History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2327341 Gatodelicioso : Gracias pero tan joven personas para mi años tambien señor
2327342 Gatodelicioso : No necesito amor rapido amigo
2327343 Gatodelicioso : en tiempo tal vez
2327344 Carlos : Bro Take the risk ;)
2327345 Carlos : You doing have anything to lose ;)
2327346 Carlos : And also time past so fast
2327347 Gatodelicioso : mi pasada es muy ocupado con esto vida. Queiro tener mas respeto en el futura y ir lento
2327348 Carlos : But u go too slow
2327349 Gatodelicioso : Es bien. Lento es tiempo saber si es corecto o no
2327350 Carlos : Ok my hommie
2327351 Gatodelicioso : Cuando es corecto, puedes estar feliz
2327352 Gatodelicioso : Y tu? No novia en esta momento?
2327353 Carlos : And how it feels to live alone?
2327354 Gatodelicioso : Bien a veces y triste a veces
2327355 Gatodelicioso : pero necesario
2327356 Carlos : Necessary? What are u talking about?
2327357 Gatodelicioso : cuando tu es largo distencia de todos tu amigos y familia, es dificil. Con tiempo, ellos no recuerdo tu muy mucho. Menos telefono tiempo. Menos visitares. Menos amor. Y en esta tiempo. Tu sabes sentimentes triste, y sabes tu corazon y tu cabeza mas. Que es importante. Estar menos sobre tu y mas sobre lindos y tienes empathy
2327358 Gatodelicioso : Esta es posible con meditaciones tambien. Para por yo, preferido estar solo en esta tiempo
2327359 Gatodelicioso : Pero por yo*
2327360 Gatodelicioso : Sentir todos
2327361 Gatodelicioso : Mirar mi corazon esta triste t aceptar el verdad
2327362 Gatodelicioso : Comprendo es dificul comprender
2327363 Gatodelicioso : Pero es importante para mi
2327365 Carlos : Bro... Do suffer of drepression?
2327366 Gatodelicioso : Lo siento hablo tan mucho
2327367 Gatodelicioso : en invierno a veces en el pasado si
2327368 Carlos : Lo siento hablo mucho *
2327369 Carlos : But do u resolve the depression?
2327370 Gatodelicioso : Si gracias
2327371 Carlos : Take pills?
2327372 Gatodelicioso : no medicaciones. Solo introverter y comprenderlo
2327373 Carlos : I think You must go to the psicology doctor And get pills And stuff like that
2327374 Gatodelicioso : Diferente soluciones para personas diferente
2327375 Carlos : Well bro. I must go
2327376 Gatodelicioso : tienes un buen noche
2327377 Carlos : Jeanette is taking look Arjona here
2327378 Carlos : Jeanette is taking look around here
2327379 Gatodelicioso : ella es una guest?
2327380 Carlos : Jeanette is Angela Elizabeth. Flor too.
2327381 Gatodelicioso : tal vez puedo hablar con ella
2327382 Gatodelicioso : no, personas diferente. Miro ellas hablan
2327383 Carlos : Well. I leave u with That crazy woman
2327384 Gatodelicioso : noche amigo!
2327385 Carlos : See u
2327386 Gatodelicioso : Hola guest
2327387 Gatodelicioso : En mis suenos recentamente miro crocodillos y tiburons. Por que esta es no se
2327388 Gatodelicioso : Posible creo tan mucho
2327389 Gatodelicioso : esta es una problema
2327390 Gatodelicioso : Lo siento digo palabras mal recentamrnte
2327391 Gatodelicioso : Estoy confuso a veces
2327392 Gatodelicioso : confusaré
2327394 Gatodelicioso : buen noche
2327395 Gatodelicioso : para ahora
2327396 Gatodelicioso : Hola mono
2327397 Gatodelicioso : somos intentarlndo un camino nuevo en aqui
2327398 mono guapo : Stinky dog don't "hola" me
2327399 Gatodelicioso : estar amigos
2327400 Gatodelicioso : no mas anger y rudeness
2327401 mono guapo : You are rude, highly opinionated, hypocritical and wont listen to any measure of reason.
2327402 Gatodelicioso : bien?
2327403 mono guapo : Plus, your Spanish sucks
2327404 mono guapo : What do I have to gain by being friends with you?
2327405 Gatodelicioso : esto es finito, nosotros hablamos normales ahora
2327406 Gatodelicioso : algos nuevo
2327407 Gatodelicioso : algos mas interesante que el mismo
2327408 mono guapo : If you wanted to be my friend, you should not have made snap, uninformed judgements right from the get-go.
2327409 Gatodelicioso : Intentas ahora?
2327410 Gatodelicioso : el oasado no ss divertido
2327412 mono guapo : You try to masquerade this "nice guy", "I'm for equal rights" persona, but actually you are as judgmental as they come.
2327413 Gatodelicioso : somos empezar nuevo
2327414 Gatodelicioso : si esto es verdad. Bien?
2327415 Gatodelicioso : gracias para tu informacion
2327416 Gatodelicioso : Intentamos algos diferente, bien?
2327417 mono guapo : I'll tell you what, Stinky dog. I will try and ignore you. Keep your sexist, judgmental comments to yourself, stop trying to be the "white knight", and stop pretending to be the "nice guy", and I might just tolerate your presence.
2327418 Gatodelicioso : No mas insultos, nombres mal, o molestar uno de otro. Esta camino es mejor
2327419 Gatodelicioso : mi nombre es david, y tu?
2327420 Gatodelicioso : Normakes estoy lindo. Lo es mal estoy un idiota en aqui
2327422 Gatodelicioso : Tienes un buen dia
2327423 mono guapo : I will be writing things that don't reflect highly on women. Women are this kind of "protected species" in the modern world, where we are not allowed to say anything bad about them, yet it's perfectly fine to criticize men.
2327424 mono guapo : I don't need you "white knighting" and trying to be a hero.
2327425 mono guapo : Sexist terms such as "mansplaining" (which you, yourself have used), "man cold", "dad bod", "man look", "man up", "be a real man" (which you have also used) are derogatory and designed to undermine and belittle men. They are highly damaging, sexist and unjust.
2327426 mono guapo : These are commonplace, sexist terms.. and yet the other day a (female) work colleague complained because someone had referred to a group of people as "guys" (wow! how sexist).
2327427 mono guapo : If a man expressed his preference for "no fat chicks", there would be moral outrage. "How dare he body-shame women like that!", yet how many times have we heard women say they wont date short guys? Or worse, completely emasculate a man by suggesting that he is "compensating for something" (saying that he has a small penis).
2327428 mono guapo : "Body shaming is disgusting behaviour and causes serious damage to people's mental well-being" *
2327429 mono guapo : * But only if you are body shaming women. Body shaming men is perfectly acceptable.
2327430 mono guapo : Hence the term "dad bod". Imagine if men started saying "she's got a mum-bod", referring to her being fat.
2327431 mono guapo : There would, again, be moral outrage.
2327432 mono guapo : I hope you are beginning to see the truth here, Stinky dog. This is just one small example of the double standards that women are happy to let continue... but don't ever call a group of people "guys", that would be sexist!
2327433 mono guapo : You have been told, Stinky dog, that you are the privileged gender. That you have everything really easy and that women have to suffer in this hard, hard world, because of men.
2327434 mono guapo : Well, I already showed you how the world is a more dangerous place for men. I showed you that men are suffering more than women, which is why they are suiciding in far higher rates. When are you going to start looking at the facts for what they really are?
2327435 mono guapo : You have been lied to, Stinky dog. It's time to see the truth.
2327438 Gatodelicioso : Maybe we could all just practice spanish and avoid controversial subjects for the sake of the group and common civility?
2327439 Gatodelicioso : Im sure there are groups for those topics elsewhere.