History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2303092 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› agú agú, ma quelo teta, solo sabes decir eso
2303093 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› Callate la boca.
2303094 el mono real : A loose woman is fun for a one-night-stand, but this type of woman is not "marriage material"
2303095 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› Todas las mujeres en tu país son maleadas?
2303096 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› agú. agú, ma quelo pizza y teta
2303097 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› Solo dices eso
2303098 Universe City : JAJAJA.
2303100 Universe City : Hasta me das risa.
2303101 el mono real : For men, sexual fidelity is very important. No man wants to be suckered into raising another man's child (which happens more often than you think), so men's preference is for women who are more likely to pair-bond, ie, someone who hasn't had a lot of sexual partners.
2303102 Jaenette : A mí me das pena
2303103 Jaenette : Only few sexual partners?
2303104 el mono real : A woman who has had a lot of sexual partners is less likely to remain faithful and form a strong pair-bond with their partner
2303105 Jaenette : No entiendo esa lógica
2303106 el mono real : The feminists will be shouting "that is not fair. Men and women are equal, and women can have as many partners as they like and it doesn't make a difference"
2303107 el mono real : But this is not true. Men don't want to marry women who have slept around a lot
2303108 Jaenette : Tampoco las mujeres quieren casarse con hombres recorridos
2303109 el mono real : And this isn't because of "cultural" influences. It's biological.
2303110 Jaenette : Las mujeres en tu país tienen mucha experiencia sexual con muchos hombres, pero así de muchos, muchos?
2303111 el mono real : Women's second plan of action (after denial) to discredit this truth is to try and shame men... "you are so superficial. What I did in the past is none of your business. You are so shallow"
2303112 Jaenette : Cambiamos de tema? Da asco pensar como es que ciertas o muchas mujeres no respetan sus cuerpos
2303113 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› Y a mi me das latima.
2303114 el mono real : Women love to shame men for their sexual preferences, but really they are feeling bitter and jealous because they don't possess the qualities that men desire... ie, an older woman will shame men for preferring younger women.
2303115 Jaenette : No sé, cambiamos de tema? Por favor?
2303116 Universe City : *lastima
2303117 el mono real : Little girl, the modern, "Western" attitude among women is that they can sleep around as much as they like, without consequence. So yes, many women have had many sexual partners
2303118 Jaenette : Eso es un asco
2303119 Jaenette : Ahora cambiamos de tema?
2303120 el mono real : It's why you are more "marriage material", Jaenette
2303122 Universe City : Tan niña y tan tonta, mentirosa y oportunista.
2303123 Universe City : Hasta das lástima.
2303124 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› Hoy descansas de tu trabajo?
2303125 Universe City : And borderline vendida.
2303126 el mono real : I will do some more work on the wall, Little girl
2303127 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› ¿A qué edad puedes trabajar en "Perú"?
2303128 Universe City : Deja preguntarle a ChatGPT.
2303129 el mono real : The other day I installed a drain pipe, and make a brick "basin"
2303130 el mono real : made *
2303131 el mono real : It will stop the water from flooding when it rains
2303132 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› En qué trabajas?
2303133 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Good Times Forever Overflowing.
2303134 el mono real : Because the wall was trapping the rainfall
2303135 Universe City : ChatGPT dice "In Peru, the legal minimum working age is generally 14 years old. However, the conditions under which minors can work are regulated:
2303136 Universe City : Ages 14 to 17: Minors in this age group are allowed to work, but there are strict regulations to ensure their protection. They can work only in non-hazardous jobs and are limited to a certain number of working hours per day and week. For example, they can work up to 4 hours per day and 24 hours per week if they are still in school, or 6 hours per day and 36 hours per week if they are not attending school."
2303137 el mono real : I have been building a retaining wall garden bed, Jaenette
2303138 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› You are 17 years old, why don't YOU start working?
2303139 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› te gusta los jardines?
2303140 Universe City : Notice how SHE ignores THAT QUESTION.
2303141 el mono real : Chuy, when will they make you mod?
2303142 Universe City : So STFU with your "Get a job!" JAENETTE.
2303143 el mono real : You will be able to ban all of the "vendidas"
2303144 Universe City : YOU GET A JOB!
2303145 el mono real : (There will be no chatroom left)
2303146 Universe City : LOL.
2303147 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› agú agú
2303148 Universe City : Pili and Gina haven't proved to be vendidas...yet.
2303149 el mono real : Yes, little girl. I want to start growing all of my own food
2303150 Universe City : And I truly hope they don't.
2303151 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› Eso está bien, todo orgánico
2303152 el mono real : Oh good, Chuy. There are 2 people (who never enter the chat) who wont be banned. The rest of the world is out
2303154 Universe City : Mmm, Mr Dino isn't a vendido.
2303155 el mono real : Little girl, when we are married I hope that you will help with the garden
2303157 Jaenette : Sin casarnos te p uedo ayudar a sembrar en tu jardín, ayuda de amiga
2303158 Universe City : JAJAJA.
2303159 el mono real : Thank you, Jaenette
2303160 Jaenette : De nada
2303161 el mono real : See how she handled that so diplomatically and respectfully?
2303162 Jaenette : Es bueno tener un jardín y un huerto
2303164 el mono real : You could learn from her, Chuy
2303165 Jaenette : El trabajo en la tierra relaja
2303166 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Let's continue out conversation from the other day.
2303167 Universe City : About "white Australians" giving the "Aboriginals" their land back and going back to Europe FOREVER.
2303168 el mono real : Chuy, I don't get on the merry-go-round, remember?
2303169 Universe City : Of course.
2303170 Universe City : How convenient for you.
2303172 Universe City : "lol"
2303173 el mono real : I'm out to please ME, not YOU, Chuy?
2303174 el mono real : Do you live to serve others?
2303175 Universe City : How Eurocentrically individualistic, selfish and greedy of you.
2303176 Jaenette : ël solo sirve a sus lombrices
2303177 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› GET A JOB, PARASITE!
2303178 el mono real : Chuy, please be respectful
2303179 Jaenette : Un parásito hablando de parásitos
2303180 Universe City : It's the truth!
2303181 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› You're 17 years old, why don't YOU get a job?
2303182 el mono real : Jaenette was talking about me and my garden (with worms)
2303183 Jaenette : Sí, las alicuyas ayudan a abonar
2303184 Universe City : Nah, she says I have worms in my stomach, for some reason.
2303185 Universe City : Notice how she ignores that question.
2303186 el mono real : Chuy, she is under 18 and studying. She should be under no obligation to get a job
2303187 el mono real : Peruvians work very hard. I have seen it
2303188 Universe City : Oh, I have to bring my dog in from inside.
2303189 Universe City : Un segundo.
2303190 el mono real : Little girl, are you still on a break?
2303191 Jaenette : Sí, pero ya termina la siguiente semana