History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2301390 Laura6 : Para no ser amigos, se quieren mucho, se nota
2301391 el mono real : You only have to scroll up to the start of the blue
2301392 Macuahuitl : No she's implying that we're gay together.
2301394 Macuahuitl : I'm 100% heterosexual.
2301395 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› No thanks, I'm too lazy.
2301396 el mono real : Then your life will stay the same, Chuy
2301398 Laura6 : Macuahuiti, no dije nada de eso, los hombres se pueden querer también, no es pecaminoso ni prohibido
2301399 Macuahuitl : ‹@Laura6› You were implying it.
2301400 Laura6 : Pueden quererse y hasta amarse con toda libertad, como amigos, como lo que quieran
2301401 Laura6 : Como primos, hermanos, padre e hijo
2301402 Macuahuitl : ¿Ya ves?
2301403 Macuahuitl : I can't take anything mono says seriously because everything is a joke to him.
2301404 Laura6 : Macuahuiti, piensas mal
2301405 el mono real : That's right. After thousands of years of sodomy being sinful, according to the new Pope, God has suddenly changed his mind and allowed homosexuals to penetrate anus without fear of sin or judgement from above.
2301407 Laura6 : Ya está todo dicho
2301408 Macuahuitl : lol..
2301409 el mono real : I don't blame gays for being gay. It's not their fault at all, and there is nothing that they can do about it.
2301410 Macuahuitl : lol..
2301411 el mono real : But let's not pretend that homosexual acts are normal.
2301412 Macuahuitl : Yeah, constantly talking about large p*neses isn't normal.
2301413 el mono real : Much less, that they should be celebrated (ie, in a parade)
2301414 Macuahuitl : I have nothing against the LGTBQIIA+2 community.
2301415 Laura6 : A mí me causan risa
2301416 Laura6 : Y a veces rabia
2301417 Macuahuitl : ‹@Laura6› ¿Y por qué?
2301418 Macuahuitl : I'm hungry.
2301419 Macuahuitl : My pizza should be here soon.
2301421 el mono real : Chuy, your biggest challenge in a day is turning a light on for the pizza boy
2301422 Laura6 : Porque son ridículos, eso me causa risa, pero rabia, porque quieren despojarnos de derechos al resto de gente normal y hetero
2301423 Macuahuitl : Ehh, not really...
2301424 el mono real : Women are attracted to leaders
2301425 Macuahuitl : ‹@Laura6› You're starting to sound like el mono.
2301426 Laura6 : Acaso te agradan los homos, lesbi y demás bestias sueltas? Macuahuiti
2301427 el mono real : Yes. I'm starting to like Laura
2301428 Macuahuitl : ‹@Laura6› No me caen todxs mal.
2301429 Macuahuitl : Los únicos que me caen mal son los que son racistas.
2301430 Laura6 : Quiénes te caen bien?
2301431 Macuahuitl : I just can't see how a LGTBQ person could be racist.
2301432 el mono real : Chuy has few friends in the chat
2301433 Macuahuitl : ‹@Laura6› Cualquier persona que no sea racista, misógina, etc.
2301434 Laura6 : Me disgustas , Macuahuiti, eres un hipócrita homo
2301435 Macuahuitl : ¡Hola, Perro Jota!
2301436 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2301437 Macuahuitl : ‹@Laura6› ?
2301439 Macuahuitl : ¿Hipócrita por qué?
2301440 Laura6 : Mono, con su modo de penar lo creo
2301442 Laura6 : Hola, Jdawg
2301443 Jdawg78 : ¿Me perdi algo?
2301444 Macuahuitl : Tampoco me gustan la gente homofóbica.
2301445 Jdawg78 : Hola Laura!
2301446 Macuahuitl : *gusta
2301447 el mono real : Time to do some work
2301448 el mono real : Bye Laura
2301449 el mono real : Nice chatting with you
2301450 Laura6 : Macuahuiti, entonces no nos agradamos
2301451 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› Good Times Forever Overflowing.
2301452 Jdawg78 : Hasta luego Mono!
2301453 Laura6 : Adiós, Mono
2301454 Macuahuitl : ‹@Laura6› Está bien.
2301455 el mono real : Thank you, Chuy
2301456 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› lol
2301457 el mono real : Laura, return to the chat another day and we can discuss female privilege
2301458 Laura6 : Que tengas buenos sueños, Mono
2301459 Laura6 : Regresaré
2301460 el mono real : There is a lot to talk about there
2301461 Laura6 : Quizá
2301463 Macuahuitl : pizzas here
2301464 Laura6 : Jdawg, hasta pronto
2301465 Macuahuitl : I've got 2 more hours on the computer.
2301466 Macuahuitl : I'm going to be reading some news articles.
2301467 Jdawg78 : I'm getting ired.
2301468 Macuahuitl : Me too.
2301469 Macuahuitl : I only slept like 6 hours.
2301470 Macuahuitl : But I think I'm going to do some reading tonight.
2301471 Macuahuitl : I've got 5 books to complete my 8 books/8 hours. :D
2301472 Jdawg78 : I'm saving my book for tomorrow night.
2301473 Macuahuitl : Jiji.
2301474 Macuahuitl : I try to read 8 books/8 hours every night.
2301475 Macuahuitl : One of the ferrets is very active right now.
2301476 Macuahuitl : I wonder if it's Hersheys or 'Pachis.
2301477 Macuahuitl : I have the lights off so I can't see.
2301478 Jdawg78 : Watching this ER doctor react to youtuber injury videos.
2301480 Macuahuitl : How many views does it have?
2301481 Jdawg78 : almost 2 mil.
2301483 Macuahuitl : This YouTuber went to other YouTubers' mansions.
2301484 Macuahuitl : "I Asked YouTuber MILLIONAIRES For A House Tour!": www.youtube.com/watch
2301485 Macuahuitl : A female YouTuber.
2301486 Macuahuitl : 10,978,206 views from 1 month ago.
2301487 Macuahuitl : MrBeast is in it.
2301488 Macuahuitl : They have mansions, Ferrari's and other luxury things from just being YouTubers.
2301489 Macuahuitl : "MTV Cribs" style.