History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2329644 Travis : I read Herman Wouk
2329645 CaptainJack : hande hoch tommy
2329646 CaptainJack : i daren't ask :)
2329647 CaptainJack : carlos ran
2329648 Travis : It's not weird
2329649 Travis : Carlos has diarrhea
2329650 Travis : Don't shame him
2329651 CaptainJack : Ok Ill lokk it up
2329652 CaptainJack : who?
2329653 Travis : He had a few very popular books
2329655 Travis : Charquito Mudo
2329656 Travis : OK Jack, I'm out
2329657 Travis : I'm running now :D
2329658 Carlos : Travisti
2329660 Carlos : You old man
2329661 Travis : youtu.be/M4ul35wlqjA
2329662 Carlos : You are so bored
2329663 CaptainJack : you guys fade like a solar light in a cupbord
2329664 Travis : He speaks as I'm leaving lol
2329665 Carlos : And bald
2329666 CaptainJack : cupboard :p
2329667 Travis : Yes, you bore me even when you're silent
2329669 Travis : Later, Jack
2329670 CaptainJack : Cuidate TRav
2329671 Carlos : ‹@Travis› bald
2329672 CaptainJack : nothing grows in a desert ? :p
2329673 CaptainJack : I did call trav Travisty, lol
2329674 CaptainJack : well spotted
2329675 CaptainJack : your hair might grow :/
2329678 CaptainJack : I#m lucky i'm not in your cabal
2329679 CaptainJack : not because i don't like or value you, but I like to see who is real and who is not
2329680 CaptainJack : you can only do that by asking questions
2329681 CaptainJack : provoking ideals
2329682 CaptainJack : i could say things to explain that thought process, but none care
2329683 CaptainJack : they judge, always, based on their lives
2329684 CaptainJack : i provoke, maybe i want to learn , reactive reponses often are opposed to thoughtful responses
2329685 CaptainJack : the ones that put me in jail do it for a good reason, I actually prefer to be there than be in an accepted group
2329686 CaptainJack : better to be alone than with the false
2329687 CaptainJack : anyone that has to think, what i can say, what should I say is speaking to the wrong people?
2329688 CaptainJack : performance in a job is what matters these days, humanity is a failure
2329689 CaptainJack : I lived the lucky years
2329690 CaptainJack : never went to war
2329691 CaptainJack : explored everyday without fear
2329692 CaptainJack : did bad stuff but in times where the police were old school
2329693 CaptainJack : today, being good is a failure in life, a weakness
2329694 CaptainJack : how did that actually happen?
2329695 CaptainJack : who decided good people who ask the wrong questions are bad?
2329696 CaptainJack : when you see who controls life, always walk away. You control your life, others might jail you, kick you, call you names, talk behind your back
2329697 CaptainJack : they are so weak it's funny
2329698 CaptainJack : love it when folk drop in then run
2329699 CaptainJack : communication skills define folk?
2329700 CaptainJack : in a language site, lol
2329701 CaptainJack : but then, lets give a crown to those i like?
2329702 CaptainJack : a kings shilling
2329703 CaptainJack : charles is one of the few folk that can converse
2329704 CaptainJack : with the negleted, lol
2329705 CaptainJack : carlos, watching folk is creepy
2329706 CaptainJack : interact or admit your frailties?
2329707 CaptainJack : :p
2329709 Carlos : La jor bebita
2329711 Carlos : La jor es Angelita Elizabeth
2329712 CaptainJack : Who is that?
2329713 Carlos : Tengan cuidado con esa locaza
2329714 CaptainJack : another false person?
2329716 Carlos : ‹@CaptainJack› yes. You are totally right
2329717 Carlos : ‹@CaptainJack› becarefull with that crazy woman. She is so dangerous.
2329718 CaptainJack : Carlos. youi seem someone thats false
2329719 CaptainJack : having power does not make you real
2329720 Carlos : ‹@CaptainJack› yeap. Like u And your false stories
2329722 CaptainJack : these days, it's the opposite
2329723 CaptainJack : I talk the truth
2329724 CaptainJack : no suprise you don't recognise it
2329725 CaptainJack : tell me one lie?
2329726 CaptainJack : you can't
2329727 CaptainJack : solo uno?
2329728 Carlos : Your comeback is a lie
2329730 CaptainJack : I didn't comeback, you never replied
2329731 CaptainJack : unless you think false is real?
2329732 Carlos : La jor is a totally lie. She is the craziest Angelita Elizabeth
2329733 CaptainJack : look over there!
2329735 CaptainJack : I won :p
2329736 CaptainJack : you all ran
2329737 CaptainJack : no depth of thought
2329738 CaptainJack : Hola todos
2329739 Patricia : Hola capi. long time
2329741 CaptainJack : que pasa?
2329742 Patricia : Estuve ocupada. Vos como andás?
2329743 CaptainJack : you are busy?