267229 Jdawg78 : Poppers are normally a jalapeño stuffed with cheese, cream or cheddar, then deep fried.
2267232 Jdawg78 : un chile relleno con queso y frito.
2267233 maestroandalu : con queso frito?
2267234 Jdawg78 : Pero la pizza tiene queso crema y mozzarella...
2267235 Jdawg78 : No, el ajo frito.
2267236 Jdawg78 : aji-
2267237 maestroandalu : crema de queso
2267238 Jdawg78 : www.dishbyrish.co.uk/2021...
2267239 Universe City : Cream cheese is quite delicious.
2267240 Universe City : Especially on beagles.
2267241 Universe City : :D