History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2332978 Jaenette2 : Entendí mal?
2332980 CaptainJack : you don't know me to think it
2332981 Jaenette2 : Hay de todo , supongo
2332983 Jaenette2 : Olvidé que te gusta las bromas
2332984 CaptainJack : aqui , all feel hurt if you don't say they are the best, it's the weakness of elitists
2332985 Jaenette2 : En dónde? En Escocia ?
2332986 CaptainJack : no aqui
2332987 CaptainJack : la sala
2332988 CaptainJack : de jugs
2332989 Jaenette2 : En este chat
2332990 CaptainJack : y JD
2332992 Jaenette2 : No sé quiénes pueden ser los mejores
2332993 Jaenette2 : Te refieres mejores en el dominio del inglés y del castellano?
2332994 CaptainJack : castellan?
2332995 Jaenette2 : El castellano es el español
2332996 CaptainJack : they have something?
2332997 CaptainJack : :p
2332998 CaptainJack : si yo sabes
2332999 CaptainJack : they play bagpipes
2333000 CaptainJack : eat black pudding
2333001 CaptainJack : its why the scots backed them to be free from spain
2333002 Jaenette2 : No sabía
2333003 CaptainJack : the celtic connection
2333004 Jaenette2 : No sé mucho del continente europeo
2333005 Jaenette2 : Ni su historia ni de sus problemas
2333006 CaptainJack : www.youtube.com/watch
2333007 CaptainJack : :p
2333008 Jaenette2 : Que interesante esa similitud
2333009 Jaenette2 : No sabía de eso tampoco
2333010 CaptainJack : its not a good vid
2333011 Jaenette2 : por qué no?
2333012 CaptainJack : www.youtube.com/watch
2333013 CaptainJack : es mejor?
2333014 el mono real 1 : Oh, hello stinky users
2333017 CaptainJack : its the spanish that don't wash :p
2333018 Jaenette2 : ‹@CaptainJack› Nunca había escuchado ese tipo de música
2333019 el mono real 1 : How was Spain, Pirate?
2333020 CaptainJack : when?
2333021 el mono real 1 : Did you see lots of breasts on the beach?
2333022 CaptainJack : Been ther a lot, lol
2333023 CaptainJack : only on the spanish guys
2333024 el mono real 1 : You were there in September, I think
2333025 el mono real 1 : Spanish people are in very good shape. There are no fatties in Spain
2333026 CaptainJack : seville?
2333027 CaptainJack : spanish look more to their shape than their heart
2333028 el mono real 1 : (I think he is drunk again)
2333029 CaptainJack : why?
2333030 CaptainJack : you judge?
2333031 el mono real 1 : Yes. Why not?
2333032 el mono real 1 : Everybody judges
2333033 CaptainJack : ok, i say you are green, know nothing and hide your identity because you are a false person
2333034 CaptainJack : so being false, nothing you say is real
2333035 el mono real 1 : Little girl, nice to see you again
2333036 CaptainJack : you just seek attention?
2333037 el mono real 1 : Travis, where are you?
2333038 Jaenette2 : ‹@el mono real 1› Hola
2333039 CaptainJack : travis is laughing for sure
2333040 CaptainJack : he hides from me
2333041 el mono real 1 : Everybody knows who I am, Pirate
2333042 CaptainJack : because he loses each discussion
2333043 CaptainJack : do you know who you are ?
2333044 el mono real 1 : The only secrets I keep are my age and my penis size
2333045 el mono real 1 : (it's very large)
2333046 el mono real 1 : I was hoping Chuy would be back by now
2333047 CaptainJack : happy birthday
2333048 el mono real 1 : He's had a little break now, now it's time to get back to the chatroom
2333049 CaptainJack : chuy is dodgy
2333050 CaptainJack : everyone said he was mal
2333051 Travis : Hola, sorry was doing a jigsaw puzzle
2333052 el mono real 1 : Chuy liked to believe that everyone was racist against him
2333054 CaptainJack : mac?
2333055 Jaenette2 : ‹@Travis› Hola
2333056 el mono real 1 : He liked to play the race card
2333057 Travis : You were his favorite white supremacist, Matt
2333058 Travis : Hola Jaen
2333060 Travis : Without playing the race card, what did he have?
2333061 CaptainJack : an identity?
2333062 Jaenette2 : Decía que se sentía mal por haber isnultado a otra peruana, creo era Helen o algo así
2333064 el mono real 1 : It was sometimes easier to give him what he wanted
2333065 Jaenette2 : Insultado*
2333066 el mono real 1 : Helena can be quite nasty
2333067 Travis : You're a bigger sellout than I thought :D
2333068 CaptainJack : you are all selouts
2333069 CaptainJack : sell outs
2333071 CaptainJack : praying at the god el jug
2333073 Jaenette2 : ‹@el mono real 1› Por qué dices eso?
2333074 Travis : How was your Christmas, Jack. Pickled I bet :D
2333075 el mono real 1 : I have forgiven Helena for her indiscretions
2333077 el mono real 1 : But she was quite rude to me