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2323404 Perritoadorable : mono we agreed not to turn thid into insulting. Im trying to help you
2323405 Perritoadorable : hi jdawg
2323406 el mono real 1 : Insulting? Where, exactly?
2323407 el mono real 1 : You are the only person here who has ever used the word "coward, azzhole, cunt...." etc. etc.
2323408 Perritoadorable : if you want to talk about whats personally going on with you we are here to listen and support yoi. Are you ok mono?
2323409 Woaja : ‹@Jdawg78› Hola
2323410 Woaja : I was studying so I didn't open the chat for a while
2323411 el mono real 1 : Wow, back to personal attacks
2323412 el mono real 1 : You have no answer, again
2323413 Perritoadorable : Woaja if this is annoying i can stop
2323414 el mono real 1 : Yes, that would be convenient
2323415 Perritoadorable : no im asking in genuine concern. Are you ok?
2323416 el mono real 1 : You get to avoid the question, AND as a bonus, you get to be the white knight. Again!
2323417 Woaja : Its ok, its up to you guys if you want to stop
2323418 Perritoadorable : i volunteered on a helpline before and am able to listen if you need me to or want me to mono
2323419 Woaja : But its prob best to stop
2323420 el mono real 1 : Stinky dog, men are murdered in far greater numbers than women. All around the world. The world is FAR more dangerous for men than it is for women.
2323421 el mono real 1 : Try another line
2323422 Perritoadorable : again murdered by other men
2323423 Perritoadorable : not women
2323426 Perritoadorable : so its a very different world for men and women is the point
2323427 Jdawg78 : I don't drink but I may start now. LOL
2323428 el mono real 1 : That's like Marble's line. She said that (innocent) men deserved to die in wars, because it was men who started the wars.
2323429 el mono real 1 : Stinky dog, men are the one's who usually commit rape, so you deserve to be raped.
2323430 el mono real 1 : (that was an example of the logic you just used)
2323431 Perritoadorable : you are off topic now mono. Do you want to talk about whats going on with you personally? Are u ok? You mentioned men and loneliness and suicide. Are they on your mind for a reason?
2323432 el mono real 1 : Personal attacks again.
2323433 el mono real 1 : I'm bang on topic, and still waiting for an answer.
2323434 Perritoadorable : its concern not attack
2323435 el mono real 1 : Copy and paste again.....
2323436 el mono real 1 : How could women's lives be so much worse than men's, if the men are killing themselves and the women are not?
2323437 Perritoadorable : You sound fine. I talked to you because you seemed upset. But if its just to yell more about the sexes im not interested
2323438 Perritoadorable : woaja, jdawg, hello
2323439 el mono real 1 : You have no answer, it's obvious. So please stop trying to be a white knight. Please stop with your sexist comments. Please stop shaming men. You are obviously very feminised and need to rehabilitate.
2323440 Perritoadorable : Please stop focussing on me and try adding to the group and not whatever it is youre doing
2323441 el mono real 1 : Maybe you are hoping your "white knighting" will win you some puzzy, but it's really just alienating you from men AND women.
2323442 Woaja : Hey, sorry if I late replied
2323443 Perritoadorable : its ok
2323444 Perritoadorable : im done there, sorry. In the helpline when people talk about suicide its good to make surr they are ok
2323445 Perritoadorable : hes healthy and angry still ha
2323446 el mono real 1 : You gotta resort to personal attacks, don't you, stinky dog?
2323447 Woaja : Its ok
2323448 el mono real 1 : You can't answer the question
2323449 el mono real 1 : You can't justify your sexist behaviour
2323450 Perritoadorable : shes half my age mono, noones trying to 'get some' thanks. Plesse dont be disrespectful or disgusting
2323452 el mono real 1 : More personal attacks
2323453 el mono real 1 : Right then, stinky dog. Go away and think about what you have learnt today.
2323454 el mono real 1 : Accepting your mistakes is the first step to changing who you are.
2323455 Perritoadorable : be normal, join the conversation kiddo. Learn something new. Practice socializing. Anything but more of your same diagribe
2323457 el mono real 1 : Bye now, stinky dog
2323458 Perritoadorable : Night dummy
2323459 Perritoadorable : Mi enemigo ha
2323460 Perritoadorable : sorry jdawg and woaja
2323461 Woaja : It's all good
2323462 Perritoadorable : I miss the days when that wasnt here
2323463 Woaja : It's only on mono
2323464 Perritoadorable : i tried tonight. He seemed upset to me
2323465 Perritoadorable : that suicide word is a trigger to check on him. But he seems happy yelling at me so all good i guess
2323466 Perritoadorable : haloy to be a punching bag if it cheers the little fella up
2323468 Perritoadorable : woaja were you in the ohilippines before or after oresudent duerte was in?
2323469 Perritoadorable : My typos are brutal
2323470 Woaja : Oh Duerte
2323471 Woaja : I was in the philippines during duerte was in
2323472 Perritoadorable : Ok wild. I left Just as he was being elected
2323473 Perritoadorable : i missed all the craziness right after
2323475 Woaja : he was friends with a very bad person
2323476 Woaja : he was a corrupt president actually
2323477 Woaja : Do you have an opinion on him?
2323478 Perritoadorable : he was telling citizens to go shoot drug dealers so random people were being murdered with signs left on them saying they were drug dealers. No follow ups. Rickshaw and cab drivers. Anyone
2323479 Perritoadorable : he was a scary guy
2323480 Perritoadorable : some people liked his tough laws there and felt safer but he was pretty harsh in my opinion
2323481 Perritoadorable : not a fan
2323482 Perritoadorable : glad i left before
2323483 Woaja : Eh I don't support him, que afortunadas eres
2323484 Perritoadorable : Si yo estoy contigo
2323485 Woaja : Oh sorry for a late reply
2323486 Woaja : How did you pratice and learn spanish?
2323487 Perritoadorable : i told a friend tonight about the philippines. There was a boat trip you can take on the top of one of the islands. Ill have to look up which one. They take you around site seeing and snorkling. Then you stay on a small deserted island. Then another day out on the water ndxt day
2323488 Perritoadorable : Same as you, a high school class at first
2323489 Woaja : That's pretty interesting and actually amazing
2323490 Perritoadorable : then friends/gf and viditing central america
2323491 Perritoadorable : one minute ill look up the town and island...
2323492 Woaja : Oh yeah dating a spanish speaker was said to be beneficial
2323494 Woaja : :O Palawan
2323495 Perritoadorable : The town on the north end has the boat trips i recommenf
2323496 Woaja : I knew palawan was very beautiful
2323497 Woaja : Philippines probably named Palawan after the country of Palau
2323498 Perritoadorable : yes it was, also i was rewarded with many besos when ai got the words right
2323499 Perritoadorable : oh nice i didnt kniw
2323500 Woaja : It was hard for me to date knowing that not a lot of spanish speakers seem to be loyal. Not to generalize or anything
2323501 Perritoadorable : its ok i understand
2323502 Woaja : But they are very loving
2323503 Perritoadorable : the mujeres I dated were travelling from other places and living where i was in vancou er