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2334280 Paolita2 : De seguro nunca han probado el ají peruano con queso
2334282 Paolita2 : Mejor dicho el rocoto con queso y hierbas
2334284 Paolita2 : Es una delicia
2334285 Lynx : I've just tried some cheeses from Spain, French and Italy
2334288 CaptainJack : Which was the best ?
2334289 Travis : He's Spanish, Jack lol
2334290 Travis : Geez, I wonder
2334291 CaptainJack : well here they say French Cheese is best
2334292 Lynx : they're all good
2334293 Travis : Yeah, but Scotland isn't exactly a culinary wonder
2334294 CaptainJack : We have Burns night coming up soon
2334295 CaptainJack : Good Old Haggis, Neeps and tatties :)
2334296 Travis : A dead poet, nice!
2334297 Lynx : such a drama the wildfires in LA, DJ
2334298 CaptainJack : America has a traditional dish?
2334299 Travis : oh brother, like bangers and mash and Yorkshire pudding. I'll quietly leave out the back door before they're served
2334300 Travis : Yes, DJ, a shame!
2334301 CaptainJack : You would struggle with two teeth Trav anyway :)
2334302 Travis : Too bad they don't do basic forest maintenance and have ridiculous leaders and policies
2334303 Travis : True, Jack, but I'm persistent
2334304 Travis : If there's a will, there's a way
2334305 Travis : Paolita.......?
2334306 Paolita2 : Dicen que ha sido provocado esos incendios en LA
2334307 CaptainJack : Paolita is from Peru?
2334308 Travis : No estoy seguro, Pao
2334309 Lynx : nobody cares about that and there's too much "eco protectionism"
2334310 Travis : Ask her, Jack
2334311 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› Sí
2334312 Lynx : lack of forestry management
2334313 Travis : Exactly, Lynx
2334314 Travis : It's not climate change
2334315 Travis : It's fools pretending to be leaders
2334316 Paolita2 : Está bien cuidar el medio ambiente, pero no al extremo que lo llevan las políticas progres
2334318 Travis : Wow, Lynx and I agree lol
2334319 Travis : The hydrants had no water
2334320 CaptainJack : I most likely will go to Peru this year, Machu pichu, another one of the bucket list. Anyone been?
2334321 Paolita2 : Nos quieren pobres, no quieren minería, no quieren agricultura, qué quieren? Que muramos de hambre y pobreza?
2334322 Travis : They drained a reservoir weeks ago
2334323 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› Me alegra que puedas conocerlo
2334324 Lynx : I would like to visit Machu Pichu
2334325 Travis : They worry about the Delta Smelt fish that no one cares about and divert all the water into the Pacific Ocean
2334326 Travis : Crazy!
2334327 Travis : Not I, Jack, but sounds fun
2334328 CaptainJack : I heard that on the news Trav, mad!
2334329 Travis : I would too, DJ
2334330 Lynx : I'm also having a look at Asian places... such as Cambodia or Vietnam
2334331 Lynx : exotic holidays :D
2334332 Travis : No, liberals!!!
2334333 Travis : Angar Wat :D
2334334 CaptainJack : Looking at tours is confusing, will take a bit of research I think
2334335 Travis : Worth planning ahead you two
2334336 Travis : Book a flight when the prices are cheaper
2334337 CaptainJack : They sound good too Lynx, I'd like to go there
2334338 CaptainJack : I'd have gone to thailand but it has a bad rep
2334339 CaptainJack : beaches look amazing
2334340 Lynx : I was in Switzerland before Xmas, and it's really beautiful
2334341 Travis : Yeah, you're not a pedo, Jack lol
2334342 CaptainJack : Snow?
2334343 Travis : Now an eye for the lady boys may be your thing????
2334344 Travis : Switzerland is beautiful, yes
2334345 Travis : I haven't been there in a LONG time
2334346 CaptainJack : The lady boys actually look quite good! I bet a few have been caught out going there!
2334347 Lynx : no snow
2334348 Travis : You guys are lucky to be in Europe already
2334349 Lynx : it's so expensive though
2334350 CaptainJack : I have about 50mm of snow in my garden at the moment
2334351 Paolita2 : ‹@Lynx› Hay otro monumento histórico más grande que Machu Pichu, están en plena limpieza, pero ya se puede visitar
2334352 Travis : lol Jack
2334353 CaptainJack : Switzerland is expensive?
2334354 Lynx : ‹@Paolita2› cuál es?
2334356 Paolita2 : www.peru.travel/es/atract...
2334357 Lynx : yes, Jack
2334358 CaptainJack : Hotels/food etc?
2334360 Paolita2 : ‹@Lynx› Tienes que tener excelente estado físico para ir, no es tan sencillo
2334361 Travis : omg that's cool, Pao
2334362 CaptainJack : Thanks Paolita, I've saved that
2334363 Paolita2 : ‹@Travis› Sí que lo es
2334364 Paolita2 : ‹@CaptainJack› De nada
2334366 CaptainJack : How much does it cost for a meal and drink/beer?
2334367 Lynx : el paisaje es muy bonito, Paolita
2334368 Paolita2 : ‹@Lynx› Sí, está en ceja de selva
2334369 CaptainJack : I went to watch a local football game today, Ross County v Celtic , it was -5 degrees
2334370 Travis : www.google.com/search
2334371 CaptainJack : That's almost as cold as Trav's Corazon , jajaj
2334372 Paolita2 : ‹@Travis› Preciosas esas fotos
2334373 Lynx : it looks like an old town grabbed into the rock, DJ
2334374 Travis : www.google.com/search
2334375 CaptainJack : Wish I had travelled more when I was younger
2334376 Travis : Closest thing we have to what you're sharing, Pao
2334377 Travis : lol DJ
2334378 Paolita2 : www.youtube.com/watch