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2324907 charliedontsurf : omg beef curry, my mind saw it as beef jerky lol
2324908 charliedontsurf : Doing anything for Thanksgiving?
2324909 Jdawg78 : Not really.
2324910 charliedontsurf : And you don't even watch sports :D
2324911 charliedontsurf : So, what brand of beer, just curious
2324912 charliedontsurf : It's just for cooking. I won't tease you.
2324913 el mono real 1 : That stinky dog just talks nonsense
2324914 charliedontsurf : Any ol' kind will work
2324915 el mono real 1 : He's definitely on the spectrum
2324916 charliedontsurf : Hey Matt
2324917 el mono real 1 : Hi Jon
2324918 charliedontsurf : You never told me about your trip to Morocco and Spain
2324919 charliedontsurf : I assume they're still there
2324920 el mono real 1 : Well, it was good
2324922 charliedontsurf : Wow, thanks for that :D
2324924 el mono real 1 : Morocco is a lot like Spain
2324925 charliedontsurf : Just like you to get into the details of the matter
2324926 el mono real 1 : Especially Andalucia
2324927 charliedontsurf : Makes sense
2324928 el mono real 1 : Similar architecture, food, etc.
2324929 charliedontsurf : Did you kneel during the call to prayer?
2324930 el mono real 1 : Besides, I think there are as many Africans in Spain as there are in Morocco
2324931 charliedontsurf : You can pick up a bargain rug
2324932 el mono real 1 : They don't let you in the mosques
2324933 el mono real 1 : You can only look at the building from the outside
2324934 charliedontsurf : Racists lol
2324935 charliedontsurf : But a Muslim can tour Chartres Cathedral :D
2324936 charliedontsurf : Yeah, I like the architecture. Not sure how I'd like the food.
2324937 charliedontsurf : Then again, who knows?
2324938 el mono real 1 : You would love the "bobs and Tagine"
2324939 charliedontsurf : JD had a partial beer and is layed out on his bargain rug
2324941 el mono real 1 : No alcohol in Morocco
2324943 Jdawg78 : I had a full beer actually. I bought a 6 pack and only used one bottle for the stew.
2324944 el mono real 1 : I had some really nice food, for next to nothing
2324945 charliedontsurf : omg you're gonna become a raging lunatic, JD
2324946 charliedontsurf : I think you're a 2-bottle limit kind of guy
2324947 Jdawg78 : Probably. LOL
2324948 el mono real 1 : I tried some Moroccan marzipan sweets that were amazing
2324950 charliedontsurf : I could use some turron right about now
2324951 charliedontsurf : And coming into the Christmas season, should be plentiful
2324952 charliedontsurf : Buying chestnuts from a street vender is so Hallmark :D
2324953 el mono real 1 : Are your daughters coming home for Christmas?
2324954 charliedontsurf : Nice try lol
2324956 charliedontsurf : perplexed?
2324957 charliedontsurf : So sorry
2324958 el mono real 1 : I've seen you discuss them in the chatroom before
2324960 charliedontsurf : Are you sure?
2324961 el mono real 1 : Quite sure, yes.
2324962 charliedontsurf : What if I told you I only have sons?
2324963 charliedontsurf : I'll need to see a screenshot for proof of that assertion :D
2324964 el mono real 1 : I always picked you for a lonely prison warden, so it surprised me to read that you had children.
2324966 charliedontsurf : Yes, off all the lost souls in this place, only Captain Jack and I bothered to start life before age 50 lmao
2324967 charliedontsurf : of*
2324968 el mono real 1 : The pirate has kids?
2324969 charliedontsurf : I can respect delayed gratification
2324971 el mono real 1 : But he's a non-functioning alcoholic
2324973 charliedontsurf : Always the flatterer
2324974 el mono real 1 : Well, women are easily impressed by money
2324975 charliedontsurf : Hard to live the pirate life without the occasional swig of rum
2324976 charliedontsurf : Is that why you tell the Peruvians how successful you are?
2324977 Jdawg78 : I have a 4 day weekend coming up next week.
2324978 el mono real 1 : Why not?
2324979 charliedontsurf : I have a lifetime weekend, JD,but congrats
2324980 charliedontsurf : Well you DO claim to be searching for a wife in a South American country, makes sense
2324981 el mono real 1 : Yes. And money will impress them
2324982 charliedontsurf : Impress them with money and maybe they'll forget the attitude lol
2324983 charliedontsurf : One big PRO, a multitude of CONS
2324984 el mono real 1 : I don't put puzzy on a pedestal, if that's what you mean
2324985 charliedontsurf : I don't mean anything
2324986 charliedontsurf : Just clarifying your narrative
2324987 el mono real 1 : Then what is the "attitude"?
2324988 charliedontsurf : And may I be the first to say.......I wish you all the luck in the world
2324989 el mono real 1 : You want me to be like that stinky dog, and lie and say how wonderful women are, and how "men are shit"?
2324990 charliedontsurf : Oh, I don't know.....Among the many....you say you're smart, handsome, educated, a "nice catch" blah blah
2324991 charliedontsurf : I don't want you to be anything, Mono
2324992 charliedontsurf : I think we lost JD to alcohol
2324993 el mono real 1 : I am all of those things, thank you
2324994 charliedontsurf :
2324995 el mono real 1 : So, we haven't spoken since Trump's great erection. You must be very pleased
2324996 charliedontsurf : I'd rather talk about how many grains of sand are in Morocco
2324997 el mono real 1 : Your guns are safe now
2324999 el mono real 1 : At least Biden is doing something to help the Ukrainians, before the crazy man takes power
2325000 charliedontsurf : You have an assortment of hand stones that make me blush
2325001 charliedontsurf : Yes, he's amping up the war :D
2325002 el mono real 1 : Someone has to help them
2325003 charliedontsurf : Biden can't even have a successful bowel movement
2325004 charliedontsurf : WWIII on your way out, nice call
2325005 el mono real 1 : That's a cheap, personal attack