History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2327740 CaptainJack : It's a shame this place became a morgue
2327741 charliedontsurf : No, still sick
2327742 CaptainJack : on the mend?
2327743 CaptainJack : getting better?
2327744 charliedontsurf : I keep thinking when I wake up, it will be better
2327745 CaptainJack : is it a cold?
2327746 charliedontsurf : Yes, a bad one
2327747 CaptainJack : lots have it here & novo virus too
2327748 charliedontsurf : Even my teeth hurt. Both of them :D
2327749 CaptainJack : I never thought you ha
2327750 charliedontsurf : How long were you sitting here alone?
2327751 CaptainJack : d any teeth :D
2327752 CaptainJack : not sure
2327753 charliedontsurf : Looks like you don't have the strength to finish a sentence. No marathons for you
2327754 CaptainJack : I was flying on MS flight sim
2327755 charliedontsurf : Translate that
2327756 CaptainJack : IMicrosoft flight sim
2327757 charliedontsurf : I'm an ignorant American, remember?
2327758 CaptainJack : I flew a F18 from the north of scotland to Malaga
2327759 charliedontsurf : OK so you're a fake pilot
2327760 charliedontsurf : I thought you were a sailor, not a flyer
2327761 CaptainJack : then tried to fly a helicopter H!$% from shetland to the Magnus, but run out of fuel
2327762 charliedontsurf : They don't tolerate rum in a cockpit
2327765 charliedontsurf : That explains the bird beak
2327766 CaptainJack : Well, times have advanced from the old gallions lol
2327767 CaptainJack : Did I say you were ignorant and an American?
2327768 charliedontsurf : youtu.be/9P3K0ICCtBw
2327769 charliedontsurf : Yes, many times :D
2327770 charliedontsurf : Great song, but depressing for a Saturday night
2327771 CaptainJack : I Apologise if I said that, but not if you deserbed ot :p
2327772 charliedontsurf : No apologies necessary. It's a chatroom, not a marriage :D
2327773 CaptainJack : you've shown that to me before :D
2327774 CaptainJack : The vid
2327775 charliedontsurf : Well, it's a natural with your nick, sir
2327776 charliedontsurf : You've never seen an ABBA vid more than once? :)
2327777 CaptainJack : Many times
2327778 CaptainJack : I was out with my kids for a pint the other night
2327779 charliedontsurf : OK then
2327780 charliedontsurf : Oh, nice
2327781 CaptainJack : one of my sons said.. Dad lives in his head
2327782 charliedontsurf : Family is everything
2327783 CaptainJack : so funny I laughed :D
2327784 charliedontsurf : I concur with your son
2327785 CaptainJack : I do too
2327787 CaptainJack : Just hadn't realised it was so obvious
2327788 charliedontsurf : You're like the male version of Blanche DuBois
2327789 CaptainJack : Who's that?
2327790 charliedontsurf : Not important
2327791 CaptainJack : well it must be
2327792 CaptainJack : I'm sure you mentioned him in the past?
2327793 charliedontsurf : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bla...
2327794 charliedontsurf : In case you get bored later :D
2327795 charliedontsurf : Not a him, thus the male version comment
2327796 CaptainJack : nothing like her
2327797 charliedontsurf : I forgot you don't know how to read
2327798 charliedontsurf : The character, not the actress lol
2327799 CaptainJack : Never focused on how I look
2327800 charliedontsurf : Great idea
2327801 charliedontsurf : You know I'm just funnin'
2327802 charliedontsurf : Good to see you here
2327803 CaptainJack : We do always
2327804 CaptainJack : Same for me
2327805 charliedontsurf : This place is about as lively as a mausoleum
2327806 CaptainJack : We both have similar humour I think
2327807 charliedontsurf : Could be :D
2327808 CaptainJack : Hard to find real people these days
2327809 charliedontsurf : Try a wax museum
2327810 CaptainJack : especially aqui
2327811 CaptainJack : Most her are wax
2327813 CaptainJack : little bit of heat and they run
2327814 charliedontsurf : Waxy and daft, bad combination
2327815 CaptainJack : Well i like daft
2327816 CaptainJack : One day I hope to rescue a Donkey
2327817 charliedontsurf : They run because they're bored and have something to do, not scared of your fiery comments lol
2327818 charliedontsurf : I visited a Donkey and Burro Museum a few months ago. Don't laugh, I'm serious
2327819 CaptainJack : Spanish have nothing to do other than cook
2327820 charliedontsurf : Well they party a lot, and have Spanish babies
2327821 CaptainJack : I'd love to do that
2327822 charliedontsurf : The old men play their version of cards and play botchee ball (sp)
2327823 charliedontsurf : Lucky for you, you can order generic Cialis for under $1 US :D
2327824 CaptainJack : I mean I'd like to visit a donkey
2327825 CaptainJack : whats a botchee ball?
2327826 charliedontsurf : There are several cities in the SW that have feral donkeys that roam the streets
2327827 charliedontsurf : They're celebrities, and walk around like they own the place. Ancestors worked the mines during the mining years and they just keep screwing :D
2327828 CaptainJack : That must be local to you?
2327829 charliedontsurf : www.google.com/search
2327830 CaptainJack : your satire is so funny
2327831 charliedontsurf : You may have seen it in Spain, it's popular
2327832 charliedontsurf : Mostly old men
2327833 charliedontsurf : bocce ball
2327834 CaptainJack : ageist, lol
2327835 CaptainJack : so it's likw bowling?
2327836 charliedontsurf : www.google.com/search
2327837 charliedontsurf : You try to hit the other ball, like marbles
2327838 CaptainJack : same here, bowling is popular with the old
2327839 charliedontsurf : Or come close to it, a hybrid of marbles and horseshoes :D