History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2303492 Tony47Granada : because I use the most similar word
2303493 Bibi learning : lo que hago con mi inglès es diviertame en medio sociales y social ineractiones
2303494 Tony47Granada : but not alwaiys it is the most appropiate
2303495 Tony47Granada : like this
2303496 Bibi learning : interacion ?*
2303497 Tony47Granada : me too
2303498 Bibi learning : es interacion o interactiones ?
2303499 Tony47Granada : then what do you do?
2303500 Bibi learning : i fell like there are a lot of mistakes in my sentence
2303501 Bibi learning : feel*
2303502 Tony47Granada : medios sociales and interaciones sociales
2303503 Tony47Granada : y*
2303504 Bibi learning : i answered your question
2303505 Bibi learning : el mas de mi tiempo leo libros ,juego videojuegos...
2303506 Tony47Granada : are you a student in a Spanish degree, it is?
2303507 Bibi learning : no solamente espanol por inglès también
2303508 Bibi learning : es llamo LEA
2303509 Bibi learning : Langues Etrangères Appliquées
2303510 Tony47Granada : la pregunta ¿que haces? es similar a ¿estudias o trabajas?
2303511 Bibi learning : extranjeros idiomas
2303513 Tony47Granada : pero en un sentido mas amplio
2303514 Tony47Granada : por que tu podrias ser una persona desempleada, retirada o incluso vaga (lazy) y no hacer nada
2303515 Bibi learning : wow my spanish aint good .Could u explain me this sentence trhe first one
2303516 Tony47Granada : ok,
2303517 Tony47Granada : you told me that you are going to study a Spanish degree
2303518 Tony47Granada : but many people study and work
2303519 Bibi learning : yes an english/ spanish degree
2303520 Tony47Granada : as I don't know much about you
2303521 Bibi learning : what you mean ?
2303522 Tony47Granada : I asked you what do you do?
2303523 Tony47Granada : in order if you work
2303524 Bibi learning : its not the only goal of the degree you learn English, Spanish ,finance ,managing and laws as well
2303525 Tony47Granada : or you are an homeholder
2303526 Bibi learning : its a degree to then prepare an international Marketing degree
2303527 Tony47Granada : now I know you're a student
2303528 Bibi learning : yes thats what i meant
2303529 Bibi learning : when i said "estudio"
2303530 Tony47Granada : I study a lot of
2303531 Tony47Granada : but I am not a student
2303532 Tony47Granada : because I am a electrician
2303533 Tony47Granada : I am a worker
2303534 Bibi learning : an *
2303535 Tony47Granada : but currently I spend my freetime studing English and Electronic
2303536 Bibi learning : por cuanto anos ha trabajo tu ?
2303537 Bibi learning : studying*
2303538 Tony47Granada : it is going to be your first year in the University?
2303540 Tony47Granada : many of them
2303541 Bibi learning : pero mi espanol no es bueno
2303542 Tony47Granada : I tried to be a mechanic engieneer in the past
2303543 Tony47Granada : I was in the University too
2303544 Tony47Granada : but I didn't get the degree
2303545 Bibi learning : if you say "many of them" "them" can only refer to people
2303546 Bibi learning : u should just many
2303547 Tony47Granada : so I studied a vocational course in electricity
2303548 Bibi learning : to mean many years
2303549 Tony47Granada : many years
2303550 Tony47Granada : I am very old
2303551 Tony47Granada : so I have spent time being a student a lazy person and now a electrician worker
2303552 Bibi learning : es muy dificil no estar vaga cuando es joven
2303553 Tony47Granada : in the time in which aI was a Lwas lazy person I would like to trabel more
2303554 Bibi learning : siento el mismo
2303555 Tony47Granada : but then I understadood I needed money
2303556 Tony47Granada : travel*
2303557 Bibi learning : i liked traveling more *
2303558 Tony47Granada : so I began to work
2303559 Bibi learning : more / a lot
2303560 Tony47Granada : now I only have enough time to study and work
2303561 Tony47Granada : and I contunue without money jajaja
2303562 Tony47Granada : continue*
2303563 Bibi learning : he intentado trabajar al primer
2303564 Tony47Granada : you should write in Spanish
2303565 Tony47Granada : what was the problem?
2303566 Bibi learning : si intento
2303567 Bibi learning : pero tomo mucho tiempo escfribir
2303568 Tony47Granada : why did you decide to continue studying?
2303569 Bibi learning : because i wanted to get a very good income
2303570 Tony47Granada : your English is good, It can open a lot of doors
2303571 Bibi learning : and i wasnt ready for work yet
2303572 Bibi learning : could u translate my sentence in spa,ish ,if it doesnt bother you?
2303573 Tony47Granada : (aun) yo no estaba preparada para trabajar aun
2303574 Tony47Granada : aún al principio de la frase es mas coloquial (hablada)
2303575 Bibi learning : si es por qué elegi internacionales Marketing
2303576 Bibi learning : could u translate the one before too ?
2303578 Tony47Granada : Marketing internacional o en español el grado seria algo asi com relaciones economicas y mercantiles
2303579 Bibi learning : internacional*
2303580 Tony47Granada : in Spain this degree is very difficult in some Universities
2303581 Bibi learning : he piensado hacer un degree sobre el turismo tambien
2303582 Bibi learning : por mi nivel en lenguas
2303583 Tony47Granada : you need a high level in Math and foreing langues in addition to the own subjects of the degree
2303584 Tony47Granada : I think it would be easier
2303585 Tony47Granada : and you would have more free time
2303586 Bibi learning : pero en France no hay mucho dificil maths que aprender
2303587 Bibi learning : es muy basic maths
2303588 Tony47Granada : you wil spend four difficult years
2303589 Bibi learning : si por supuesto el turismo seria mas facil pero el Marketing podria abrir mas puertas por mi futuro
2303590 Tony47Granada : pero en Francia no tengo que aprender matematicas dificiles
2303591 Tony47Granada : estas son muy basicas