History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2267042 Universe City : ‹@Gary7› I'm only a legal resident but I will become a citizen in the near future.
2267043 Universe City : Which means I am legal.
2267044 Gary7 : when did you move to the US?
2267045 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› Mmm, no sé. Jaja.
2267047 Universe City : 1994.
2267048 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› Ahh, sí.
2267049 Gary7 : from Mexico?
2267050 Universe City : ‹@Gary7› Yep.
2267051 Gary7 : ahh ok
2267052 Gary7 : you can apply for citizenship then
2267053 Universe City : :)
2267054 maestroandalu : Y el sustantivo es endodoncia
2267055 Universe City : I will in the future.
2267057 maestroandalu : I do not know why I can not see the flags in the profiles
2267058 maestroandalu : I do not know where the users are
2267059 Universe City : I get the understanding that Europeans don't like immigration/immigrants.
2267060 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› Yeah, me neither.
2267061 maestroandalu : Another failure more from this peace of shit
2267062 maestroandalu : of place.
2267064 maestroandalu : Justin's created a place where we can speak in
2267065 maestroandalu : he's a genius
2267066 maestroandalu : Hi Scorpion
2267067 Universe City : I bet you "ScorpionN" is the Ch0lit069.
2267068 ScorpionN : ‹@maestroandalu› Hi
2267070 ScorpionN : I am new here
2267072 maestroandalu : Él dice que no
2267073 Universe City : You sound like Ch0lit069.
2267074 maestroandalu : Where are you Scorpion?
2267075 ScorpionN : Uhm..! Cholito?
2267076 maestroandalu : con ojos de sospecha
2267078 maestroandalu : Where are you from?
2267079 maestroandalu : sorry i missed from
2267080 ScorpionN : Live in NC
2267081 maestroandalu : north caroline?
2267083 Jdawg78 : Oh yeah, the discord server.
2267084 Jdawg78 : discord.gg/8EAHfmqgxR
2267085 maestroandalu : Practicing Spanish or simply chat?
2267086 Jdawg78 : Hola ScorpionN!
2267087 ScorpionN : What about you?
2267088 Universe City : I still think it's Ch0lit069.
2267089 ScorpionN : Well… I speak Spanish just practicing my English
2267090 maestroandalu : ¿Sabes más español que inglés?
2267091 ScorpionN : Universe I said… I am not cholito
2267092 Universe City : I'm still sleepy but I have to be somewhere at 12:30.
2267093 Universe City : ‹@ScorpionN› Right...
2267094 ScorpionN : Así es maestro
2267095 maestroandalu : I am here by two reasons. Helping and learning
2267096 maestroandalu : I am from Spain
2267097 maestroandalu : Andalucía
2267099 ScorpionN : Nice to meet you
2267100 ScorpionN : I was in Madrid on march
2267101 ScorpionN : Galicia ????
2267102 maestroandalu : Ahhh, ok
2267103 maestroandalu : Eres español?
2267104 ScorpionN : Love Toledo too
2267106 maestroandalu : I have not been in Toledo. I must be lovely
2267107 maestroandalu : American?
2267108 ScorpionN : Toledo es precioso, tienes que visitar
2267109 maestroandalu : I'd like it
2267110 Universe City : BRB.
2267111 maestroandalu : Ok. Macua
2267114 ScorpionN : I’m from Peru but I live here NC 20 years
2267115 maestroandalu : Ahhh, ok
2267116 maestroandalu : Then... how old are you?
2267118 maestroandalu : you have been living in NC for 20 years and come here for practicing English?
2267119 maestroandalu : Hell! you are the same old than me
2267120 Gary7 : see you guys
2267121 maestroandalu : See you man!
2267122 maestroandalu : I hope see you soon
2267123 ScorpionN : Maestro hahaha
2267124 maestroandalu : and speak each other
2267125 ScorpionN : Nunca dejas de aprender
2267126 maestroandalu : Po' no!
2267127 maestroandalu : Always learning!
2267128 maestroandalu : No te acostarás sin saber una cosa más.
2267129 ScorpionN : Muchos años atrás , practicaba mi inglés en este chat
2267130 maestroandalu : Are there many latins in NC?
2267131 maestroandalu : Me too
2267132 maestroandalu : I was spanishteacher
2267133 ScorpionN : Uhm… no really
2267134 Universe City : Okay, back.
2267135 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› I still think it's Ch0lit0. It sounds like him.
2267136 ScorpionN : Welcome back universe
2267137 Universe City : ‹@ScorpionN› Thanks.
2267138 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› Do you remember "Ch0lit069"?
2267139 ScorpionN : I am woman
2267140 Universe City : ‹@ScorpionN› A women with the nick "ScorpionN"?
2267141 Universe City : *woman