History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2331870 el mono real 1 : Yep, a real hero
2331871 el mono real 1 : The truth is, stinky dog, far more men are murdered than women.
2331872 Gatodelicioso : i would emplore you to take a social justice class and really see what happens and what the other side is like. The one you are barking against
2331873 Gatodelicioso : here we go again, dummy logic.
2331874 Gatodelicioso : how many by women again mono?
2331875 el mono real 1 : A man walking down the street it 3 times more likely to be physically attacked
2331876 Gatodelicioso : can you pull those stats for me? The perventages
2331877 el mono real 1 : "dummy logic" is name calling
2331878 el mono real 1 : Look it up for yourself
2331879 el mono real 1 : I don't just make figures up, unlike you
2331880 Gatodelicioso : its insulting the argument, not the person saying it. B avefwge university level logic program here so do t try it
2331881 el mono real 1 : Well, explain yourself instead of name calling
2331882 el mono real 1 : "B avefwge university level logic program here so do t try it"
2331883 el mono real 1 : Doesn't even make sense that sentence
2331884 el mono real 1 : If you don't like the logic, explain why it is flawed. "dummy logic" is simply name calling.
2331885 Gatodelicioso : Im not on a keyboard and have huge hands. And fists. Acceot the typos and get over it. Also studied kickboxing in thailand so mind your manners
2331887 el mono real 1 : Wow, now he's physically threatening someone in a chatroom
2331888 el mono real 1 : A real hero
2331889 Gatodelicioso : you want an explanation why your argument is not sound?
2331890 el mono real 1 : Not really, Stinky dog
2331891 el mono real 1 : I was just killing time waiting for someone else to arrive
2331892 Gatodelicioso : lets see if we can break it down into childrens math for you...
2331893 el mono real 1 : I've wasted enough energy on you now
2331894 Gatodelicioso : argument A. Squirrels kill mice, mice have rarely historically killed squirrels. You.. but argument B. Squirrels kill way more squirrels. Does B make A incorrect?
2331895 Gatodelicioso : Thats what I thought. Take your hateful ignorance out of here.
2331896 Gatodelicioso : Hi guest. You are safe and welcome here. Enjoy, buenas noches!
2331897 Gatodelicioso : En ingles nuestro palabras no tienen masculino y feminina. Pero los personas son masculino y feminina y escuchar los vozes uno puede saber si el persona es masculino o feminima. Tal vez... estas dias es mas dificil saber. A veces una persona tiene voz feminina pero tambien tiene testiculos. Nosotros no sabemos. Para esta razon necesitamos miramos.
2331898 Gatodelicioso : Pelotas mi amigos.
2331899 Jdawg78 : Hi.
2331900 Travis : This guy can't help himself from doubling down on stupid :D
2331901 Travis : No ability at all to "read the room"
2331902 Gatodelicioso : Trav, how about you try to be more interesting so i dont have to entertain myself. Focus on your boring addition first brah
2331903 Gatodelicioso : Esta lugar tiene una purposa para mi. No para ti
2331904 Gatodelicioso : aprender espanol
2331905 el mono real 1 : the stinky dog
2331906 charliedontsurf : Not a very clever reply from a guy claiming an IQ of 130. What a letdown! At least you have self-described large hands and fists to comfort yourself during the long and lonely wintery nights. God works in mysterious ways
2331907 charliedontsurf : For the record attention-seeker, this will not be a daily back-and-forth session for you to unload your pent up anger with poor English and worse Spanish. You failed!
2331908 charliedontsurf : Enjoy the silence, Kitty Litter
2331910 Mono guapo : Happy new year, everyone!
2331911 Gatodelicioso : Lol well said charlie. This was a sociology experiment to bring you all together as a team. Someone had to play the bad guy. You all did well, really banded together. You stopped fighting with each other. Try to keep this sense of community throughout the new year and be good to each other. Without me unfortunately. Sorry to say but experiments over and Im moving. All the best and enjoy your new year everyone. Nice to have met you all :)
2331912 Travis : Yeah, that's a likely scenario lol Happy New Year all!
2331913 el mono real 1 : That's the best news I've had all year. No more Kitty Litter!
2331914 el mono real 1 : (He's still trying to play the "good guy" role, even after being such a douche)
2331916 el mono real 1 : Hi JD
2331917 el mono real 1 : Happy new year
2331918 Jdawg78 : Happy New Year!
2331920 Jaenette2 : ‹@charliedontsurf› ‹@Jdawg78› FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!!!
2331921 charliedontsurf : You too, Jaen
2331923 jor3 : Happy New Year!!
2331924 el mono real 1 : We need Chuy back in the chat
2331925 el mono real 1 : I wonder what happened to him.
2331926 Jaenette2 : Quién necesita a Chuy?
2331927 Jaenette2 : Ese nosotros no me incluye
2331928 Jaenette2 : Se fue?
2331929 el mono real 1 : Oh, hello little girl
2331930 el mono real 1 : Happy new year
2331931 Jaenette2 : ‹@el mono real 1› Hola
2331932 Jaenette2 : Feliz Año también para ti!
2331933 el mono real 1 : La navidad te lo has pasado bien?
2331934 Jaenette2 : Muy bien, gracias, tú la pasaste bien?
2331935 el mono real 1 : Your brother would have liked the dart board
2331936 el mono real 1 : but be careful, if you annoy him too much he will throw the darts at you
2331937 Jaenette2 : Le encantó, estuvimos jugando
2331938 Jaenette2 : No, porque el blanco está colgado en la pared
2331939 Jaenette2 : Yo no molesto a mi hermanito, tampoco él me molesta
2331940 el mono real 1 : My sisters would always annoy me
2331941 Jaenette2 : Dicen que eso pasa a veces
2331942 Jaenette2 : Con nostros no, solo somos dos
2331943 el mono real 1 : Next year for new year's eve you will be going out partying
2331945 el mono real 1 : Because you will be 18, you will be drinking to excess
2331946 el mono real 1 : It's part of the ritual of growing up
2331947 Jaenette2 : Me gusta estar con mi familia en días festivos como la Navidad y Año Nuevo
2331948 Jaenette2 : Eso no es ritual
2331949 Jaenette2 : No lo es en Perú
2331950 el mono real 1 : You are not an adult until you have passed out drunk in a gutter somewhere
2331952 Jaenette2 : Eso no se acostumbra en Perú
2331953 Jaenette2 : Qué clase de país es el tuyo?
2331954 el mono real 1 : 1st class, Little girl
2331955 Jaenette2 : Acá se es adulto cuando puedes resolver un problema o te portas como adulto en la ocasión respectiva
2331956 el mono real 1 : You would like living in Australia, but alas, you rejected my marriage proposal
2331957 Jaenette2 : No me gustan esas costumbres de tu país
2331958 el mono real 1 : I should go, little girl
2331959 el mono real 1 : I have lots of work to do
2331960 el mono real 1 : I will be back later
2331962 Jaenette2 : Hasta luego
2331964 Jaenette2 : Trabajas en año nuevo?
2331966 Travis : Hola Jaen
2331967 Jaenette2 : Hola, Travis
2331968 Jaenette2 : Perdí mi registro de acá, la cantidad de mensajes y el nick
2331969 Jaenette2 : Qué tal tu día de Año Nuevo?