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2264736 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› Why aren't you upset about something like "OnlyFans" even existing?
2264737 Macuahuitl : BRB.
2264738 el mono real : Men are being reminded about their "toxic masculinity" on a daily basis. "Sexual harassment, Gendered violence, Gender pay-gap, Gender superannuation, Gender equality, etc. etc."
2264739 el mono real : You probably feel ashamed to go and ask a girl out, for fear of it being labelled "sexual harassment". You don't think that has affected your life at all?
2264740 Macuahuitl : Okay, back.
2264741 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› No, I'm not.
2264742 Macuahuitl : A lot of white girls don't like Mexicans don't start with.
2264743 Macuahuitl : And there aren't that many Mexican girls where I live.
2264744 Macuahuitl : And the one's that do live here have been programmed by a White Supremacist/white man's world.
2264745 el mono real : Women are constantly being told how amazing they are. Their entitlement is out of control
2264746 Macuahuitl : And there aren't that many other "African-American", Asian, etc. girls here either.
2264747 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› I think that leaks over to the narcissist territory.
2264748 Macuahuitl : Have you ever heard of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?
2264749 el mono real : Society keeps reinforcing that women are valuable, and men are not. Just like the "bullet that changes direction for the man".
2264750 Macuahuitl : I don't agree with that.
2264751 Macuahuitl : I've never been to "Australia" but I don't think it can be that different.
2264752 el mono real : Open your eyes, Chuy.
2264753 el mono real : They are talking about gendered violence in the USA too. Look up the statistics... I bet more men have died from violence than women
2264754 el mono real : I would put my house on it.
2264755 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› I stopped watching tv altogether 6 years ago.
2264756 el mono real : Well, this report has put me off watching the news now.
2264757 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› Read about Narcissism/Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
2264759 el mono real : There is not escape from the feminist b.s.
2264760 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› Then why haven't I never heard of any of it?
2264761 el mono real : You have
2264762 Macuahuitl : Feminism is just as sexist as machismo.
2264763 el mono real : When you feel ashamed for desiring more than 1 woman - that is feminism telling you what to do
2264764 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› lol, not one has ever told my that.
2264765 Macuahuitl : My whole life.
2264766 el mono real : When you feel ashamed for hitting on a girl in the street - that is feminism telling you what to do
2264767 Macuahuitl : Or that.
2264768 Macuahuitl : It's normal/natural human behavior
2264769 Macuahuitl : Being ashamed of those things, that is.
2264770 Macuahuitl : I know you're kidding about all this, Mono.
2264771 el mono real : When you feel ashamed for working hard at a job and earning good money, but there aren't many women in that field because it's hard work - that is feminism telling you what to do
2264773 Macuahuitl : No feminist has ever told me any of these things.
2264774 el mono real : They are telling you every day, Chuy
2264775 Macuahuitl : In fact I don't think I've ever met a feminist "in real life."
2264776 Macuahuitl : No one's ever told me any of this
2264777 Macuahuitl : I know you're kidding about all this, Mono.
2264778 Macuahuitl : But you do feel like that.
2264779 el mono real : If you turn on the TV, you will see it on the commercials. It's always the "silly man" who is the brunt of the joke, because to make fun of women would be "sexist".
2264780 Macuahuitl : *you really do
2264781 Macuahuitl : I just told you I stopped watching tv 6 years ago.
2264782 el mono real : I'm not joking, Chuy
2264783 Macuahuitl : o_O
2264784 Macuahuitl : But the thing is mono, you look at everything from a Eurocentric POV/
2264785 Macuahuitl : Our Mexica men AND women weren't like that.
2264786 Macuahuitl : It was pretty balanced, more balanced than in Europe.
2264787 Macuahuitl : Machismo comes from southern Europe and feminism comes from northern Europe.
2264788 el mono real : When we hear sexist terms such as "Mansplain", "Dad Jokes", "Man cold" etc, and treat this as normal and acceptable, this is feminism telling you what to do.
2264789 Macuahuitl : I think you're right about that.
2264790 el mono real : Chuy, you should be proud to be a man. Don't let anyone make you feel ashamed of your masculinity
2264791 el mono real : Go out and fu*k some puzzy
2264793 Macuahuitl : I am proud but I'm not male chauvinistic/male supremacist either.
2264794 Macuahuitl : I truly believe in 100% equality for EVERYBODY but it has to be 100% true and real 100% of the time.
2264795 el mono real : I think men and women are different. Men are better at some tasks, women are better at other tasks.
2264796 Macuahuitl : That's my stance.
2264797 el mono real : They are teaching kids at school that women are just as good at men at sport, and they are just as strong.
2264798 Macuahuitl : I was never taught this.
2264799 el mono real : Even our government run schools are teaching lies to children, and making boys feel ashamed of who they are.
2264800 Macuahuitl : lol..
2264801 Macuahuitl : I doubt that.
2264802 Macuahuitl : I know everything is a joke to you, Matthew and you are really kidding about this.
2264803 el mono real : Did you know that suicide rates are FAR higher in men than in women? Where is the campaign against that?
2264804 Macuahuitl : But I also know that's how you really feel.
2264805 el mono real : No Chuy, I'm serious
2264806 Macuahuitl : Right...
2264807 el mono real : And I've seen it in the schools. They are teaching children these lies.
2264808 Macuahuitl : I was never taught this.
2264809 el mono real : YOu are not a child of the modern era
2264811 el mono real : Well, I must go, Chuy boy
2264813 el mono real : Be proud of your masculinity
2264814 Macuahuitl : All right, see ya.
2264815 el mono real : Walk around with your penis out for all the world to see
2264816 Macuahuitl : I'll leave that up to you.
2264818 Macuahuitl : ¡Hola, jor1!
2264819 Macuahuitl : I almost g2g.
2264820 Macuahuitl : But at least it's Saturday, my "day off." :D
2264821 Macuahuitl : You there, Perro Jota?
2264822 Jdawg78 : sort of.
2264823 Macuahuitl : Jaja.
2264824 Macuahuitl : What are you doing?
2264825 Jdawg78 : Watching a thing about how Harry Potter was plagiarize.
2264826 Macuahuitl : Jaja.
2264827 Jdawg78 : plagiarized.
2264828 Macuahuitl : Wow! Really?
2264829 Macuahuitl : Let me see.
2264830 Macuahuitl : I heard something like that a long time ago.
2264831 Macuahuitl : I think when the first book was published.
2264832 Macuahuitl : I g2g in 10 minutes.
2264833 Macuahuitl : But let me see.
2264834 Jdawg78 : The worst witch was from 1974.
2264835 Macuahuitl : o_O