History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2329044 Gatodelicioso : Oh interesting. Monos making a move. Even with his narrative
2329045 Gatodelicioso : Hi jd
2329046 el mono real 1 : Why not, PQ?
2329047 pqwoeir : knights in shining armor, it has been a pleasure to meet you both , but I will leave you to continue with your exchange of love phrases, but without witnesses who interrupt this ineffable love
2329048 Gatodelicioso : lol all the best pq
2329049 el mono real 1 : Bye PQ
2329050 pqwoeir : I hope to see you soon, I will return without a doubt
2329051 el mono real 1 : I wont hang around with this sexist, stinky dog
2329052 pqwoeir : Bye, mono and gato
2329053 pqwoeir : Seems a zoo
2329054 Gatodelicioso : Look at you mono, makin a play
2329055 Gatodelicioso : ha cheeky
2329056 el mono real 1 : PQ, we will have that coffee later
2329057 Gatodelicioso : go for coffee with him pq. Wear a helmet for the bashing though
2329058 Gatodelicioso : matbe hes a charmer who knows
2329059 el mono real 1 : "I won't get involved" "this subject doesn't interest me" "let's call a truce"
2329061 el mono real 1 : That didn't last long, did it Stinky dog?
2329062 Gatodelicioso : i thought youd change the topic by now
2329063 el mono real 1 : What was the topic, exactly?
2329064 Gatodelicioso : you might find richard dawkins work interesting mono. Hes all about 'theselfish gene'. The title of one of his books
2329065 Gatodelicioso : dont be sneaky and lour me into starting it again. Your points have been made
2329067 el mono real 1 : You interrupt a conversation I was having with someone, and then claim I am "luring you into a trap".
2329068 el mono real 1 : You have mental issues, dude
2329070 Gatodelicioso : Lol i interupt the conversation you have continuously with everyone and anyone who will listen
2329071 Gatodelicioso : youre a steady stream of nonsense
2329072 Gatodelicioso : peace player
2329074 Marbleu2 : Hi there
2329076 Carlos : How are u?
2329077 Marbleu2 : I'm ok, thank you, how r u ?
2329078 Marbleu2 : De dónde eres, Carlos?
2329079 Carlos : Not so bad. Thank u
2329080 Carlos : Perú And u?
2329081 Marbleu2 : España
2329082 Carlos : Ah ok
2329083 Carlos : So.. What does it bring u here?
2329084 Marbleu2 : Por charlar un rato, y tú?
2329085 Carlos : Practicar inglés
2329086 Carlos : Pasar el rato
2329087 Carlos : Oye y en España no son las 3am?
2329088 Carlos : No tienes sueño?
2329090 Gatodelicioso : Carlos you are in peru?
2329091 Carlos : No
2329092 Carlos : En la luna
2329093 Carlos : Claro pe Kaumsa
2329094 Carlos : En el rico Puré
2329095 Carlos : Si ya tú sabes
2329096 Carlos : Oe kaumsa por acá estuvo Jeannete que es Angelita Elizabeth
2329097 Gatodelicioso : De donde?
2329098 Carlos : Dice que te extraña mucho. Que espera volver a verte pronto
2329101 Gatodelicioso : Miro ellas hablando con uno de otra en el pasado. Personas diferente
2329102 Gatodelicioso : Dos personas
2329103 Gatodelicioso : Necesito leer para algo tiempo seńor
2329105 Carlos : Mi kaumsa el Travis
2329106 Travis : How long will you wait lonely for someone to enter?
2329107 Carlos : La Travisti
2329108 Travis : Several hours now, Busy Man
2329109 Carlos : I Just arrive bro
2329110 Travis : I see, I call you travesti the other day, you call me one. CLEVER!
2329111 Carlos : Busy Man like u
2329112 Travis : BS, I've seen your name in here for hours
2329113 Carlos : ‹@Travis› But no bald like u
2329114 Travis : And you bore me, Bye
2329115 Carlos : ‹@Travis› You more to me bald Man
2329116 perritoD : problemas en paradiso
2329117 perritoD : siempre emociones en esta lugar ha
2329118 Carlos : Problemas en el paraíso *
2329119 perritoD : si gracias
2329120 Carlos : I dont know. That bald Man is always angry
2329121 perritoD : what country are you in Carlos?
2329122 Carlos : Ta Mare mano
2329123 Carlos : Ya te dijebpe
2329125 Carlos : Puré
2329126 Carlos : Are u kiding me?
2329127 Carlos : Bueno perro me voy
2329128 Carlos : Say Hello to the bored And bald Travisti
2329129 Carlos : And Jeanette too
2329131 Carlos : Bye perrito
2329132 Carlos : Nos vemos bro. Avlaos
2329133 perritoD : in english what country are you in? I cant remember
2329134 Carlos : Are u kidding me?
2329136 Carlos : I wont tell u
2329137 perritoD : ?
2329138 perritoD : por que
2329139 perritoD : es una problema?
2329140 Carlos : Cuida el chat y apaga la luz aquí
2329141 perritoD : Carlos es una nombre regulares ennnn Mexico
2329142 Carlos : Échale candado
2329143 perritoD : Corecto?