History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2331770 Gatodelicioso : lo siento capitan, el carta de pasado es para charlie no para tu. Gracias para tu intiendas.
2331771 Gatodelicioso : el mundo es magia y los personas en aqui son fantastico. Un dia chuy puede returno y amor todos en el futura, como en el pasado. Chuy es nuestro reina.
2331772 Gatodelicioso : Reina Chuy. Nuestro protector. Nuestro profesor. Nuestro esposa
2331774 Gatodelicioso : Buenas noches amigos
2331775 jeanette1 : ‹@Gatodelicioso› Ja! Y ahora yo soy la que hiere a la gente? y también soy hostil?
2331776 jeanette1 : Lo raifico, eres un gato apestoso, pestilente
2331778 Jdawg78 : Hey all
2331779 Gatodelicioso : Hola jaenette, Tu creas Mono el Cońo tan mucho. Escuchar esto hombre con el corazon destruir de mujeres es estupido. Por favor tienes respeto para todos personas en esta habitacion. Tu boca decirme y los otros miembros informacion tontos. Por favor represente Peru en un luz bueno. No estas una vaca ruidosa. Tan mucho basura de mono coño y ahora tu? Blech!.. mi estomago es enfermo escuchar los dos de vosotros. Mi baño tiene tan mucho mierda y ahora tus dos? No, gracias.
2331780 Gatodelicioso : Hola Jdawg, como estas usted?
2331781 Gatodelicioso : Jor. Mi culo tu cara
2331782 Gatodelicioso : nosotros fiestamos
2331783 vallary : hola all
2331784 Gatodelicioso : Ho ho ho, no vallery. No esta dia. Tu ir, ahora. Mierda cabeza.
2331785 Gatodelicioso : Esta habitacion es para practicar espanol y ingles solo. No vendir tu cuerpo. Por favor respeto esta situacion y empezas estar mas bueno. No tan mal. Bien? Gracias. Travis ss el solo prostituto en esta lugar
2331786 Travis : Attempt English. Your Spanish is impossible to decipher.
2331787 Travis : Kitty Litter, congrats. You've successfully surpassed Carlos as the most idiotic and most despised third-tier troll
2331788 Travis : Happy New Year!
2331789 Travis : You put in the work, Tiger. You earned it. Meritocracy reigns! lol
2331790 charliedontsurf : Wow, Travis. Why are you picking on the unpopular man with arrested development? Just keep him in his remedial class and ask Gov. Trudeau of the great state of Canada to keep him locked in his straightjacket and all will work out.
2331792 el mono real 1 : The stinky dog making friends in here again
2331793 Gatodelicioso : Feliz navi chico
2331794 el mono real 1 : Stinky dog, you are ruining people's enjoyment of this chatroom
2331795 Gatodelicioso : es todos practicando para mi. Buen, mal, no diferencia. Todos personas amor el hombre malo ;)
2331796 el mono real 1 : For starters, your Spanish is terrible. It never makes any sense
2331797 Gatodelicioso : Scroll on then you provoke 99 percent of it
2331798 el mono real 1 : Then there's the anger issues
2331799 el mono real 1 : The abuse and name calling
2331800 Gatodelicioso : im not angry at all gracias, es divertido
2331801 el mono real 1 : The butting in to other people's business
2331802 el mono real 1 : The "I'm such a good boy" act that nobody believes
2331803 Gatodelicioso : Lol, you being a slimeball is not business
2331804 el mono real 1 : There's the name calling again
2331805 Gatodelicioso : i just am supposed to listen to your rally of insults and not retaliate? Good luck turkry
2331806 el mono real 1 : And you are clearly angry, otherwise you wouldn't write things such as "I will f** your mouth you piece of s***"
2331807 el mono real 1 : It wasn't one of your finer moments
2331808 Gatodelicioso : you insult then insult about being insulted back.
2331809 Gatodelicioso : the punishment fits the crime big mouth
2331810 el mono real 1 : And when you say "slimeball", what are you referring to exactly? Do you mean comments such as "I don't make milk, but my balls do"
2331811 el mono real 1 : Because, again, that was you.
2331812 Gatodelicioso : Again we need to use the words in our vocabulary to practice building sentence structure. Repetition.
2331813 el mono real 1 : lol, lamest justification ever
2331814 Gatodelicioso : Its much more eloquent en espanol
2331815 el mono real 1 : You are a weird, little man, Stinky dog.
2331816 Gatodelicioso : it sounds almost dirty in english. I would never stoop to saying that im english like you do. You ruined it
2331817 Gatodelicioso : first, likely muuuch bigger than you lil andrew tate fan, second, ha. Go reread your blathering speeches psychopath
2331818 Gatodelicioso : "i would never date a single mother, women plot against men like cukoo birds, etc" yerrr fucked kid
2331819 el mono real 1 : I think my sermons annoy you because you can't argue against them
2331820 el mono real 1 : You don't have any answers
2331821 Gatodelicioso : im sure that same idiot logic could be said for charles mansons speeches too
2331822 el mono real 1 : All you can do is name-calling
2331823 el mono real 1 : 5 year olds do that on the playground, Stinky dog
2331824 Gatodelicioso : Gave you the benefit and tried to correct but you arent an imtelligent person capable of rational discussion. You are a follower who only wants to provoke. Stinky? One might consider that cobtinual name calling.
2331825 el mono real 1 : You are correct. I am not an "imtelligent person"
2331827 Gatodelicioso : any logic is discarded by you to promote your out to lunch nonsense
2331828 el mono real 1 : Oh, and add that one to the list: Constantly trying to play the "wise man" and giving advice that nobody asked for.
2331829 Gatodelicioso : philosopher bertrand russell once said look for the strongest version of any argument to discuss, dont lower yourself to grammar or mistypes and feel victorious
2331830 Gatodelicioso : ha, you see the ridiculousness in your last statement right? Tell me one time anyone asked you to give an opinion/serman on why you hate women? Yetttt they keep oncoming
2331831 el mono real 1 : That's a convenient excuse for poor grammar and spelling. Well done! But if you want to play the "wise man" act and pull it off, the syntax errors really give away the truth.
2331833 el mono real 1 : You really are a waste of time
2331834 Gatodelicioso : we all know the phone buttons are small and my man sized hands are way bigger than yours so you obviously dont have the same mistype problems young lady
2331835 Gatodelicioso : is this a tranny thing? Are you transitioning or did someone break your heart and rob you in a divorce?
2331836 el mono real 1 : I will remind you again "this topic does not interest me. I will not get involved", but yet every time you but in and try to be the "white knight" and "defender of women"
2331837 el mono real 1 : Name calling again.
2331838 Gatodelicioso : Because I wont let you poison the room. Because im not interested doesnt give you free right to run your mouth about it in my presence.
2331839 el mono real 1 : so you poke your nose in
2331840 el mono real 1 : You just admitted it
2331841 Gatodelicioso : we've been clear you call me stinky every sentence so you can quit broken recording the name calling accusation
2331842 Gatodelicioso : i shut you up
2331843 Gatodelicioso : this isnt your hate women free speech room
2331844 el mono real 1 : and yet, 1 minute ago you accused me of being the one offering you advice
2331845 Gatodelicioso : do that elsewhere
2331846 el mono real 1 : oh, so it's the "my balls make milk" room instead?
2331847 el mono real 1 : I would offer a deal to stop calling you "stinky dog", but we know how long your deals last for.
2331848 Gatodelicioso : you give me Zero information I need. Im baffled you cant see what a keyboard coward you are. I hope a women doesnt rob you in divorce, i hope she physically beats you up for your shitty speeches
2331849 el mono real 1 : See how the "nice guy" "helper" act doesn't hold up for long?
2331850 Gatodelicioso : if its in spanish fire away. Sometimes the topics get a bit creative for the sake of practice. I aim for fun and funny
2331851 el mono real 1 : with the usual syntax errors
2331852 el mono real 1 : " I hope a women doesnt rob you"
2331853 el mono real 1 : Even in English, dude, it's bad.
2331854 Gatodelicioso : your insults are weak and repetative. Ill get a furby and pull its string if I want to hear the same limited lines over and over
2331855 el mono real 1 : I don't even do insults.
2331856 el mono real 1 : I speak the truth, and it makes you angry.
2331857 el mono real 1 : That's why you think I am throwing insults.
2331858 Gatodelicioso : sure kid. Lets be clear you wouldnt be this brave in person, to me or Any women either talkimg like you do
2331859 el mono real 1 : Other than "stinky dog", what else can you quote?
2331860 el mono real 1 : Back to name calling
2331861 el mono real 1 : Hello Guest
2331862 Gatodelicioso : what do you think a woman would think of the psycho stuff you say about them?
2331863 Gatodelicioso : i will always defend them
2331864 el mono real 1 : Yes. You enjoy being the white knight
2331865 el mono real 1 : You are the strong, defender of women
2331866 Gatodelicioso : dummies like you empower other dummies and that leads to horrible crimes
2331867 el mono real 1 : A hero
2331868 el mono real 1 : Well done, stinky dog
2331869 Gatodelicioso : go research femicide dude. Im not a hero. Im stopping the cycle of abuse if I see it being pushed by a naive kid