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2331457 charliedontsurf : You need to do it, I don't have my mouse here and I don't know how to do it lol
2331459 ey23 : k ill do it myself
2331460 charliedontsurf : I forgot my mouse, and JD has a kingdom of mice
2331461 charliedontsurf : Atta girl
2331463 ey23 : will let u listen tho
2331464 Jdawg78 : But no roaches.
2331465 ey23 : www.youtube.com/watch
2331466 charliedontsurf : I like that Joan Osborne
2331467 ey23 : u went way back kskkja
2331468 charliedontsurf : And Paula Cole "Where Have all the Cowboys Gone?" and Natalie Imbruglia "Torn"
2331469 ey23 : omg i love that one
2331470 charliedontsurf : 80s stuff, chill baby!
2331471 ey23 : ajjaja yup
2331472 ey23 : mi childhood
2331473 charliedontsurf : What if God was a cemetery slob spirit?
2331474 ey23 : hed let u right where u r xd
2331475 charliedontsurf : J Osborne has a good song that goes "My right hand, my right hand man"
2331476 ey23 : lemme seee
2331477 charliedontsurf : Not sure of the title
2331478 ey23 : right hand man lol
2331479 ey23 : www.youtube.com/watch
2331481 ey23 : www.youtube.com/watch
2331482 charliedontsurf : a gritty, cigarette smoker voice lol
2331483 charliedontsurf : Argentine?
2331484 ey23 : oh they were making a fuss about this one band .. i ll sent
2331485 ey23 : i ll send
2331486 charliedontsurf : a mild PF beginning
2331487 ey23 : yes theyre one of the most famous
2331489 charliedontsurf : Could have been out there like the Mars Volta
2331490 ey23 : loooooool love the mars volta
2331491 ey23 : couldnt stop listening to them when i first found the band
2331492 charliedontsurf : You should try Joe Bonamassa and Beth Hart "I'd rather go blind" before I go
2331493 charliedontsurf : Yeah, they're a trip
2331494 ey23 : will do
2331495 ey23 : this one
2331496 ey23 : they were making a fuss about this band this past weekind
2331497 ey23 : www.youtube.com/watch
2331498 charliedontsurf : Maybe that's Mono on the album cover :D
2331500 charliedontsurf : wb JD, for a few seconds
2331502 charliedontsurf : You like this band?
2331503 ey23 : some songs
2331504 ey23 : i like this one
2331505 charliedontsurf : They're ok, mellow
2331506 ey23 : www.youtube.com/watch
2331507 charliedontsurf : Like a bar band you can enjoy
2331508 ey23 : yeh i guess its because they were like backround sound
2331509 ey23 : when i was a kid jjsja
2331510 charliedontsurf : white noise :D
2331511 ey23 : what do u call the human flea?
2331512 charliedontsurf : I never got the whole Jimmy Buffett thing
2331513 ey23 : lousee lol that what the name neand
2331514 charliedontsurf : Moco Moco Pulgoso :D
2331517 charliedontsurf : oh a louse, ok
2331519 charliedontsurf : wb JD, part 19
2331521 charliedontsurf : so sassy
2331522 charliedontsurf : but on the "Id rather be blind"
2331523 charliedontsurf : Tell me what you think and then I need to get some sleep. Driving 5 hours tomorrow
2331528 charliedontsurf : Don't be a stranger
2331530 charliedontsurf : Gracias, chau
2331531 ey23 : jajaja will do my best
2331532 charliedontsurf : Pfft
2331533 charliedontsurf : Later JD
2331534 Gatodelicioso : Ugh i tried. Enjoy staying alonely arrogant tetard mono, im out
2331535 Gatodelicioso : Chaflie you been on the piss again? You know they make them with no alcohol too
2331536 charliedontsurf : I have no clue what you're saying
2331538 charliedontsurf : JD doing the in and then out dance :D
2331539 el mono real 1 : Oh, hello Charlie
2331540 charliedontsurf : Now you see him, now you don't
2331541 charliedontsurf : What's new, Mono?
2331542 el mono real 1 : I was just thinking how nice it is for the stinky dog to offer all of this free advice
2331544 charliedontsurf : He called you a TEtard lol
2331545 charliedontsurf : That must be really bad :D4
2331546 charliedontsurf : JD hop off the bus a sec. Another will come by shortly
2331547 charliedontsurf : Wear reflective clothing and raise your paws
2331548 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2331549 charliedontsurf : There you are
2331550 el mono real 1 : He is clearly on the autism spectrum
2331551 Jdawg78 : I'm still sick.
2331552 charliedontsurf : JD or Dog?
2331553 charliedontsurf : That sucks, JD
2331554 el mono real 1 : The stinky dog. JD is cool
2331555 charliedontsurf : Baby Jesus will heal you on his fake birthday
2331556 charliedontsurf : You can be cool and on the spectrum.. JD says he's on the spectrum, too
2331557 el mono real 1 : It was nice to see Meris is still doing ok
2331558 charliedontsurf : "on the spectrum" is overused
2331559 charliedontsurf : It wasn't Meris, Mono
2331561 el mono real 1 : Yes it was