History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2323705 Woaja : mi raza es el mejor raza
2323706 Woaja : tambien solo una broma
2323707 Perritoadorable : lol, what do you suggest for revenge
2323709 Woaja : No se
2323710 Perritoadorable : My race is a pale race. I saw myself in the mirror and thohght how blanco i am is sad
2323711 Perritoadorable : we can date their cousins
2323713 Perritoadorable : Or their grandparents
2323714 Perritoadorable : really get revenge
2323715 Woaja : I thought you meant cousins as in that philippines is a cousin of mexico
2323717 Perritoadorable : Lol no their actual cousins
2323718 Woaja : As in we're dating filipinos instead
2323719 Woaja : Ohh lol
2323720 Woaja : The problem is they might have too much cousins
2323721 Perritoadorable : We need to be ready to date in the philipines because thats for life ha
2323722 Perritoadorable : we only need one cousin dont be greedy lol
2323723 Woaja : True lol
2323724 Woaja : I mean that they have other 50 other cousins they can turn to anyways
2323725 Perritoadorable : maybe we can join a rival gang if they are in a cartel
2323726 Woaja : not dating all of their cousins lol
2323728 Perritoadorable : they are big on family too youre right. A lot of choices
2323729 Perritoadorable : ah sounds fun hsha
2323730 Perritoadorable : i think i might end up being adam sandler in 50 first dates before ge meets drew barrymore
2323731 Perritoadorable : kissing tourists and hanging out with animals on that tropical island
2323733 Woaja : Our age gap is too large, I didn't know that movie from Adam Sandler
2323734 Woaja : I had to search up what he did
2323736 Perritoadorable : hs its cute i recommend it, even if its older for you
2323737 Perritoadorable : our age gap is lsrge
2323739 Woaja : I don't really mind it but it could look weird to other people
2323740 Woaja : I'm also friends with people 5 years younger than me
2323741 Woaja : Even 7
2323742 Perritoadorable : In the philippines you would probably be married by now lol
2323743 Woaja : Nope, the age of marriage is 18
2323744 Woaja : The age of consent is just very low
2323745 Woaja : for well other activities-
2323746 Perritoadorable : Ohh i guess thats why i met young families with so msny kids
2323747 Perritoadorable : they probably got married after
2323748 Woaja : Or the father just left lol
2323749 Woaja : or other possibilities
2323750 Woaja : There can be a dark story behind those families or not, I don't know lol
2323751 Perritoadorable : it was neat to see how commited they could be. Ready to settle down so early. I stayed near a church so that may bd why k saw that
2323752 Perritoadorable : Maybe youre right. Could be different fathers
2323753 Woaja : I think they just lied and weren't ready at that time lol
2323754 Perritoadorable : Thats true too could be
2323756 Perritoadorable : The young guys would often work on cruise ships and send money to the families
2323757 Woaja : Have you ever went to other spanish chatrooms?
2323758 Perritoadorable : I didnt even know chatrooms still existed. Im not sure how i found this one. So no just here
2323759 Woaja : Oh, I tried going to chatrooms on "el chat" but everyone is weird of course
2323760 Woaja : and omegle when it was up
2323761 Perritoadorable : I want to try to do a little practice when i can
2323762 Perritoadorable : no good too?
2323764 Perritoadorable : This ones often empty these days
2323766 Woaja : Nobody is here
2323767 Perritoadorable : It used to be busier
2323768 Woaja : When?
2323769 Perritoadorable : When i first found it under a year ago
2323770 Perritoadorable : more people used it everyday
2323771 Woaja : It wasn't active back then in 2022
2323772 Perritoadorable : now its a few trolls
2323773 Perritoadorable : its ok you didnt miss anything
2323774 Woaja : Yeah, its that mono guy
2323775 Woaja : I don't even know where he is from
2323776 Perritoadorable : Youve been practicing spanidhbfir a while?
2323777 Perritoadorable : There are a few of him
2323778 Perritoadorable : its annoying
2323779 Woaja : Well I did have a crush on the venezuelan transfer student but he didnt know spanish lol so back then I learned because of him but I transfered to another school
2323780 Woaja : I was too shy anyways to talk to him back then
2323781 Perritoadorable : ha we both learned it for love
2323784 Woaja : He was very attractive too
2323785 Perritoadorable : thats nice. Goid inspiration
2323786 Woaja : Latinos are very attractive but they are unfaithful
2323787 Perritoadorable : i have dimples. Inspsnidh hoyuelos
2323788 Woaja : I still learned it a lot so I never stopped learning spanish after that
2323789 Perritoadorable : you need to chsin your next latino to your arm
2323790 Perritoadorable : my text accuracy gets worse when im sleepy hs
2323792 Woaja : Its late
2323793 Woaja : very late\
2323794 Perritoadorable : wow it is
2323795 Perritoadorable : didnt notice
2323796 Perritoadorable : i should sleep
2323798 Woaja : are you going to sleep now?
2323799 Perritoadorable : thank you for visiting tonight
2323800 Perritoadorable : i probably should. You?
2323801 Woaja : I'm probably going to stay up all late
2323802 Woaja : I always stay up all night til morning and until 3pm
2323803 Woaja : 3pm I go back to sleep lol