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2322806 Perritoadorable : dont listen to politicians about this. Ask the smartest rrsearchers and see their data
2322807 Travis : You're still talking, Dave?
2322809 Carlos : Llegué perr@s
2322810 Travis : The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
2322811 Perritoadorable : I guess developing countries focus on the short term gains, which makes sense
2322812 Travis : Oh, it was a raindrop, my bad
2322813 Carlos : Ya de arranque nomás
2322814 Perritoadorable : travis. Hottest temperatures on record year after year. Coincidence?
2322815 Carlos : Con quién un parado y sin polo
2322816 Jaenette : ‹@Perritoadorable› Ese discurso es falso
2322817 Travis : Dog wears falsies? Nah
2322818 Carlos : Quién dijo yo?
2322819 Travis : That is fake news
2322820 Perritoadorable : Jaenette. Please dont be stupid. Go look at the research
2322822 Jaenette : ‹@Perritoadorable› En la edad de hielo no había industrias e igual se congeló todo, a quién echas la culpa de eso?
2322823 Travis : Se enfada
2322824 Perritoadorable : hmmm i wonder what tagline that fake news was taken from
2322825 Jaenette : ‹@Perritoadorable› Cuida tus palabras, por favor, no me llames de esa forma
2322826 Travis : Are you sitting or standing, Perrito?
2322827 Travis : I fear for your physical health AND your mental health
2322828 Travis : We need to be our fellow chatters' keepers
2322831 Carlos : Oe no se marchen pe
2322832 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› Sino hablaremos con nosotros mismos
2322833 Carlos : Hay mujeres en la sala
2322834 Carlos : Respeten pe.malcriados
2322836 Travis : Don't you just love people that feel the need to preach in a chatroom? If we could only be as smart as they lol
2322837 Carlos : Le voy a decir a Juagador que los bloquee a todos. Por malcriados
2322839 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› Cuando desayunas comes el mismo tipo de pan o lo varías?
2322840 Perritoadorable : Its up to everyone to decide based on political rethoric or measurable scientific facts what is true. If you dont want to listen to the smartest its easy to fall for the words of the dumbest. Because they are often much louder. Carlos is a perfect example
2322841 Travis : Como de todo, Jaen
2322842 Travis : I think you mean rhetoric, Socrates
2322843 Perritoadorable : Small buttons big thumbs dont nit pick the point
2322844 Travis : Never seen a dog toot his horn. Hard to do with four paws and no opposable thumb
2322845 Jaenette : Es bueno comer de todo, en tiempos duros se debe comer hasta el pan duro aunque suene repetitivo
2322846 Travis : No estoy a dieta, Jaen lol
2322847 Perritoadorable : its not my horn its facts. Science is based on experiments that can be repeated. So they are not 'fake news'
2322848 Travis : Como lo que me da la gana
2322849 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› Yo sé :)
2322850 Carlos : ‹@Perritoadorable› You are dog That smell my ass
2322851 Travis : :)
2322852 Travis : Real classy, Carlito Brown
2322853 Carlos : ‹@Travis› You too
2322855 Perritoadorable : i hope you are aware that the man you are championing wants to continue building a giant wall to keep you out of his country. So laugh away
2322856 Travis : Your ass is your head and it appears it's being used at the moment.
2322857 Perritoadorable : Im blocking carlos. Im surprised he has the intelligence to log in
2322858 Carlos : ‹@Travis› shut Up bald
2322859 Travis : omg Trump Derangement Syndrome to you, too. Maybe you and Mono have a common goal now which can remedy your ridiculous pissing contest
2322860 Travis : Wow, that was clever Carlos
2322861 Travis : And I think you mean "baldy"
2322862 Carlos : ‹@Perritoadorable› common You even fight with Jeanette
2322863 Jaenette : ‹@Carlos› Deja de molestar
2322864 Travis : Don't they have basic English books in El Salvador?
2322865 Carlos : ‹@Travis› yes You sissy gay
2322866 Travis : Well you may want to open one, your English sucks
2322867 Travis : click por puto
2322868 Carlos : ‹@Travis› You even talk in spanish
2322869 Carlos : ‹@Travis› your even know spanish
2322870 Carlos : ‹@Travis› You are so dumb for spanish
2322872 Travis : Jaen, estas?
2322873 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› Sí
2322874 Jaenette : Estoy aquí
2322876 Perritoadorable : Travis. Its not just 'bad hombres' hes blocking out. Its all of central and south america. So why cheer for that? Its strange to me that a woman who spent her career helping the less fortunate and wanted to continue to. Giving women more rights and access to health care etc , is not someone jaenette would want in power. Good luck visiting usa anykne outside north america
2322877 Jaenette : Mi internet está medio fallando desde ayer
2322878 Travis : Ah si?
2322879 Travis : Cual es el problema?
2322880 Jaenette : A ratos, no puedo abrir otra ventana y sale como si no tuviera internet
2322882 Jaenette : Otros ratos todo normal
2322883 Perritoadorable : Carlos. Shut the fuck up. Join the conversation or get out. Your retarded insults are annoying and pointless
2322884 Jaenette : Ha estado lloviendo y cuando eso pasa, la internet falla mucho
2322885 Carlos : ‹@Travis› your spanish sucks
2322886 Travis : lol don't have a stroke, Dave
2322887 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› Es así en mi región, no tenemos tan buena internet y encima el clima
2322888 Perritoadorable : Carlos are you 5? Be quiet. Havd an opinion and discuss
2322889 Travis : I thought you were always in a dream world, relax
2322890 Carlos : ‹@Perritoadorable› common bro You were fighting Jeanette tonigh
2322891 Travis : OK Jaen
2322892 Perritoadorable : Its not a fight. Its just talking politics
2322893 Travis : Pero teneis la selva
2322894 Carlos : But u were fighting
2322895 Jaenette : Allí será peor jaj no sé , la verdad
2322896 Perritoadorable : Its healthy to have differing opinions and to find common ground
2322897 Travis : I thought the word "retarted" was not politically correct, Mr Woke????
2322898 Perritoadorable : English please jaenette
2322899 Carlos : So dont deny it
2322900 Jaenette : ‹@Perritoadorable› Sí, es saludable, pero debatir sin insultar es más saludable aún
2322901 Travis : Yes retarTed lol
2322902 Perritoadorable : Stay on topic. Its always too petty in here
2322903 Travis : Freedom to leave, what a concept!