History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2266943 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2266944 Universe City : Hey, Lingo!
2266945 Universe City : ¡Hola, gente!
2266946 Universe City : BRB.
2266947 Universe City : Okay, back.
2266948 Jdawg78 : Mornin'.
2266949 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78›
2266950 Universe City : Good morning.
2266951 Universe City : My sister's ferret just went crazy trying to bite my leg.
2266953 Universe City : Back.
2266954 Universe City : Somebody was at the door and then my computer screen went blank.
2266955 Universe City : Had to restart it and then it made some updates.
2266956 Universe City : Took forever to log back on.
2266957 Universe City : I'm getting sleepy but I have to go somewhere at 12:30 PM.
2266959 Universe City : ¡Hola!
2266960 maestroandalu : do you know how's said I'm getting sleepy in Spanish?
2266961 Universe City : Me está dando sueño.
2266962 maestroandalu : Hi Gary
2266963 maestroandalu : Está bien
2266964 Gary7 : Hi maestro
2266965 maestroandalu : También hay más opciones
2266966 Universe City : :D
2266967 Universe City : ¡Hola, Gary!
2266968 maestroandalu : Me estoy quedando dormido
2266969 Gary7 : todo bien y tu?
2266970 maestroandalu : Me está entrando sueño
2266971 Gary7 : hey chuy
2266972 maestroandalu : Bien, Gary. Gracias por preguntar
2266973 Universe City : Sí,
2266974 Universe City : ‹@Gary7› ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?
2266975 Gary7 : soy engi
2266976 maestroandalu : Otra opción ... Me estoy quedando drogui
2266977 maestroandalu : Ahhhh, ok
2266978 Universe City : BRB.
2266979 Gary7 : uso un ordenador diferente
2266980 maestroandalu : Engi from Uk?
2266982 Gary7 : SW Londres
2266983 maestroandalu : Macua, you know I am here for helping
2266984 maestroandalu : and practicing English
2266985 maestroandalu : So long no see !!!
2266986 maestroandalu : ¡Qué de tiempo!
2266987 maestroandalu : ¿Dónde andas?
2266988 maestroandalu : No hay un Dios que te vea.
2266989 maestroandalu : ¿Cómo llevas el español Gary?
2266990 maestroandalu : Macua, aunque no se lo crea, no va mal.
2266991 maestroandalu : Gary is working
2266992 maestroandalu : Y Macua estará dormido
2266993 maestroandalu : or reading
2266994 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2266995 maestroandalu : Justin, you are working too
2266996 maestroandalu : cos' Macua is absent and Gary's working
2266997 Jdawg78 : Hoy no.
2266998 maestroandalu : how's it going in your jobs?
2266999 Gary7 : hey Jd
2267000 maestroandalu : Gary, I thought you were working
2267001 Universe City : Okay, back.
2267002 maestroandalu : and you could not answer
2267003 Gary7 : i am kind of
2267004 Gary7 : but got the sound on so I hear the beeps
2267005 maestroandalu : I did not want to bother you
2267006 Jdawg78 : I went to the dentist yesterday.
2267007 Universe City : ‹@Gary7› Sorry, I forgot who you were. How do you know I'm Chuy?
2267008 Gary7 : I am engi
2267009 Universe City : Ahh, okay.
2267010 maestroandalu : What did the dentist tell you?
2267011 Universe City : ‹@Gary7› You live in London, right?
2267012 Gary7 : just logged in with guest id cos I am on a different PC
2267014 maestroandalu : Gary... I asked you about your Spanish?
2267015 Universe City : Ahh, okay.
2267016 Universe City : How's it going? Long time no see.
2267017 Gary7 : have not been practicing too much
2267018 Universe City : Yeah, I'm here to learn Spanish too.
2267019 Gary7 : all good thanks
2267020 Jdawg78 : They recommended a tooth extraction.
2267021 Universe City : ‹@Gary7› That's always good to hear.
2267022 maestroandalu : Are not there any place in your city for practicing?
2267023 Jdawg78 : quieren sacarme un diente.
2267024 maestroandalu : Exchange language
2267025 Gary7 : we have a general election going on here
2267026 Gary7 : voing on ?July 4th
2267028 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› Pensé que ya te lo habían sacado.
2267029 Universe City : ‹@Gary7› Nope, I'm only a legal resident not a citizen yet so I can't vote.
2267030 Universe City : But we don't vote on July 4th, that's our independence day.
2267031 maestroandalu : Macua... tell me a synonym of "sacar" in this context.
2267032 Universe City : :D
2267034 Gary7 : here in the UK
2267035 Gary7 : we have a general election
2267036 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› ¿Han quitado?
2267037 Universe City : ‹@Gary7› Ahh, okay.
2267038 maestroandalu : Bien, another one
2267039 Gary7 : you are not a US citizen?
2267040 maestroandalu : more formal
2267041 Gary7 : i had not realised that