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2318375 el mono real 1 : I'm not 50
2318376 Travis : Damn close
2318379 el mono real 1 : You know nothing, John Snow
2318380 Jaenette : Tiene 49 años, 11 meses y 20 días jajaja
2318381 Travis : Love the GOT reference :D
2318382 Travis : 43, 6 meses, 23 dias
2318383 Jaenette : Mono podría ser mi padre por su edad
2318384 Travis : You're starting late, too, Mono
2318385 Travis : Maybe take your own advice???
2318387 Travis : Y yo, tu abuelo
2318388 Jaenette : No, los consejeros nunca siguen sus propios consejos
2318389 el mono real 1 : I'm going to get myself a Colombian chica
2318390 Travis : A cocaine mule
2318391 Jaenette : Sï, podrías serlo, Travias, uno muy moderno
2318392 Travis : Imagine having to go to another continent to get hitched
2318393 Travis : How was Morocco, Spain?
2318394 Jaenette : Trágico jaja
2318395 Jaenette : Le gustan las morenas a mono?
2318396 el mono real 1 : Lots of Australians go to the Philippines for a wife
2318397 Travis : Aussie girls no good?
2318398 Jaenette : Que necesitados que están
2318399 el mono real 1 : But I want beautiful children
2318400 Travis : Hard to do when you self-identify as feo
2318401 el mono real 1 : and Asians are not attractive people
2318403 el mono real 1 : Nope. I'm guapo
2318405 Travis : Yeah, that was a narcissistic "look at me" moment
2318406 el mono real 1 : No it wasn't. You commented on how I identify myself, I corrected you
2318407 Jaenette : Y si son feos los eliminará como hacían los de esparta?
2318408 el mono real 1 : I have a friend who suddenly self-identifies as a woman
2318409 Travis : When you first came in again you told everybody repeatedly that you are ugly, now you say handsome. Which is it?
2318410 Travis : lol Mono we live in a crazy world
2318411 el mono real 1 : I am the ugly duckling
2318412 el mono real 1 : Now I am a beautiful swan
2318413 Jaenette : Antes mono ahora un cisne?
2318414 Travis : And didn't even have to kiss a frog, AMAZING
2318416 Travis : antes patito
2318417 el mono real 1 : The thing is, I don't think he would be going on this "journey" if he didn't get to publicize it on social media
2318418 Jaenette : Patito feo
2318419 Travis : Right, attention-seeking behavior
2318421 Travis : Pato Jonald
2318422 Travis : He's a really good friend?
2318423 el mono real 1 : He's never been anything remotely gay before, and then suddenly he is a woman trapped in a man's body
2318424 el mono real 1 : It doesn't make sense
2318425 Travis : Tell him his hips are curvier than ever, make his day
2318426 el mono real 1 : I'm just waiting for the "white male" shaming comments to start flowing
2318427 Travis : The anxiety must be tedious
2318428 el mono real 1 : Because now he is of the "pure" gender
2318429 Jaenette : guauuu, han estado extorsionando a un banco en Perú y como no les pagaron vendieron los datos de 22 millones de personas de Perú
2318430 Jaenette : está en la deep web
2318431 Travis : A B-cup bra as a Christmas gift would be thoughtful :D
2318432 el mono real 1 : He's not a close friend
2318433 Travis : Wow, Jaen
2318434 Jaenette : y es un banco grande
2318435 Travis : El mundo esta en caos
2318436 Jaenette : y los periodistas han probado si lo están vendiendo ya han vaciado cuentas de empresarios
2318437 el mono real 1 : Yeah, and Trump isn't even in power yet
2318438 Travis : Fight ! Fight! Fight!
2318439 Jaenette : era cierto, les han vaciado las cuentas
2318440 el mono real 1 : He's already started with the "rigged" rhetoric
2318441 Travis : Que malo, Jaen
2318442 Travis : Not interested, Mono
2318443 Travis : Perhaps Jaen is????
2318444 Jaenette : sí, pueden quebrar al banco?
2318445 el mono real 1 : Hmmm... and yet you will vote for him. Interesting
2318446 el mono real 1 : If only you would be so forgiving of people's faults in this chatroom
2318447 Travis : Will Jon chase the shiny object? Film at 11
2318448 Jaenette : Viva Trump!!! fight fight fight!!
2318449 Travis : lol Jaen
2318450 Jaenette : Trump va a ganar
2318451 Travis : Doing a mental pro/con.......
2318452 Travis : Lo veremos, Jaen
2318453 Jaenette : y ahora, el banco debió poner encriptaciones de última generación
2318454 el mono real 1 : I think there are many people just like Travis in this chat. They support Trump and his racist, authoritarian regime, but they are reluctant to admit it or discuss why.
2318455 Jaenette : o no sé, esos saben los expertos
2318456 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real 1› Travis no es racista
2318457 Travis : Estas segura, Jaen?
2318459 Jaenette : Ya me hubieras dicho algo jajaja
2318460 el mono real 1 : I hope I am wrong, but I think the 'poles" have been lied to. On the pole they say that they hate Trump, but in reality they will vote for him.
2318461 Jaenette : Mínimo , me hubieras dicho marroncita jaja
2318462 Travis : You need to control the narrative in this room at all times. I find it interesting as hell lol
2318463 Travis : polls?
2318464 el mono real 1 : yes, polls, thanks
2318465 Jaenette : Voy al toilet, ya regreso
2318466 Travis : No one believes the media now, on either side
2318467 Travis : They earned it
2318468 el mono real 1 : Women have such tiny bladders, it's very annoying to travel with a woman
2318469 Travis : Hard to get an accurate poll with 247 people in a country of at least 330 million, and each scores differently
2318471 el mono real 1 : Voting should be mandatory
2318472 el mono real 1 : It should be a representation of ALL the people
2318473 Travis : That's your opinion, cool
2318474 el mono real 1 : Oh, have I hit another nerve?