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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2331066 el mono real 1 : I'm still very attractive, perhaps even more so
2331067 charliedontsurf : Atlas with traps, no more sunken chest
2331070 charliedontsurf : And humble as hell, Mono lol
2331071 Ey22 : Oh been working out?
2331072 Ey22 : Same old mono
2331073 el mono real 1 : I'm mas guapo que Ashton
2331074 charliedontsurf : Out in the garden
2331077 charliedontsurf : Ashton is a sissy man with pinky out while sipping his latte
2331078 charliedontsurf : Try again
2331079 el mono real 1 : You prefer Alan Harper. I get it, he's more your style
2331080 Ey22 : Ahston narigón jsjsj
2331081 charliedontsurf : Never heard of him
2331082 charliedontsurf : narigon, barrigon
2331083 Ey22 : Yo tampoco
2331085 charliedontsurf : Must be a mediocre Aussie
2331086 el mono real 1 : 2 and a half men
2331087 Ey22 : What has become of chuy griton
2331088 charliedontsurf : If you say so
2331089 el mono real 1 : Ashton was in it, hence the reference to the show
2331090 charliedontsurf : I wanna see Mila's Kunis :D
2331091 Ey22 : Hence jsjsj
2331092 charliedontsurf : I think his vocal chords got shot, Fluff Muff
2331093 Ey22 : Habla bien mono q hacia jajaja
2331094 charliedontsurf : hence is standard sermon talk, Taro
2331097 charliedontsurf : Gives questionable authority
2331102 el mono real 1 : I'm right about marriage, though. Don't you agree?
2331103 charliedontsurf : I don't think so
2331105 charliedontsurf : You, or thousands of others with the same ideas?
2331107 el mono real 1 : Hard to dispute facts
2331110 el mono real 1 : My previous sermon was about "gendered violence"
2331111 Ey22 : Will u ever find someome willing to marry u mono?
2331112 charliedontsurf : So you'll never marry, because it's not in a male's best interest? Then why are you searching Latin America for a wife?
2331113 el mono real 1 : How women are all up in arms about "gendered violence", and then laugh at the comedy routine when the man gets kicked in the nuts by a woman.
2331114 charliedontsurf : cognitive dissonance run amok lol
2331115 charliedontsurf : Does that keep you up at night, fuming?
2331117 el mono real 1 : Nop. I'm just pointing out the double standard that women are quite happy to let pass.
2331118 charliedontsurf : I say, kick me in the nuts, give me a shot at a booby punchlol
2331121 el mono real 1 : If a woman attacked me physically, she can expect physical violence in return.
2331123 charliedontsurf : Just wink at her and melt her heart, Romeo
2331124 ey23 : lol wtf
2331125 charliedontsurf : Show her your buns of steel and make her yours
2331127 el mono real 1 : Ey is already smitten with me
2331128 el mono real 1 : I've seen her checking out my package
2331129 charliedontsurf : both inches, zoomed
2331134 el mono real 1 : k, I'm going now
2331135 charliedontsurf : Like the cover of the Rolling Stones album Sticky Fingers
2331136 ey23 : bye mat
2331137 el mono real 1 : Merry Christmas Charlie
2331138 charliedontsurf : Bye Mono
2331139 charliedontsurf : Thx, you too
2331140 el mono real 1 : Bye Bushwhacker
2331143 charliedontsurf : Fluff Muff to you
2331145 charliedontsurf : Great visuals
2331146 ey23 : mono as crazy as usual
2331147 ey23 : que pajero jjssjsj
2331148 charliedontsurf : I'm glad you didn't tell him who you are. He doesn't say his age, his occupation, nothing lol
2331149 ey23 : oh i know about that
2331150 charliedontsurf : Were you two chatting long before I got here?
2331151 ey23 : i mean his age blah
2331153 ey23 : i camein and then u did
2331154 ey23 : like 3 mins later
2331156 charliedontsurf : I guess the cemetery ghosts led me to the chatroom :D
2331175 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2331176 Ey22 : My stupid lapto froze
2331177 charliedontsurf : Hey JD
2331178 charliedontsurf : That sucketh biggeth
2331179 Ey22 : Hi dawiniano
2331180 charliedontsurf : We have Ey version 22 AND 23 tonight. Pawtay!!!
2331181 Jdawg78 : Hey! Long time no see!
2331183 Ey22 : For real
2331184 Jdawg78 : I'm getting over a cold.
2331185 Ey22 : I docgo ghost on everyone lol
2331186 Jdawg78 : Also got a big ass hole in my toe. LOL
2331187 charliedontsurf : I had one a week ago that lasted 2 damn weeks
2331188 charliedontsurf : I never stay sick more than 3 days
2331190 Jdawg78 : Well, it's the downside of working at a school. I'm around germs all day.
2331191 charliedontsurf : Your vularity is duly noted
2331193 Jdawg78 : But the upside, I have christmas eve and christmas day off.
2331196 charliedontsurf : Nice, Justy