History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2322502 Jaenette : Hola, jor
2322503 Perritoadorable : its so stupid. There are almost no peole in here and you cant all find something in common?
2322504 el mono real 1 : Oh yes, of course. The stinky dog is all above fighting
2322505 jor3 : bnas nches
2322506 Perritoadorable : Lets be happy and nice to one another
2322507 el mono real 1 : What were you saying to Bessy earlier?
2322508 Perritoadorable : quiet mono, for teal its boring
2322509 Jaenette : ‹@jor3› No venías hace mucho tiempo, Cómo estás?
2322511 el mono real 1 : Such a hypocrite
2322512 Perritoadorable : jor save us
2322513 Carlos : Se lleno el chat de calzoncillos
2322514 jor3 : ‹@Jaenette› yo estoy bien gracias
2322515 Perritoadorable : ok enough. Be interesting
2322517 Jaenette : ‹@jor3› Que bueno
2322518 el mono real 1 : Stop playing the "nice guy" act, stinky dog
2322519 el mono real 1 : Nobody believes it
2322520 Perritoadorable : stop that giant text too plesse
2322522 Perritoadorable : mono, youre boring. Say something interestibg and we can talk
2322523 Carlos : Hey bros stop
2322524 Jaenette : ‹@jor3› Ellos siempre discuten
2322525 el mono real 1 : We can talk about how "men are shit"?
2322526 Carlos : Stop fighting
2322527 Perritoadorable : We did already. New topic
2322528 Carlos : There is a woman here
2322529 Carlos : La jor
2322531 el mono real 1 : Carlos, she is a little girl
2322532 Perritoadorable : I believe you are called transitioning carlos, not a woman yet ;)
2322533 Jaenette : ‹@Carlos› Por qué molestas a Jor?
2322534 Perritoadorable : I hate this. Its too much with one loud mouth
2322535 Carlos : Jor no es mujer?
2322536 el mono real 1 : Yes, that stinky dog is way above all of this.
2322538 el mono real 1 : Look how morally superior he is to all of us
2322539 Carlos : No se peleen pue
2322540 Perritoadorable : Youre pathetic and a broken record mono
2322541 Carlos : Hay mujeres ennel chat
2322542 el mono real 1 : He even defends the poor, defenseless women
2322543 Perritoadorable : Jaenette how do i block people on here. Why listen to the same words over and over when they are unimaginative and stupid
2322544 el mono real 1 : Throwing insults, yet still trying to play the "nice guy" act.
2322545 Perritoadorable : Hey mono, fuck off
2322546 jor3 : ‹@Jaenette› que te cuentas
2322547 Perritoadorable : bog mouth rat
2322548 el mono real 1 : jajaja atta boy
2322550 el mono real 1 : now your true colours are coming through
2322551 el mono real 1 : you are more likeable when you are real
2322552 el mono real 1 : not putting on an act
2322553 Jaenette : ‹@jor3› Estuve viendo lo de la APEC
2322554 Jaenette : ‹@jor3› Lo viste?
2322555 el mono real 1 : Maybe we can make a man out of you yet
2322556 Carlos : Please sttop fighting there is women here
2322558 Perritoadorable : Peace and quiet, you just go to their name in the list, click it and ignore. Now he can yap at himself by himself. Weak little keyboard warrior
2322559 el mono real 1 : Jor is a mute, he never says anything, Little girl
2322560 Jaenette : ‹@jor3› Hay llegado carros lujosos en el primer embarque, carros muy bonitos, pero deben ser caros
2322561 jor3 : no, pero espero q a la larga todo esto de los tratados nos beneficie a todos y no sea pura pantalla ....
2322562 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real 1› Sí me pregunto ahora
2322563 Jaenette : ‹@jor3› Ojalá sea como dices, no sé mucho de eso
2322564 Perritoadorable : Jor que es tu pais?
2322565 el mono real 1 : Look at the stinky dog, he's such a big man throwing cheap insults and swear words...yet he is also "above all of this" and wishes the fighting would stop.
2322566 Carlos : Jor es Sao
2322567 el mono real 1 : Can't have it both ways, stinky dog.
2322568 Jaenette : ‹@Perritoadorable› Sí
2322570 jor3 : ‹@Jaenette› asi es
2322571 Carlos : ‹@Perritoadorable› es un perro peruano
2322573 Carlos : Mejor dicho es una pereza peruana
2322574 Carlos : Es una perra peruana
2322576 Jaenette : ‹@jor3› Pero dicen que Chancay no está preparada para el puerto, será?
2322577 Perritoadorable : ‹no offense intended carlos but Im going to ignore you too for now. Its too much nonsense insulting and I dont like the giant text anymore
2322578 el mono real 1 : Back to the "nice guy" act.... "please forgive me for ignoring you"
2322580 Perritoadorable : Yaayy its so quiet now. Jor, jaenette. Tell me about the world and happy positive things
2322581 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real 1› Terminaste tu jardín?
2322582 Carlos : ‹@Perritoadorable› yes You are so hipocrita
2322583 jor3 : ‹@Jaenette› debe ser es un pueblo sin mucho recursos economicos , el puerto seguro que apoyara en su resurgimiento
2322584 el mono real 1 : The stinky dog must have been neutered already. He is very feminine
2322585 Carlos : ‹@el mono real 1› destroy perro David. He is too false
2322586 Perritoadorable : Its fun being able to type with no annoying banditos responding
2322587 Jaenette : ‹@jor3› Ojalá todo sea como dices
2322588 el mono real 1 : lol Carlos
2322589 Perritoadorable : jor de donde es?
2322590 el mono real 1 : Yes, stinky dog, soon you will have everyone on ignore and you can ramble to yourself
2322592 jor3 : ‹@Perritoadorable› soy de Peru
2322593 Carlos : ‹@Perritoadorable› She is a peruvian dog... You are dumb? You dont understaNd? Man
2322595 Perritoadorable : Oh bien, cerca de el ciudad de jaenette?
2322596 Carlos : Es una perrita peruana
2322597 el mono real 1 : Carlos, be respectful to the Little Girl, please
2322599 Carlos : ‹@el mono real 1› force me dude
2322600 jor3 : no lo creo, ella es de provincia
2322601 Perritoadorable : Cuando esta habitacion es tan ruido solo 'ignore' carlos y mono y todos es grande :)