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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2318475 Travis : You've never hit a nerve lol
2318476 el mono real 1 : How dare anyone suggest that the American political system is anything less than perfect?
2318477 Travis : Because I say that's not gospel, but your opinion, you hit a nerve?
2318478 el mono real 1 : You are seething
2318479 el mono real 1 : It's obvious in your words
2318481 Travis : I'm livid, foaming from the mouth and bloodshot eyes
2318482 el mono real 1 : Yes, but to be fair, you wake up like that
2318483 Travis : You've been spying on me again
2318484 Travis : I thought that was only for Siri
2318485 el mono real 1 : Only in the shower. The other stuff is boring
2318486 Travis : You stare jealously at a real man?
2318488 el mono real 1 : Who is the narciccist?
2318489 Travis : That's a hell of a pee :D
2318490 Travis : Well, you, my primate buddy
2318491 Travis : Know the difference between a self-deprecating joke and real thought
2318492 el mono real 1 : They need to train themselves.... hold it for 30 secs, then hold it for 1 min
2318493 Travis : More advice. You need a podcast
2318494 Travis : Not a suggestion, they NEED lol
2318496 Travis : You'll never find a suitable woman worthy of you, Mono
2318497 Travis : Just throw in the towel
2318498 Jaenette : A este paso, mono se quedará soltero
2318499 Travis : It must be horrible coming to that realization
2318500 Travis : Nice pee?
2318501 el mono real 1 : Trump can say whatever racist or violent comment he likes, but if anyone in the chatroom writes "they need..." you are all over it.
2318502 Travis : Trump again lol
2318503 Travis : You're SO victimized, so sorry
2318504 el mono real 1 : Nope. That one was about you
2318505 Travis : I'll stop pulling the scabs off of your internalized wounds, pardon me
2318506 el mono real 1 : That stinky dog is a sexist, too
2318507 Travis : Not interested in him, either lol
2318508 Jaenette : Chuy aparece, la llamita extraña escupirte y mono muere de nostalgia por verte
2318509 Travis : You really are a living, breathing placard of grievance
2318510 Travis : I remember when you were fun lmao
2318511 el mono real 1 : You could find a lot of things to criticize him about
2318512 Travis : Why would I even care to, Mono?
2318513 el mono real 1 : Don't you enjoy finding faults in people?
2318514 Travis : I'll never know him, meet him, or agree with him
2318515 el mono real 1 : Except for Trump, of course
2318516 Travis : According to you, yes, but as anyone can see, you call the kettle black
2318517 Travis : Trump haha
2318518 Travis : Wow, you've got it bad, dude
2318519 el mono real 1 : Got what bad?
2318520 Travis : Trump on the mind
2318521 Travis : Jaen, espik
2318522 Jaenette : Hablo hablo hablo
2318523 Jaenette : No sé qué decir
2318524 Travis : muy poco
2318525 Jaenette : Pero ya dije algo
2318526 el mono real 1 : I'm writing to appeal to your interests. It's what good conversationalists do
2318527 Travis : No one has accused you of being a good conversationalist
2318528 Jaenette : Ustedes son rubios?
2318529 Travis : tres palabras Jaen jaja
2318530 Jaenette : De piel muy blanca?
2318531 el mono real 1 : I could write something about baseball, but my knowledge on the subject is very limited
2318533 el mono real 1 : Fault finding again
2318534 Jaenette : Son como los vikingos?
2318535 Travis : Your knowledge of women and relationships is limited too, but you have a litany of sermons on the subject lol
2318536 el mono real 1 : You accuse me of not being "fun". Look back at all the disparaging comments you have made
2318537 Travis : Relax, Matt, it's a chatroom
2318538 Travis : No, Jaen
2318539 Jaenette : Cómo son?
2318540 el mono real 1 : No really, go back and count them
2318541 Travis : Brown hair, blue eyes, tanned, but now salt and pepper, more salt, Jaen
2318542 Jaenette : Eres rubio
2318543 Jaenette : Así los llamamos, gringos aunque tengan el cabello castaño
2318545 Jaenette : Yo tengo ojos oscuros
2318546 el mono real 1 : He's your typical Redneck, Little girl. Overweight, bald, wears a straw hat and carries a rifle.
2318547 Jaenette : Marrón oscuro, muy oscuro
2318548 Travis : gringos eres racista, supremacista blanca, narcissista, vendida blah blah lol
2318550 Jaenette : jajajaja Travis
2318551 Travis : In case you miss Chuy, J
2318552 Jaenette : Jajaja no lo extraño para nada
2318553 el mono real 1 : I suspect Jaenette had something to do with Chuy leaving
2318554 Travis : Little Girl...more Lolita vibes haha
2318555 Jaenette : Soy inocente!1 jajaja
2318556 Travis : Good for you, Sherlock
2318557 Travis : Disclose your clues
2318558 Jaenette : Lolita quiere decir prostituta en jerga, Travis
2318559 el mono real 1 : Chuy is a sensitive boy
2318560 Jaenette : Eso en Perú
2318561 Travis : You can put away the magnifying glass and pipe, we're in a chatroom
2318562 el mono real 1 : He comes across as all tough and macho, but inside he is very soft
2318563 Travis : Lolita was a controversial but famous book, J
2318564 Travis : Chuy comes across as tough and macho? lol
2318565 Jaenette : Debe ser, pero en Perú es eso
2318566 Travis : I nearly peed, good control
2318567 el mono real 1 : Your enlarged prostate is proving to be of some benefit
2318568 Travis : For beginners he is 5'7 and overweight, lives at home, reliant on others
2318569 Travis : How is that tough and macho?
2318570 Travis : lol Mono
2318571 el mono real 1 : Well, he has strong words. He's not afraid to discuss the tough issues
2318572 Travis : Good thing my stream flow is limited
2318573 el mono real 1 : He is not afraid to voice his opinions
2318574 Travis : And over, and over, and over, and over