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2331197 ey23 : well thats good news
2331198 charliedontsurf : JD is hitting the eggnog again, Ma
2331199 Jdawg78 : No, I'm giving up the weekend binges.
2331200 charliedontsurf : Had a 20 edible the other day. A big much lol
2331202 ey23 : trippin lol
2331203 charliedontsurf : Should have done 10 and the other 10 a couple of hours later
2331204 charliedontsurf : My permagrin was like a pumpkin
2331205 Jdawg78 : I've still got some micro ones...just haven't had any in a while. I'm afraid of drug testing at work.
2331207 ey23 : i never went through one now that i think about it
2331208 ey23 : i could go high they d never test me
2331209 charliedontsurf : 5s aren't enough, 20 too much. I'll take a 10, granny with a Heineken
2331210 ey23 : they d realize tho lol
2331211 charliedontsurf : Don't be so sure, Bush Creature
2331213 charliedontsurf : Yeah, hard to hide the high when you have a wave
2331214 ey23 : i got friends who go high everywhere
2331215 ey23 : i dont think i could lol
2331216 charliedontsurf : I'm sorry, are you talking to me? Yes, for over 5 minutes, hello Jon, are you here?
2331218 charliedontsurf : Eventually you can hide it, but I'm not a frequent flyer :D
2331224 Ey22 : My stupi laptop i hate it
2331227 charliedontsurf : Maybe Devil Boy will give you a new one for Xmas
2331228 ey23 : wb dawg bad connection?
2331230 charliedontsurf : He is always like this, in and out, big time between posts. It's his nature, you know?
2331232 ey23 : same old
2331236 charliedontsurf : JD is easily distracted
2331240 Jdawg78 : My laptop is being dumb.
2331243 ey23 : mine too
2331244 Jdawg78 : Keeps popping up stuff for security.
2331245 ey23 : mine just freezes lol too tired
2331246 charliedontsurf : Any snow in your area, JD?
2331248 charliedontsurf : We've had a very weak Winter
2331250 ey23 : its soooo freaking hot here
2331252 Jdawg78 : Not yet.
2331254 Jdawg78 : A little bit a few days ago.
2331256 Jdawg78 : But nothing to shovel.
2331258 charliedontsurf : Some parts of the country are getting some, not Utah
2331259 charliedontsurf : Our motto is "Greatest Snow on Earth" too
2331263 Jdawg78 : I think I got bit by a mouse.
2331266 charliedontsurf : You live a dramatic life, JD
2331268 charliedontsurf : No one gets bit by a mouse, knock it off!
2331269 Jdawg78 : I mean on my toe.
2331270 Jdawg78 : My foot was fine, woke up the next day...and I was bleeding.
2331272 ey23 : what do u mean? how ? lol r they walking around there at work?
2331274 charliedontsurf : Your diabetes and neuropathy are to blame
2331276 Jdawg78 : Winter forces the guys to come into the home..and I'm in a trailer near a cornfield.
2331278 ey23 : ey i just left jsjs
2331279 ey23 : sorry about that dawg
2331280 charliedontsurf : Down by the river :D
2331282 Jdawg78 : I'm going to be movin soon anyway.
2331283 Ey22 : Where u going ?
2331285 charliedontsurf : moco moco omg
2331287 Jdawg78 : The doctor doesn't think it's a bite...but there is no other explanation.
2331288 Jdawg78 : Port Byron, IL!
2331289 charliedontsurf : He has been AWOL for months. JD is keeping silent about his life situation lol
2331290 charliedontsurf : Is Port Bryon exciting?
2331291 ey23 :
2331293 Jdawg78 : Just that the rent is too high here and since the roommate passed away it's hard to pay the ren t.
2331294 charliedontsurf : I get it
2331295 Jdawg78 : It's even more out in the boonies than I am now. LOL
2331296 charliedontsurf : Ditch the beard and put on a brighter skirt. Mono is looking for a wife.
2331297 Jdawg78 : But rent will be cut in half...and I'll have a dog to keep e company.
2331298 charliedontsurf : One day at a time, like Valerie
2331303 Jdawg78 : A mini pincer.
2331314 ey23 : rent goes higher and higher .. we should all go to live in the woods
2331315 charliedontsurf : The hell you say
2331317 charliedontsurf : I'm not a Manson family kid
2331319 ey23 : lolol then we should just go into houses
2331321 ey23 : they so damn expensive
2331325 charliedontsurf : See, JD puts in a line every half hour
2331330 ey23 : he s bussy with other windows
2331331 charliedontsurf : No, he's fixating on something trivial :D
2331334 charliedontsurf : He starts a new project everytime he wakes up
2331335 ey23 : jack of al trades
2331336 charliedontsurf : so s***aaa******syy!!
2331337 Jdawg78 : LOL Yeah, I'm trying to set up a dlna server.
2331338 charliedontsurf : See, Bushy? I told you.
2331340 charliedontsurf : I've known this Bozo close to 15 years
2331341 ey23 : im learning portuguese
2331342 ey23 : maybe im a bit like jd too lol
2331343 charliedontsurf : Yeah?
2331345 charliedontsurf : You'll learn it fast
2331346 ey23 : can watch shows ted talks and shit without sub
2331347 charliedontsurf : I'd like to speak Italian, but I can't even master English haha