History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2306996 Tiarra : Fue un placer Mari
2306997 Tiarra : Cuídate
2306998 Tiarra : Espero volverte a leer otra vez
2306999 Jdawg78 : Hasta luego Tiarra!
2307000 MaribSol : ‹@Tiarra› Igualmente.
2307001 Tiarra : Adiós JD
2307002 MaribSol : ‹@Tiarra› Que te vaya bien :D
2307003 MaribSol : ‹@Jdawg78› ¿Qué hay de nuevo aparte de tu resfrio?
2307004 MaribSol : ¿Cómo va el trabajo?
2307005 Jdawg78 : No mucho, mi dia libre.
2307006 MaribSol : Que bueno, con resfrío no se puede trabajar y rendir como siempre.
2307007 Jdawg78 : No es tan grave...
2307008 Jdawg78 : solo un poco de dolor en la cabeza.
2307009 MaribSol : Entonces, pasará rápido.
2307010 MaribSol : Regreso cualquiera de estos días, que tengas una buena noche. Cuídate :)
2307011 MaribSol : Jd, dejo mis saludos para Jon, si lo ves, hazle presente, por favor.
2307012 MaribSol : Chao por ahora.
2307013 Jdawg78 : Nos vemos!
2307014 Macuahuitl : Hola.
2307015 Macuahuitl : hola perro jota
2307016 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2307017 Macuahuitl : como estas?
2307018 Macuahuitl : ya me siento mejor
2307019 Macuahuitl : hasta por fin me bañe
2307020 Macuahuitl : :D
2307021 Macuahuitl : estoy tosiendo mas porque tengo comida atorrada en mi garganta
2307022 Jdawg78 : I'm up to playing Minuet in G at 120 bpm.
2307024 Macuahuitl : i g2g in 20 minutes
2307025 Jdawg78 : I have to call the office and tell them my rent is going to be late again.
2307027 Macuahuitl : how come?
2307028 Jdawg78 : Because my rent is going to be late.
2307030 Macuahuitl : but why?
2307031 Jdawg78 : Because I don't have the money.
2307032 Macuahuitl : but why?
2307033 Jdawg78 : Because it doesn't grow on trees.
2307035 Macuahuitl : but why don't you have it? you missed work or what?
2307036 Jdawg78 : Nope.
2307037 Macuahuitl : o_O
2307038 Macuahuitl : im going to stay on the computer until my mom wakes up
2307039 Macuahuitl : which hopefully will be soon
2307040 Macuahuitl : im getting sleepy too
2307041 Macuahuitl : which is kind of a good thing
2307042 Macuahuitl : i think she just woke up
2307043 Jdawg78 : I hate calling them.
2307044 Macuahuitl : jaja i bet
2307045 Jdawg78 : They keep threatening me with attorney fees and such.
2307047 Macuahuitl : hey, tony. how's it going?
2307048 Tony47Granada : hi, how are you?
2307049 Macuahuitl : ‹@Tony47Granada› im good, thanks. how about you?
2307050 Tony47Granada : me too, thanks
2307052 Tony47Granada : what does brb mean?
2307053 Jdawg78 : be right back.
2307054 Macuahuitl : okay back
2307055 Macuahuitl : ‹@Tony47Granada› that's good
2307056 Macuahuitl : it's so funny watching my next door neighbor arriving in her little red smart car
2307058 Tony47Granada : does this thing get you fun? why?
2307059 Macuahuitl : haha, it makes me laugh
2307060 Macuahuitl : because it looks so funny
2307061 Macuahuitl : it's so small it almost looks like a toy
2307062 Tony47Granada : have you got a big one?
2307064 Macuahuitl : i don't even have a car lol
2307065 Jdawg78 : Now I'm working on the key change.
2307066 Tony47Granada : then a small one is better than no one, isn't it?
2307067 Macuahuitl : o_O
2307068 Macuahuitl : ‹@Tony47Granada› yes, why?
2307069 Macuahuitl : ‹@Jdawg78› oh i thought you meant of your home
2307070 Jdawg78 : It goes from G major to B flat major.
2307072 Jdawg78 : G Major to Bb Major.
2307073 Macuahuitl : ‹@Jdawg78› jijiji
2307074 Tony47Granada : I think you shouldn't jibe to him until you get a big one
2307076 Macuahuitl : it's a her
2307077 Macuahuitl : and we're friends with her
2307078 Tony47Granada : is Spain there is a saying which says "courtesy doesn't take away the courare" lol
2307081 Macuahuitl : There's a similar saying in Mexico
2307082 Macuahuitl : "Lo Cortés no te quita lo Cuauhtémoc"
2307083 Macuahuitl : :D
2307085 Tony47Granada : la brabura, el corage
2307086 Tony47Granada : yes, it is
2307087 Macuahuitl : *courage
2307088 Macuahuitl : :D
2307089 Macuahuitl : crap my mom woke up
2307090 Tony47Granada : I Have just remembered that I had to buy something in a Chinese shop
2307092 Jdawg78 : Hola Linita!
2307093 Tony47Granada : I have to leave. take care, bye!
2307094 Macuahuitl : ‹@Tony47Granada› What is thtat?
2307095 Macuahuitl : *that