History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2334579 Lynx : I'm not really sure what you mean by the belt in class
2334580 Travis : basura :D
2334581 Paolita2 : Por eso son panzones?
2334582 Travis : Corporal punishment
2334583 Lynx : being lashed by a belt?
2334584 Travis : If you misbehaved, the teacher would take off his belt and spank you with it, DJ
2334586 Travis : Brutal suckers lol
2334587 CaptainJack : They had special belts Trav
2334588 Lynx : medioevo rules?
2334589 Paolita2 : Deben hacer ejercicios
2334590 Travis : You needed a chastity belt
2334591 CaptainJack : leather , with two or three 'tails'
2334592 Travis : Pretty much
2334594 Paolita2 : Jaja Travis
2334595 CaptainJack : Lol trav,
2334596 CaptainJack : that made me laugh
2334597 Travis : admit it, you peed a little in your diaper
2334598 Lynx : what year are you referring to, Jack?
2334599 Travis : it's ok, we're all friends
2334600 CaptainJack : right up until 90's Lynx
2334601 Travis : Jack is in his 80th year, so do the math
2334602 Paolita2 : Justin estará paseando a su nueva mascota
2334603 Travis : We don't need no education
2334604 Travis : JD tiene otra gata?
2334605 CaptainJack : Pink Floyd
2334606 Paolita2 : Un perro
2334607 Travis : Ah ok
2334608 Travis : No lo sabia!
2334609 Lynx : www.youtube.com/watch
2334610 Paolita2 : Lo dijo ahora que entró
2334611 Travis : classic, Lynx
2334612 CaptainJack : I think the album was 'The Wall'?
2334614 Travis : Disc 1 side 1 lol
2334615 Paolita2 : Sí, la educación que hace iguales mentalmente a los estudiantes, y de paso unos inútiles la mayor parte del tiempo
2334616 CaptainJack : 33/45 or 78?
2334617 Lynx : shine on you crazy diamond is better :)
2334618 Travis : Wow Jack!
2334619 Travis : No one knows what you mean but I
2334620 Travis : Yes, all 9 parts, DJ
2334621 Travis : DEP Syd Barrett
2334622 Lynx : too much acid
2334624 Paolita2 : Supongo que la educación en España y USA es mejor que la nuestra
2334625 Travis : youtu.be/gZM1WQKwpl0
2334627 Travis : Lo dudo, Pao
2334628 CaptainJack : Vinyl won't come back unfortunately, no idea how the shops survive
2334629 Paolita2 : ‹@Travis› Pero debería ser mejor
2334630 CaptainJack : we have a 'record shop' in the centre
2334631 Travis : Vinyl is hot now, Jack, and has been for 10 years
2334632 Travis : Deberia ser mejor pero no lo es
2334633 Paolita2 : Y por qué no lo es?
2334634 CaptainJack : I still have a big stash of records in the loft, never play them
2334635 Travis : If you have original vinyls in good shape, you have a treasure
2334636 Travis : Por varias razones, Pao
2334637 Paolita2 : Mi papá tiene un montón de esos discos
2334638 Lynx : ‹@Paolita2› porque no están diseñados por especialistas con planes a largo plazo ... cambian según los gobiernos de turno
2334639 Travis : Sois ricos entonces!!!
2334640 Paolita2 : ‹@Lynx› Es cierto eso, gran error
2334641 Paolita2 : ‹@Travis› Qué tan ricos para venderlos? jaja
2334642 Lynx : the pig of the cover caused trouble nearby an airport, DJ
2334644 Travis : This whole album is underappreciated
2334645 Travis : All but one song are very long, so no radio play
2334646 CaptainJack : www.youtube.com/watch
2334647 CaptainJack : I like this lassies music
2334648 CaptainJack : her agent dropped her because of her lyrics
2334649 Lynx : I didn't know Iyah May
2334650 CaptainJack : She's a qualified doctor
2334651 CaptainJack : Australian I think
2334652 Travis : I didn't either, but this song makes you think. Which is strange since Cap put it up lol
2334653 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› Buena canción, gracias
2334654 Travis : Pick a tribe and hate the other side lol
2334655 Travis : The world we live in
2334656 CaptainJack : Really like her lyrics
2334657 Paolita2 : ‹@Travis› Sí
2334658 CaptainJack : de nada Paolita
2334659 Paolita2 : Ese es nuestro mundo
2334661 Travis : youtu.be/bUmKUWzbDxg
2334662 Travis : Asi es, Pao
2334663 Paolita2 : Pero creo que, siempre hubo caos en este planeta
2334665 Lynx : www.youtube.com/watch
2334666 CaptainJack : hubo caos?
2334667 Travis : No Gallagher?
2334668 Travis : This planet has always been chaotic, Jack
2334669 Travis : I like it, Lynx
2334670 CaptainJack : We are slowly losing our humanity I think
2334671 Paolita2 : ‹@Lynx› Ahora ya no queremos a los inmigrantes colombianos tampoco jaja son lo mismo que los venezolanos
2334672 Lynx : Gallagher has joined Noel back forming Oasis
2334673 Travis : Oasis segunda parte :D
2334674 CaptainJack : Lynxito likes the guitar :D
2334675 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› Si alguna vez lo tuvimos
2334676 CaptainJack : The tickets for Oasis were crazy
2334677 Travis : $500 or a 2-liter bottle of water
2334678 Lynx : sold out