History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2337036 Travis : Appetite was great
2337037 Travis : Later, not so good
2337038 LOGINASGUEST10 : asi es la vida misma
2337039 LOGINASGUEST10 : i got loads of time pancita
2337041 Travis : I saw a local concert last week. A band called Royal Bliss
2337043 Travis : I got free tickets from the casino lol
2337044 LOGINASGUEST10 : por borrachin
2337046 Travis : nope, por Mr Cool :D
2337047 LOGINASGUEST10 : first word ever
2337048 LOGINASGUEST10 : i was drunk looool
2337050 Travis : Remember a band called Candlebox/
2337051 LOGINASGUEST10 : i ll turn on my speakers
2337052 Travis : They have his guitarist
2337053 Travis : Turn them on
2337056 Travis : You get Yankee slang :D
2337057 LOGINASGUEST10 : es melancolica
2337061 Travis : melancholica, como?
2337063 LOGINASGUEST10 : la anterior
2337064 Travis : I think you're high, sista!
2337066 LOGINASGUEST10 : jajajaj wait
2337067 LOGINASGUEST10 : this line
2337068 LOGINASGUEST10 : After 10, 000 beers and 28 years Finally figured it out It's about time I settle on down
2337070 LOGINASGUEST10 : si esta mirando para atras ,, es sorta melancolica
2337071 LOGINASGUEST10 : and then this one
2337072 Travis : Sounds like Mono Yoko but instead of beers it's soy shakes :D
2337073 Travis : Enter MonoGuapo :D
2337075 LOGINASGUEST10 : q malo
2337076 LOGINASGUEST10 : u always like happy music tho
2337078 Travis : Not all Pink Floyd is happy, B
2337079 Travis : jaja charade you are
2337080 LOGINASGUEST10 : jjajaj right ?
2337081 Travis : People think "Mother" is sweet
2337083 Travis : Uhm, no, listen to the words, Bozo
2337084 Travis : Mommy is another mason :D
2337085 LOGINASGUEST10 : Momma's gonna put all of her fears into you
2337086 LOGINASGUEST10 : wait my turn now
2337087 Travis : Mama, did it have to be so high????
2337088 Travis : OK, te toca a ti
2337089 LOGINASGUEST10 : una sad
2337090 LOGINASGUEST10 : didnt know they were a thing
2337092 Travis : They were a thing?
2337094 Travis : a ver.....
2337100 LOGINASGUEST10 : jajajajja estan loquitos
2337101 Travis : www.google.com/search
2337102 Travis : He has a winery in Arizona I think, out in the sticks
2337103 LOGINASGUEST10 : yeh i know when i first heard the band i got kind of obsessed
2337105 Travis : He's in a few other bands too
2337106 Travis : A Perfect Circle, blah blah
2337107 LOGINASGUEST10 : a perfect circle
2337108 LOGINASGUEST10 : and pusypher
2337110 Travis : I like Tool best
2337111 Travis : Danny Carey
2337112 LOGINASGUEST10 : yep me too
2337113 LOGINASGUEST10 : now ur turn
2337114 Travis : OK let me pull something out of my butt hmmmmm
2337120 LOGINASGUEST10 : a ver
2337121 LOGINASGUEST10 : enojado estaba sjjs
2337122 LOGINASGUEST10 : con la church
2337123 LOGINASGUEST10 : sounds good
2337124 Travis : Parece que si
2337125 Travis : It's odd, but you like quirky stuff
2337127 Travis : ese cantante tiene un pico de Yanqui
2337128 LOGINASGUEST10 : de que año es ?
2337129 LOGINASGUEST10 : looks like the 90 s
2337130 Travis : youtu.be/iVICRYqZOR0
2337131 Travis : 80's
2337132 Travis : early 80's
2337134 LOGINASGUEST10 : i love them live ans studio
2337135 Travis : Heart
2337136 LOGINASGUEST10 : hey i havent smoked for a whole week now
2337137 Travis : Are you sick?
2337138 Travis : Are we talking cigs or pot?
2337142 LOGINASGUEST10 : nop .. just thought i should
2337143 Travis : For Devil Boy lol
2337145 LOGINASGUEST10 : he got drunk couple times already
2337146 LOGINASGUEST10 : but thats how they do it here
2337148 Travis : Howdy Jackie O
2337149 CaptainJack : Hola Trav
2337151 CaptainJack : esty :p
2337152 LOGINASGUEST10 : sup cap
2337153 CaptainJack : Nada Verde , y tu?
2337159 CaptainJack : Presently flying an experimental aircraft, cross between an f117A and a blackbird. 958 nm to seville :)