History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2328040 CaptainJack : trav you always make me smile
2328041 Travis : I think it's your diet of beans more than anything else
2328042 Travis : Hint: When in public, don't lift a leg
2328043 Jdawg78 : Made some chili speaking of beans.
2328044 CaptainJack : i do gas a bit
2328045 Travis : I love chili
2328046 Travis : lol Cap
2328047 Jdawg78 : Chili and cold beer.
2328048 Travis : When did you become a seasoned drinker?
2328049 Travis : I told you two beers was your limit. Leave the spirits to Jack and me
2328050 CaptainJack : jd . answer
2328051 Jdawg78 : Just on the weekends.
2328052 Travis : Didn't you drink saki back in the day?
2328053 Jdawg78 : Yeah, saki is pretty good too.
2328054 Travis : You're always trying to pretend that you're British or Asian :D
2328055 CaptainJack : looking very good and very nice: pineapple
2328056 Travis : I'm gonna call you Fang Fang
2328057 Travis : You're eating a pineapple, Cap?
2328058 CaptainJack : vampire?
2328059 CaptainJack : its a thin trav
2328060 Travis : No, Stillwell's mistress
2328061 Travis : a thin?
2328062 Travis : a thin thin fang fang
2328063 Travis : No blood, just secrets
2328064 Travis : I may be getting into the weeds now, my apologies
2328065 CaptainJack : www.youtube.com/watch
2328066 CaptainJack : the world es fukked?
2328067 Travis : a Scottish fruit?
2328068 CaptainJack : loking very nice and very good, pineapple
2328069 CaptainJack : is a transient joke
2328070 Travis : youtu.be/BaWFphuzlLg
2328071 Travis : JD is coming and going like a transient now
2328072 CaptainJack : its sad
2328073 Travis : What is?
2328074 CaptainJack : i know he is a good guy
2328075 Travis : Glen Campbell or JD Pineapple?
2328078 CaptainJack : your humour is uneqauled
2328079 Travis : JD can't decide if he's from England, Singapore, or Illinois
2328080 CaptainJack : he lives in a swamp
2328081 CaptainJack : :p
2328082 Travis : Boggy Pineapple
2328085 Travis : Sounds like Hogey Carmichael
2328087 CaptainJack : i miss you so much here
2328089 CaptainJack : i have folk to urt
2328091 Travis : youtu.be/hic-dnps6MU
2328092 Travis : Are you outta here, Jack?
2328093 Travis : Hurt all the humans you like, but be nice to crows and donkeys
2328094 CaptainJack : too many adds?
2328095 Travis : No Peruvians tonight, or monkeys or dogs
2328096 Travis : Press "skid ad"
2328097 CaptainJack : i dont hurt anyone
2328099 Travis : You said you have folk to hurt
2328100 CaptainJack : i love all
2328101 CaptainJack : i dont hate anyone
2328102 Travis : And you said it earlier when I was charlie
2328103 Travis : I thought maybe you were coming out tonight as a closeted psychopath
2328104 CaptainJack : well i hurt the bad
2328105 Travis : Hmm, I doubt that :D
2328106 CaptainJack : its the way i was defined
2328107 Travis : Death Wish 94: Captain Jack takes on Espanglish
2328108 CaptainJack : you dont know m trav
2328109 CaptainJack : i always hurt the bad
2328110 Travis : You may have taken out JD already
2328111 CaptainJack : jd isnt bad
2328112 Travis : I think you have that in your head, Jackie O
2328113 Travis : Never said he was. Just Glen Campbell
2328114 CaptainJack : it hurts me to hurt the good
2328115 Travis : Boggy Pineapple is OK with me
2328116 Travis : wb Justin Martyr
2328117 CaptainJack : but jd will get over it more than me
2328118 Travis : youtu.be/8kl6q_9qZOs
2328119 Travis : What time is it in Scotland, Jack? 3 am?
2328120 CaptainJack : i never need shelter
2328121 Jdawg78 : My sister has a mini pin dog...
2328122 Travis : Sure you do, you're a transient
2328123 Travis : Is that an animal, JD?
2328124 Jdawg78 : miniatur pinscer. Cute little thing.
2328125 CaptainJack : i am here to do good
2328127 CaptainJack : its you that need it
2328129 Travis : Your benevolence is duly appreciated, Cap
2328130 CaptainJack : its a fact
2328131 Travis : I believe! Give me the phone number to make a donation
2328132 CaptainJack : i love true hearts
2328133 Travis : I see the light
2328135 Travis : I like artichoke hearts, close enough?
2328136 CaptainJack : as an electrcista?
2328137 Travis : That actually sounds good
2328138 Travis : We need you to resurrect the Spruce Goose, Cap
2328139 CaptainJack : love it