History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2334479 CaptainJack : The sewer?
2334481 Travis : Alcala, Madrid and Leon mostly
2334482 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› Sí, porque en algunos pueblos te hablarán en quechua jajaja
2334483 CaptainJack : not been to Alcala
2334484 Travis : Valladolid briefly
2334485 Travis : It's the birthplace of Cervantes, Jack
2334486 Lynx : León and Madrid ... big contrast :)
2334487 Paolita2 : Pero la gente , a veces, habla en quechua como broma también
2334488 Travis : Leon is nice
2334489 Lynx : yes but more quiet
2334490 Travis : No sabemos quechua, Pao
2334491 Travis : Yes, I loved Leon
2334492 CaptainJack : Humour is the best always Paolita , in all languages
2334493 Paolita2 : Pero hay gente que traduce de muy buena voluntad
2334494 Travis : And was close enough to Burgos
2334495 CaptainJack : I liked Leon too
2334496 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› Sí que lo es
2334497 CaptainJack : Never went to Burgos
2334498 Travis : Pretty cathedral in Burgos
2334499 Travis : I like it more than the more famous one in Leon
2334500 Travis : Both on the Camino de Santiago
2334501 CaptainJack : Yes, that's another bucket list ideal Trav
2334502 Travis : The Camino?
2334503 Paolita2 : Tupananchiskama, amigos
2334505 Travis : Don't wait too long, old fella
2334506 Travis : Hmm, Pao
2334507 CaptainJack : I think it will be a retirement thing
2334508 Lynx : qué quiere decir, Paolita?
2334509 Travis : Exacto, Lynx
2334510 Paolita2 : Significca: hasta que nos encontremos otra vez
2334511 CaptainJack : What does that mean Paolita?
2334512 Travis : It's a long walk, even for youngsters, Cap
2334513 Paolita2 : Es una despedida
2334514 Lynx : it's a farewell
2334515 Travis : Te vas, Paolita?
2334516 Paolita2 : Todavía
2334517 CaptainJack : Ahh, you run?
2334518 CaptainJack : :P
2334519 Travis : omg Jack let it go
2334520 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› No aún
2334521 CaptainJack : I was joking Trav, lol
2334522 Travis : No one here will stay 8 hours but you :D
2334523 Travis : THIS time you were joking'
2334524 Travis : It's your MO of a dozen years jaja
2334525 CaptainJack : well, boring being the last man standing?
2334527 CaptainJack : Thanks for sharing that info Paolita
2334528 Travis : DJ have you heard from April?
2334529 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› De nada
2334530 Lynx : I have not
2334531 CaptainJack : It means a lot to share local knowledge or knowledge not so widely known
2334532 Travis : She has abandoned us
2334533 Lynx : does she pop up in here?
2334534 CaptainJack : April?
2334535 Travis : Rarely, she's on Whattsapp
2334536 Travis : Yes, Jack
2334537 CaptainJack : She was mostly just here during the days
2334538 Travis : Another Andalu
2334539 Lynx : what about Naboman?
2334540 Travis : ST, April, Lynx
2334541 Travis : I chatted with him a few days ago
2334542 Travis : He gave me his phone number in case I ever go Whattsapp lol
2334543 Lynx : I hope he didn't draw his sword
2334544 Travis : He wants to learn English from an American, none of this UK nonsense lol
2334546 Travis : Funnnyyyyyy DJ
2334547 CaptainJack : Sounds like he has given up, lol
2334548 Travis : After reading you, naturally Jack :D
2334549 CaptainJack : I'm scottish, not English :)
2334550 Lynx : he's good and patient at teaching
2334551 Travis : Same difference
2334552 CaptainJack : It's a foreign language forced on us
2334553 Lynx : but don't piss him off ...
2334554 Travis : Estoy de acuerdo, DJ
2334556 Travis : I've never seen him angry, Lynx
2334557 CaptainJack : he will give the belt Lynx?
2334558 Paolita2 : Ingleses vs Escoceses
2334559 CaptainJack : Here,(UK) the teachers gave the belt, if you annoyed them
2334560 Travis : Idiotas, los dos jaja
2334561 Lynx : except when talking andaluz, DJ .... he gets on your nerves lol
2334562 CaptainJack : no, solo el ingles Trav
2334564 Travis : You're a violent lot
2334565 Lynx : ‹@CaptainJack› omg that sounds so extreme
2334566 Travis : Yes, he's proud of his dialect, but I understand little
2334567 CaptainJack : only when invaded Trav :)
2334568 Travis : Well you were vulnerable sissies, Jack
2334570 CaptainJack : It wasn't Lynx, we actually had competitions to see who could get the most belt in a class. lol
2334571 Travis : I hear your belt has gotten longer and longer over time, Jack
2334572 Lynx : did you ever get marked back home?
2334573 CaptainJack : We were sold out by those for sure Trav, any still pay a heavy price
2334574 Travis : Hard to believe with the stuff you call "food" there
2334575 CaptainJack : Marched back home Lynx?
2334576 Travis : I wouldn't feed that to a hamster
2334577 Paolita2 : Jajaja tan mal comen?