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2306496 Macuahuitl : Wow, there's not that many books on the particular topic. Interesting.
2306497 Jdawg78 : on what topic?
2306498 Macuahuitl : But then again I have to consider that there aren't that many people of "Latin" descent that are qualified to write high quality books.
2306499 Macuahuitl : American capitalism/corporations in "Latin America."
2306500 Macuahuitl : Maybe it's not as bad as I think it is, meaning there aren't that many American corporations in "Latin America" anyway.
2306501 Macuahuitl : I think I'm back to "I'm willing to read everything and anything."
2306502 Macuahuitl : Let me try Googling it in Spanish.
2306503 Macuahuitl : I'm currently reading a book kind of about this topic.
2306504 maestroandalu : Hi, esto sigue siendo la misma mierda de siempre.
2306505 Jdawg78 : Spongebob Squarepants theme in the minor key...
2306506 Macuahuitl : It's called "Tomorrow, the World: The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy" by Stephen Wertheim.
2306507 Macuahuitl : "Publisher : Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press (May 3, 2022)"
2306508 Macuahuitl : www.amazon.com/Tomorrow-W...
2306509 Macuahuitl : So 2 years ago.
2306510 Jdawg78 : Hola Maesro!
2306511 Jdawg78 : Que tal?
2306512 Macuahuitl : He talks about internationalism vs. isolationism.
2306513 maestroandalu : you have a T left
2306514 Macuahuitl : I guess they were actual things.
2306516 Macuahuitl : ‹@maestroandalu› ¡Hola!
2306517 maestroandalu : Macua, you must have a huge library
2306518 Macuahuitl : ‹@maestroandalu› I own about 800 books.
2306519 Macuahuitl : You would think there would be a lot books on this topic.
2306520 maestroandalu : 800 - wow!
2306521 maestroandalu : Yo no tengo ni 8
2306522 Macuahuitl : Jaja.
2306523 Macuahuitl : There's this "garage sale" at a church near my house every year where everything is free.
2306524 Macuahuitl : I go for the free books.
2306525 Macuahuitl : :D
2306526 Macuahuitl : I haven't gone since the pandemic started.
2306528 maestroandalu : Ya no hay tanta pandemia.
2306529 Macuahuitl : But I do buy a lot of my books from Amazon.
2306530 maestroandalu : ¿Sigues asustado?
2306531 Macuahuitl : ‹@maestroandalu› A mi me acaba de dar Covid.
2306532 Macuahuitl : Tengo Covid ahorita.
2306533 Jdawg78 : So now it should be fine to go out. Since you already have it. :D
2306534 maestroandalu : ¿Te pusiste la vacuna?
2306535 maestroandalu : las vacunas?
2306536 Macuahuitl : Nop.
2306537 maestroandalu : Con las vacunas puestas, se supone que el covid no es tan fuerte.
2306538 Macuahuitl : He necesitado ponerme la cuarta desde hace casi un año pero no me la he puesto.
2306539 maestroandalu : Ahh, ok.
2306540 Macuahuitl : Y pues ya me dio.
2306541 Macuahuitl : Sí, no está tan fuerte.
2306542 maestroandalu : ¿Pero tienes las 3 primeras?
2306543 Macuahuitl : Tengo 3 días y ya me siento mejor.
2306544 Macuahuitl : Sí.
2306545 maestroandalu : Poco a poco.
2306546 Macuahuitl : Me duele la garganta y tengo mocos.
2306547 Macuahuitl : Pero no me dio mucha toz ni fiebre.
2306548 maestroandalu : tos*
2306549 Macuahuitl : *tos
2306550 Macuahuitl : Gracias.
2306551 maestroandalu : Estoy en un grupo de español.
2306552 maestroandalu : Hay uno que no tiene ni puta idea, pero le echa ganas.
2306553 Macuahuitl : Jaja.
2306554 maestroandalu : 4 días llevo con él para que se enseñara a poner la tilde.
2306555 maestroandalu : en su posición.
2306556 Macuahuitl : o_O
2306557 maestroandalu : é - é - é
2306558 maestroandalu : él pone el palito al revés.
2306559 Macuahuitl : "In 1955, Ray Kroc, a businessman, joined the company as a franchise agent and, in 1961, bought out the McDonald brothers. Previously headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, it moved to nearby Chicago in June 2018.[9][10][11][12]"
2306560 Macuahuitl : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McD...
2306561 Macuahuitl : He wrote a book about "The Making of McDonald's": www.amazon.com/Grinding-O...
2306562 maestroandalu : Are you gonna buy that book?
2306563 Macuahuitl : Yeah, I want to.
2306564 maestroandalu : MacDonald - crap food
2306565 maestroandalu : a lof of sugar
2306566 maestroandalu : Burger king - MacDonald - Taco Bell - Pizza hut
2306567 maestroandalu : Todo es una puta mierda que engancha mucho.
2306568 Macuahuitl : I added to the 557 other books that I want to buy from Amazon.
2306569 maestroandalu : Ya que lleva mucho azúcar.
2306570 maestroandalu : Como este puto chat de mierda.
2306571 Macuahuitl : Jaja.
2306572 maestroandalu : Hay mucha obesidad en USA
2306573 Macuahuitl : American capitalism, gotta love it! :D
2306574 maestroandalu : Igual que en España, como somos medios subnormales, nos gusta todo lo que viene de los EEUU
2306575 Macuahuitl : Jaja.
2306576 maestroandalu : España ya tiene mucho de USa
2306577 maestroandalu : Recogemos su mierda.
2306578 Macuahuitl : Jijiji.
2306579 Macuahuitl : Jaja.
2306580 maestroandalu : Muchas películas, canciones, espectáculos, comida basura, etc...
2306581 Macuahuitl : Jajaja.
2306582 maestroandalu : Y lo más importante, el idioma, lo dejamos a un lado.
2306583 maestroandalu : Bueno, me voy.
2306585 Macuahuitl : ¡Okay, hasta luego!
2306586 Jdawg78 : My computer just went blurry.
2306588 Jdawg78 : That was weird.
2306589 Macuahuitl : CH0LIT069 P*TO VENDIDO
2306590 Macuahuitl : Marvel was located in the Empire State Building.
2306591 Macuahuitl : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mar...
2306592 Macuahuitl : *used to be
2306593 Macuahuitl : ChatGPT said "Marvel Comics was located in the Empire State Building during the early 1960s. The company, then known as Marvel Comics Group, moved its offices to the Empire State Building in 1961. This was around the time when Marvel was launching its most iconic characters, such as Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men, under the leadership of editor and writer Stan Lee."
2306594 Macuahuitl : "Marvel's time in the Empire State Building was relatively short-lived, as the company moved to a different location in New York City a few years later. However, this period is significant in Marvel's history, as it marks the beginning of what would become known as the "Marvel Age of Comics."
2306595 Jdawg78 : Interesting thing about Marvel and DC.