History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2333379 Jdawg78 : I learned that the girl is Andy McDowell's daughter.
2333381 Jdawg78 : Now I can see the resembelence.
2333382 Travis : Never seen one, Mateo
2333383 Jdawg78 : ‹@CaptainJack› Aging celebrity takes this substance that makes her a young version of herself...of course things go wrong.
2333384 Travis : About staying young forever, Jack with experimental injections
2333385 Travis : Looks like her, yeah
2333387 CaptainJack : i was born old
2333388 Jaenette2 : Ya no entiendo nada
2333389 Travis : You had a bad heart and clogged arteries in the birth canal
2333390 CaptainJack : you guys are catching up :0
2333391 Travis : Lo siento, Jaen
2333392 Travis : Podemos hablar en espanol
2333393 CaptainJack : i had dna that i love
2333394 Jdawg78 : One of my coworkers passed away a few days ago.
2333395 Jaenette2 : ‹@Travis› No, está bien, es solo que me perdí en la conversación
2333396 Travis : That sucketh
2333397 CaptainJack : sorry to hear that jd
2333398 Travis : No hemos hablado de nada de importancia :D
2333399 Jdawg78 : It was a surprise too. he was one of my dollar general regular customers too.
2333400 Jaenette2 : ‹@Jdawg78› Que pena :(
2333401 CaptainJack : thats fake as fuk
2333402 Travis : You draw people in like the Pied Piper of Moline
2333403 Jdawg78 : I don't live there anymore.
2333404 Jdawg78 : I just moved.
2333405 Travis : Either do the rats
2333406 CaptainJack : jd, you couldny buy a heart
2333407 Jaenette2 : Pero todos nos moriremos
2333408 Jdawg78 : I'm in Port Byron now.
2333409 CaptainJack : so sad
2333410 Travis : Neither*
2333411 Jdawg78 : I play to live forever.
2333412 Travis : Jack goes into hurtful mode when he needs to use the toilet
2333413 Jdawg78 : So far, so good.
2333414 CaptainJack : no its true
2333415 CaptainJack : dollar general
2333416 Travis : Even the Tin Man got a heart
2333417 CaptainJack : a basic buyer?
2333418 Travis : Dollar General, not exactly a luxury supplier, Jack
2333419 Jaenette2 : Hola, Patricia
2333420 Travis : Hola Pat
2333421 Patricia : Hola Jaenette
2333422 CaptainJack : not hurting anyone
2333423 CaptainJack : just saying what i think
2333424 Patricia : por que ahora tenes el número 2?
2333425 Patricia : Hola Travis
2333426 Jdawg78 : Hola Patricia!
2333427 Jaenette2 : ‹@Patricia› Cómo estás? No te veo desde al año pasado, feliz año!
2333428 Patricia : Hola Jd
2333429 Patricia : Feliz año para vos tambien Jaenette
2333430 Travis : youtu.be/1DEGl_5cWTI
2333431 Jaenette2 : ‹@Patricia› Porque perdí el nick anterior por estar husmeando las herrameintas del chat
2333432 Jaenette2 : ‹@Patricia› Gracias
2333433 Patricia : Estoy esperando los reyes jajja
2333434 Travis : Los reyes magos?
2333435 Travis : Ah si, el 6 de enero
2333436 Jaenette2 : ‹@Patricia› Qué te van a traer de regalo?
2333437 CaptainJack : pat is one of the bad ones
2333438 Travis : Jack gets coal
2333439 CaptainJack : pops in and out
2333440 CaptainJack : as if a fairy
2333441 Travis : Esta trabajando, Cap
2333442 CaptainJack : but doesnt interact
2333443 Travis : Por eso, sale y viene con frecuencia
2333444 Travis : Use a stronger deodorant
2333445 CaptainJack : es mal
2333446 Travis : That should help
2333447 CaptainJack : no pat should b real
2333448 Jaenette2 : Ya es tarde, me voy a dormir, hasta mañana a todos
2333449 Travis : youtu.be/xDS3lfsa8gE
2333450 CaptainJack : now all wil run
2333451 Jaenette2 : ‹@Travis› ‹@Jdawg78› ‹@Patricia› ‹@CaptainJack› hasta mañana
2333452 Travis : Adios Jaen, que duermas bien!!!
2333453 Jaenette2 : ‹@Travis› Gracias, igualmente
2333457 CaptainJack : see , lol
2333458 CaptainJack : grim music
2333460 Travis : Everyone is a critic
2333461 Travis : Relax, don't be so anal, son
2333462 Travis : youtu.be/UEHwO_UEp7A
2333463 Travis : JD talks less than a deaf mute
2333465 Jdawg78 : I'm considering turning the heat down.
2333466 Jdawg78 : Just not sure if I want to get up to do it.
2333467 CaptainJack : I am relaxed
2333468 Travis : That's exciting JD lol
2333469 CaptainJack : nice guitar
2333470 Jdawg78 : Yeah. I'm laying down right now. Got the chat floating above my head.
2333471 Travis : Thx for keeping us up to the minute :D
2333472 Jdawg78 : Got a youtube window floating next to it.
2333474 Jdawg78 : This mixed reality is pretty effing cool.
2333475 Travis : You're tripping on nutmeg again
2333476 Travis : Great song, Jack
2333477 Travis : It gets better :D
2333478 CaptainJack : trav, sometimes your heart defies your syntax :p