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2334379 CaptainJack : green table.. Mesa Verde?
2334380 Travis : The second is a different place, Chaco Canyon
2334381 Paolita2 : Había un guía turístico en mi ciudad que hacía guías a esos restos, pero murió cuando hacía alpinismo en el nevado de mi ciudad
2334382 CaptainJack : It;s three to four days climbing Paolita?
2334384 Lynx : el gran cañón del Colorado
2334385 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› Sí tienes buen físico
2334386 Travis : No one know of it, but everyone has heard of Machu Picchu
2334387 Travis : Captain is anciano, un fosil viviente
2334388 CaptainJack : I take it you have to camp in a tent on the way?
2334389 Lynx : has estado en las Rocky Mountains, DJ?
2334390 Paolita2 : Mejor que no vaya si es así jaja
2334391 CaptainJack : There are no helicopter tours? :D
2334392 Travis : No, just check into a Marriott Hotel every night, Jack lol
2334393 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› Los guías llevan todo lo que los turistas necesitan
2334394 Travis : Vivo en las Rocky Mountains, DJ
2334395 Lynx : oh, disculpa mi ignorancia lol
2334396 CaptainJack : The rockies are in Canada Trav?
2334397 Travis : The Wasatch Front section of the Rockies
2334398 Travis : In Canada and the US, maybe even a bit in Mexico
2334399 Travis : The Canadian Rockies are beautiful
2334400 Travis : www.google.com/search
2334401 Travis : I can drive my car to this mountain in 15 minutes
2334402 CaptainJack : I have a scots friend that lives there that invited me but didn't go. He has canadian citizenship but just bought a house in Spain
2334403 Lynx : very nice
2334404 Travis : The glacial lakes near Banff National Park and Jasper National Park in Canada are incredible
2334405 Travis : You went to the Picos de Europa a few years ago, DJ
2334406 Paolita2 : Solo 15 minutos wow
2334407 Paolita2 : Está bello
2334408 Travis : My casa esta cerquita :D
2334409 Paolita2 : Hermoso paisaje el que debes de tner
2334410 Travis : Mi*
2334411 Paolita2 : Tener*
2334412 CaptainJack : It must be at the bottom of your drive Trav :D
2334413 CaptainJack : 15 minutes :D
2334414 Travis : Not sure I understand your attempted humor, Cap lol
2334415 Lynx : ‹@Travis› nope, I was intended to go but I didn't in the end
2334416 Paolita2 : Yo vivo rumbo al nevado también jaja pero se ve, pero está lejos de mi casa
2334417 Travis : You had to work, Lynx?
2334418 Paolita2 : Llegaría en una hora, tal vez, no lo sé
2334419 Travis : Vives en la sierra, Pao
2334420 Lynx : I changed my plans
2334421 Paolita2 : Sí
2334422 Paolita2 : En la sierra
2334424 Travis : DJ bah
2334425 Travis : Una hora por coche no es mucho, Paolita
2334426 Travis : en coche*
2334427 Lynx : I must do it!
2334428 Paolita2 : No, pero solo hemos llegado a la base del nevado
2334429 Travis : Yep, no more procrastinating!
2334430 Travis : No sois pinguinos, Pao?
2334431 Paolita2 : La vez que fuimos en gri¿upo de amigos no teníamos la ropa adecuada para avanzar más
2334432 CaptainJack : What are you working at Lynx?
2334433 Paolita2 : Grupo*
2334434 Travis : He's an assassin, Jack. Stop asking personal questions lol
2334435 Paolita2 : ‹@Travis› No jaja hacía mucho frío
2334436 Paolita2 : Está a más de 5,550 mts sobre el nivel del mar
2334437 Lynx : ‹@CaptainJack› electrification project
2334438 Travis : Wow, Pao
2334439 Paolita2 : Hay que ir con vestimenta especial
2334440 CaptainJack : What are you going to Electrigy Lynx?
2334441 Lynx : como un sherpa
2334443 Travis : o Papa Noel
2334444 Travis : un yeti
2334445 Lynx : ‹@CaptainJack› it's a PV plant that supplies to an infraestructure
2334446 Travis : He's an eel, Jack
2334447 Lynx : el niño de Atocha
2334449 Travis : sin zapatos
2334450 Lynx : I was in Madrid at Xmas.... so crowded
2334451 CaptainJack : no shoes?
2334452 Travis : Prefiero la parada de Atocha, eso basta!
2334453 Lynx : I felt stressful
2334454 CaptainJack : Not a fan of Madrid, do you like it there?
2334455 Travis : El Nino de Atocha doesn't have shoes, Cap
2334456 Travis : I love Madrid
2334457 Lynx : I like Madrid to pay a visit ... not my residence
2334458 Travis : I understand
2334459 Travis : Do you remember Hector?
2334460 Travis : Barcelona is crowded too
2334461 CaptainJack : years ago?
2334462 Travis : Large cities seem to be crowded :D
2334463 Lynx : Hector an old user?
2334464 Travis : Hector was a mod here
2334465 Travis : Yes, DJ, maybe before your time
2334466 CaptainJack : Small villages are better I think, but no one talks to you
2334467 Travis : He was from Madrid, lived near the Chamartin metro stop
2334468 Travis : No one talks to you for a reason, Jack
2334469 Travis : Don't open your mouth and wear a deodorant
2334470 CaptainJack : True, lol
2334471 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› Acá en Perú, la gente es muy habladora, más en los pequeños pueblos
2334472 Travis : Mejor asi, Pao
2334473 CaptainJack : I always smell good Trav :)
2334474 Paolita2 : Sí
2334475 Travis : Yes, a variety of spilled beers all over your shirt in various stages of drying
2334476 CaptainJack : I need to improve my spanish I think for Peru, most wont know English?
2334477 Travis : Some hobos may find that sexy
2334478 Lynx : where did you use to live in Spain, DJ?