History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2305094 Perritodavid : Que es espalda?
2305095 AngelaB1 : la espalda en inglés? es back
2305096 Perritodavid : Necesito traduccion:)
2305097 AngelaB1 : como siempre lol
2305098 Perritodavid : algun tiempo soy triste y me gusta hablar
2305100 AngelaB1 : ‹@Perritodavid› no estés triste, no arreglas nada con estar triste
2305101 Perritodavid : uno momento, traduccion :)
2305102 Perritodavid : Bessy can you write in english?
2305104 Perritodavid : Es dificil en mi telephono
2305106 Perritodavid : I think with winter coming I get sad and missed you guys :)
2305107 AngelaB1 : don't be sad, you can't solve your problems if you have them
2305108 AngelaB1 : so it's better to be glad, don't you think so?
2305109 Perritodavid : Its true and good advice but sometimes we just need to feel things. Then they will pass
2305110 AngelaB1 : it was nice to see you, David, hope to see you soon, i feel asleep
2305111 Perritodavid : I can smile but if my heart is sad it will feel it regardless
2305112 Universe City : "i feel asleep"
2305113 AngelaB1 : of course, problems come and go
2305114 Perritodavid : you too angela, sweet dreams
2305115 Perritodavid : i feel “sleepy”
2305116 AngelaB1 : thanks, David
2305117 AngelaB1 : u know my english is horrible lol
2305118 Perritodavid : Gracias para viaitarme aqui
2305119 AngelaB1 : and i don't practice it
2305120 Perritodavid : Es mucho mas fuerte que mi espanol
2305121 AngelaB1 : not true, your are just bieng polite, but thanks
2305122 Perritodavid : i will speak to peru and make it the national language so you can practice more
2305123 AngelaB1 : being*
2305124 AngelaB1 : ‹@Perritodavid› jajja okis
2305126 AngelaB1 : bye, bye, David, take good care of yourself
2305127 Perritodavid : Gracias Y tu mi amiga
2305128 AngelaB1 : dwj, caricias para Fuzzy y cuídate mucho, descansa lo suficiente que trabajas mucho
2305129 AngelaB1 : ‹@Perritodavid› i will, bye
2305130 AngelaB1 : chao, dwj
2305131 AngelaB1 : ‹@Universe City› trabaja jajjajjjaja
2305133 Perritodavid : Es lindo ser wonder y angelo son amigos ahora.
2305134 Universe City : ‹@AngelaB1› tu!
2305135 Universe City : ‹@Perritodavid› jaja
2305136 Perritodavid : gracias sleepy angela :)
2305137 AngelaB1 : ‹@Perritodavid› nop, no somos amigos, eso no será, universe tendría que vovler a nacer lol
2305138 AngelaB1 : ‹@Perritodavid› :) chao
2305139 Universe City : ‹@AngelaB1› GTFO
2305140 Perritodavid : problemas? Oh nooo
2305142 Perritodavid : Sigh. Just like old times. Lol. Jdawg and I are like sweden. We are nuetral
2305143 Perritodavid : Universe i guess you still think shes one person not two sisters?
2305145 Universe City : she isn't fooling me
2305146 Perritodavid : Fair enough. Tu tienes un grande historia con angela
2305148 Universe City : she started saying racist things like "i work like a black person"
2305149 Universe City : and then i called her a vendida
2305150 Universe City : and that's where it all started
2305151 Perritodavid : pero es el mismo con rainbow para tu? Problemas o menos?
2305152 Jdawg78 : I have it worse.
2305153 Universe City : i made peace with her and the she started insulting me again because I called her "Betssy" like Carlos
2305154 Jdawg78 : I work like a dollar general employee.
2305155 Universe City : ‹@Perritodavid› asi es
2305156 Perritodavid : Ah ok. Esta topica es muy sensitivo para tu
2305157 Universe City : Su "hermana mayor Marib" no exste
2305158 Universe City : *then
2305159 Jdawg78 : I can tell you they are different people.
2305160 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› Yahweh is your coworker now. :D
2305161 Jdawg78 : They are from Peru.
2305162 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› nope
2305163 Jdawg78 : Catholocism is common in Peru.
2305165 Universe City : She isn't fooling me.
2305166 Jdawg78 : In catholocism, they do not believe in using protection. So lot's of children.
2305167 Jdawg78 : Big families.
2305169 Perritodavid : Jdawg maybe you saw them online at the same time before? Or they are sharing a computer?
2305170 Jdawg78 : So I can see a big household with tons of sisters having to share a computer.
2305171 Universe City : She has different European bloods and some Japanese blood
2305172 Perritodavid : Thats true. Good point
2305173 Jdawg78 : Blood is blood.
2305174 Jdawg78 : It all tastes the same.
2305176 Universe City : that's kind of creepy
2305177 Jdawg78 : Sorry, still thinking about running a vampire v5 game.
2305179 Perritodavid : I was watching something silly tonight. Andrew tate made a course called hustlers university lol
2305180 Universe City : isn't Andrew Tate Canadian or something like that?
2305181 Universe City : I'm going to check my Instagram.
2305182 Perritodavid : i dont allign with his sexist aggressive principles but somd of the sales info was quite good to be hinest
2305183 Perritodavid : he has to be us or euro no?
2305185 Perritodavid : Hes the exact opposite of keano reeves
2305186 Perritodavid : i set a mouse trap in the house tonight with walnuts. Its a slip and slide bucket trap so I release them after. Have you seen these before?
2305188 Universe City : like in the cartoons?
2305189 Perritodavid : If you look on youtube you can see videos of them working. Its a lid you put on a five gallonbucket
2305190 Universe City : Too many bots on Instagram.
2305191 Universe City : ‹@Perritodavid› Two mice drowned in a bucket of water in our backyard recently.
2305192 Universe City : I had to shovel them up and throw them away.
2305193 Universe City : My mom was "too scared" to do it.
2305194 Perritodavid : Its called the rinne flip and slide. I caught already about 5 this summer