History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2333078 Travis : So fragile :D
2333079 CaptainJack : nO IT WAS AT WORK tRAV
2333080 Travis : Probably have a glass jaw to boot
2333081 CaptainJack : No it was at work Trav
2333082 Jaenette2 : ‹@el mono real 1› Seguro te dijo algunas verdades y lo tomaste a mal
2333083 CaptainJack : Lobster, prawn and crab
2333084 el mono real 1 : She made fun of my Spanish, Little Girl
2333085 Travis : You're the 2025 version of Amelia Earhart, Jackie
2333086 CaptainJack : Pirate food :p
2333087 Jaenette2 : ‹@el mono real 1› O la molestaste?
2333088 el mono real 1 : She thought it was a big joke that I used the wrong word in a sentence
2333089 CaptainJack : I crashed at sumburgh yesterday, fog!
2333091 Travis : You've mocked my Spanish too, Mono :D
2333092 Travis : Don't be such a pansy :D
2333093 Jaenette2 : ‹@el mono real 1› Qué palabra fue?
2333094 el mono real 1 : When?
2333095 Travis : Several times
2333096 Travis : But it's not a big deal, it's a chatroom
2333097 CaptainJack : nothing is a big deal here, unless folk play god
2333098 Travis : Did everyone enjoy Christmas?
2333099 el mono real 1 : So much for women being the compassionate, caring gender. They are just as spiteful as men, if not more so.
2333100 CaptainJack : not at my work trav, no lol
2333101 Travis : Here we go, 2025 edition lol
2333102 Jaenette2 : ‹@Travis› Yo sí, mucho
2333103 el mono real 1 : I am fat now, Travis
2333104 Jaenette2 : Fue una linda navidad como siempre
2333105 Travis : Atta girl, Jaen
2333106 CaptainJack : jan would say that
2333107 el mono real 1 : Lots of puddin
2333108 Travis : You're a butterball, Mono?
2333109 el mono real 1 : I am strong, but I am getting a belly
2333110 Travis : Yes, she's an upbeat young woman, Jack Sprat
2333111 Travis : It's called "middle age"
2333112 Travis : And your breath doesn't count for strength haha
2333113 Travis : jk Mono
2333114 el mono real 1 : I'm not even close to half-way yet.
2333115 Travis : The hell you're not
2333116 Jaenette2 : ‹@el mono real 1› Los hombres gordos nos e ven bien
2333117 Jaenette2 : no ven*
2333118 Jaenette2 : No se ven*
2333119 Travis : You're like a woman, forever 29 even at age 60
2333120 CaptainJack : are not?
2333121 el mono real 1 : I don't eat pizzas and hotdogs, like they do in Trumpland
2333122 Travis : No, you eat kale and soy, and your soon-to-be C-cup will not be denied much longer
2333123 el mono real 1 : My body is nourished with only the purist of ingredients
2333124 CaptainJack : i think it's 21 trav
2333126 el mono real 1 : Women are attracted to large men, Little girl
2333127 Travis : My mom was 29 for 30 years
2333128 CaptainJack : here we say . 21 again'
2333129 Jaenette2 : Pero no los panzones, la wata es fea en los hombres
2333131 CaptainJack : la wata?
2333132 Jaenette2 : Wata es panza en quechua
2333133 Jaenette2 : Acá no decimos barriga ni panza, decimos wata
2333134 CaptainJack : ingles por favor lol
2333135 Travis : Belly, Jack
2333136 CaptainJack : thanks trav
2333137 el mono real 1 : I can picture the little girl marrying a large American
2333138 Travis : That flabby tire you have above and below your navel
2333139 el mono real 1 : A gordo
2333141 Jaenette2 : No me gustan los watones
2333142 Travis : lol Jaen
2333143 el mono real 1 : With plenty of "wata"
2333144 Jaenette2 : ‹@Travis› Es cierto jajaja
2333145 Jaenette2 : ‹@el mono real 1› Vas a aprender algo de quechua con las peruanas
2333146 el mono real 1 : When I was in Spain, I saw a man having a heart attack
2333147 CaptainJack : you bought him a drink?
2333148 el mono real 1 : He had collapsed at the top of a hill, at the entrance to a cathedral
2333149 el mono real 1 : They were giving him CPR
2333150 Travis : God must not have accepted his confession
2333151 Travis : Not enough genuflecting
2333152 Jaenette2 : ‹@Travis› Tú sabes dar resucitación? Yo no sé
2333153 el mono real 1 : A couple of ambulances arrived
2333154 Travis : Claro, Jaen
2333155 el mono real 1 : We left, and then came back later
2333156 el mono real 1 : When we got back, there was a stretcher with a sheet wrapped over it
2333157 el mono real 1 : He had died
2333158 Jaenette2 : ‹@Travis› Es fácil aprenderlo?
2333160 el mono real 1 : He was a large, American tourist
2333161 Travis : Si, Jaen
2333162 Jaenette2 : ‹@el mono real 1› Pobre hombre
2333163 Travis : I knew it lol
2333164 el mono real 1 : Yes. It was very sad
2333165 Travis : All that just to smear America, well played
2333167 Travis : But sadly, quite repetitive
2333168 el mono real 1 : I'm not that shallow, please
2333169 Travis : The Macua of Australia
2333170 CaptainJack : trav wilshock himself to life on his death bed, knowing the pirate could win :p
2333171 Travis : What are you attempting to say, Jack
2333172 Travis : English please
2333173 el mono real 1 : Little girl, I will give you mouth-to-mouth
2333174 CaptainJack : that .. in english. you like to win?
2333176 Jaenette2 : ‹@el mono real 1› Ya empezaste a decir totnerías
2333177 Travis : Why are you phrasing that in the form of a question?