History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2316252 Jaenette : It's not valid for me
2316253 CaptainJack : sometimes it's maybe frustration, or hurt
2316255 CaptainJack : rude things I don't like though
2316256 CaptainJack : and I really don't like shouting
2316257 Jaenette : In Lima, some people cause damage when their team loses, is that right¡
2316258 Jaenette : ?*
2316259 CaptainJack : no, that's not right
2316260 Jaenette : That also happens in England
2316261 Jaenette : In everywhere I think
2316262 CaptainJack : yes, even here in scotland
2316263 Jaenette : That is horrible
2316264 CaptainJack : here they provided bikes to cycle from the train station for tourists, but kids vandalised them
2316265 Jaenette : You see? People don't respect anything and use the pretext of a game to do bad things
2316266 CaptainJack : some people
2316267 CaptainJack : not all
2316268 Jaenette : Yes, you are right, some people
2316269 CaptainJack : there will always be the ones that had no proper upbringing and don't know better
2316270 CaptainJack : every country has them
2316271 CaptainJack : but there are a lot of good people too
2316272 Jaenette : I think that people are getting worse every day, they have lost the notion of good behavior.
2316273 CaptainJack : it seems that way, i agree
2316274 Jaenette : A nosotros nos enseñan no escupir en las calles, saludar a los mayores, darles el asiento
2316275 Jaenette : No maltratar a los animales
2316276 CaptainJack : but there have always been people who do this
2316277 Jaenette : Sí, por suerte
2316278 CaptainJack : in reality today there are a lot of sanctuaries for animales that did not exist 30 yrs ago
2316279 CaptainJack : animal cruelty is less prominent, it used to be almost normal
2316280 Jaenette : That thing about sanctuaries is also a bit exaggerated, they want us to eat synthetic meat, I read that
2316281 CaptainJack : so many things have improved but could still be a lot better
2316282 CaptainJack : I mean places where animals are safe
2316283 Jaenette : That issue is on the way to banning everything from human beings
2316284 CaptainJack : perros, burros etc
2316285 Jaenette : Okay, I went too far with my ideas jaja
2316286 CaptainJack : no, it's true :)
2316287 CaptainJack : but they want to protect animals by getting folk to eat substitutes, fair process i feel
2316288 CaptainJack : but i will still eat chicken and beef
2316289 Jaenette : They want us not to eat animal meat, but they want legal abortions all over the world
2316290 CaptainJack : those are two different issues?
2316291 CaptainJack : both have valid points?
2316292 Jaenette : These are the contrasts of what these people want, and it is illogical
2316293 CaptainJack : no one should tell a female that was raped to have the baby
2316294 CaptainJack : she would resent it
2316295 Jaenette : What you said is the basis of the pro abortion discourse
2316296 Jaenette : But they don't talk about the psychological consequences of abortion
2316297 CaptainJack : I am against abortion as a method of contaception, but in some situations it sadly is the best for both?
2316298 Jaenette : Algunos llegan más lejos y dicen que un feto no es un ser humano
2316299 Jaenette : I don't know, I don't think killing a baby is moral :(
2316300 CaptainJack : It;s a very hard thing to work out,
2316301 Jaenette : No matarás es un mandamiento para lso cristianos
2316302 CaptainJack : I believe in a soul, so most likely that begins at birth
2316303 Jaenette : I don't think so, that would validate what the Spanish priests said, that the indigenous people had no soul and could be exploited and even killed
2316304 CaptainJack : everyone has a soul
2316305 CaptainJack : It goes back to people not knowing any better
2316306 Jaenette : The other day I spoke privately with Flower, she said that words are powerful, that they change the mind and make the bad seem good and vice versa, she is right
2316307 Jaenette : Se repite tanto lo mismo que la gente creo que es verdad y bueno lo malo que dicen
2316308 Jaenette : Cree*
2316309 CaptainJack : The tongue is the most dangerous weapon though
2316310 Jaenette : la lengua obedece a la mente
2316311 Jaenette : Lo peligros es las ideas, la lengua solo verbaliza lo que se piensa
2316312 Jaenette : Peligroso son* las ideas
2316313 CaptainJack : well that is a minefield
2316314 Jaenette : Eso nos explicaba la profesora cuando hablaba sobre el terrorismo
2316315 Patricia : Capi long time!!!!!
2316316 Patricia : Hola Jaenette
2316317 Jaenette : Hola, Patricia
2316318 CaptainJack : Hola Pat
2316319 CaptainJack : Que pasa
2316320 Patricia : Mucho tiempo sin verte capi
2316321 CaptainJack : muy occupado
2316322 CaptainJack : trabajjo y vaccationes
2316323 CaptainJack : y tu?
2316324 Patricia : Lo mismo, mucho trabajo, vacaciones en enero
2316325 Patricia : Cómo estás Jaenette?
2316326 Jaenette : ‹@Patricia› Bien, gracias y tú?
2316328 Patricia : yes capi
2316329 Patricia : todo bien por aca Jae
2316330 CaptainJack : where are you going?
2316331 Jaenette : Me alegro, Patricia
2316332 Patricia : Escocia jajaja
2316334 CaptainJack : you can come visit
2316335 Patricia : of course
2316336 CaptainJack : you are too scared to visit here
2316338 Patricia : Voy con Jaenette
2316339 CaptainJack : jnuary es muy fria
2316340 CaptainJack : you travel like Jedi's
2316341 CaptainJack : siempre dos
2316343 Patricia : Puedes prepararme un te para el frio
2316344 Patricia : Chicos los dejo, me voy a cocinar, nos vemos mas tarde Jaen y ungusto volver a encontrarte Capi.
2316345 CaptainJack : tea is for the English
2316346 CaptainJack : yo will get a Dram :D
2316348 Jaenette : A mí me gusta el té
2316349 Jaenette : tengo que ir a cenar, regreso luego, CpatainJack
2316350 Jaenette : Patricia, me encantó verte, regreso luego
2316351 CaptainJack : For sure the police chase her !