History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2300889 perritodavid : Si, esta es bien, gracias para tu ayudar
2300890 perritodavid : hablar pronto amigo
2300891 perritodavid : tienes un buen dia!
2300892 maestroandalu : I put "Manual" in upper letter coz' I was starting my phrase, but manual its called in low letter
2300893 maestroandalu : See you around
2300894 maestroandalu : Do you have to go?
2300895 perritodavid : si, good awareness
2300896 perritodavid : Si, I have to get back to do the course
2300897 maestroandalu : ¡Qué tengas un buen día!
2300898 maestroandalu : ok. see you around
2300899 perritodavid : bye for now Manuel and thank you for your help
2300900 maestroandalu : let me know when you be a teacher
2300902 Jaenette : Jajaja que gracioso, Manuel es el manual de ese nuevo usuario
2300906 CaptainJack : normal gente aqui?
2300907 CaptainJack : diesel is not
2300908 CaptainJack : jor?
2300909 CaptainJack : you all run
2300910 CaptainJack : puppets of john
2300912 CaptainJack : or who ever
2300913 CaptainJack : Jd hides
2300914 CaptainJack : Travis hides
2300915 CaptainJack : none have a realidentity
2300916 CaptainJack : Just happy to be here
2300917 CaptainJack : irony is not for all :p
2300918 CaptainJack : i have come to the con clussion that few here are good
2300919 CaptainJack : no suprise i guess
2300920 CaptainJack : i se yo all as people with no soul
2300921 CaptainJack : no identity
2300922 CaptainJack : just one allowed by another
2300923 CaptainJack : the old peoplw have been isoated
2300925 CaptainJack : to bring life to the dead
2300926 CaptainJack : no doubt jd will bring an ai song to sing it
2300927 CaptainJack : the reality of life none that are here can accept
2300928 CaptainJack : is that
2300929 CaptainJack : the english are not anything other than you give them
2300930 CaptainJack : never give them power
2300931 CaptainJack : its ' taboo'
2300932 CaptainJack : hola you see
2300933 CaptainJack : :p
2300934 CaptainJack : how aware are you of life?
2300935 CaptainJack : both uc y jor
2300938 CaptainJack : baic espanol si
2300940 CaptainJack : but uc
2300941 CaptainJack : are you allowed to talk?
2300943 CaptainJack : people with power always show their weakness when faced with reality
2300944 CaptainJack : ?
2300945 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2300946 Moth : Hello Captain!
2300947 el mono real : lol busy man is here all by himself
2300948 Diesel : fuck off faggot
2300950 el mono real : Hi Zol
2300951 Zol : Hi mono
2300952 Zol : Has anyone seen Norah ?
2300953 el mono real : Quien eres, Zol?
2300955 el mono real : Helena guapa
2300956 Zol : Alguien has visto a Lapaty ?
2300957 Helena0586 : ‹@el mono real› Y eso? No que no me querías hablar?
2300958 Helena0586 : Y ahora con flor y todo?
2300959 el mono real : Helena, I think you are nice
2300960 Zol : Hola wapita
2300961 Zol : Que tal ?
2300962 Helena0586 : ‹@el mono real› Pero lo ocultabas dirás jaja
2300963 Helena0586 : ‹@Zol› Hola
2300964 el mono real : I'm still waiting for my apology, but I'm sure you will give it when you are ready
2300965 Helena0586 : ‹@el mono real› Todo cambia, así pasa
2300966 el mono real : Helena, Chuy thinks that he scared you away
2300967 Helena0586 : Nunca me disculparé, porque no tengo porqué
2300968 Helena0586 : ‹@Zol› Eres hombre?
2300969 Zol : Que paz la que hay en la sala cuando el chango de Chuy no está presente
2300970 el mono real : You were disrespectful to me Helena, but I forgive you. You are young
2300971 Helena0586 : ‹@el mono real› No sufro de susto, Chuy puede estar en paz
2300972 Zol : Si, wapa.. soy tu caramelo
2300974 Helena0586 : ‹@Zol› Resulta que no me gusta los caramelos
2300975 Zol : Chuy siempre entra endrogado
2300976 el mono real : lol, she shut you down
2300977 Helena0586 : ‹@el mono real› Ya pareces perdonavidas
2300978 Zol : Ves, preciosa lo sabía
2300979 Helena0586 : ‹@Zol› Sabías qué?
2300980 Zol : Que te gustan los caramelitos
2300981 el mono real : Helena, it's only because you are guapa that I forgive you. If you were fea like Angie, I would be sending you daggers
2300982 Helena0586 : ‹@Zol› Dije que no me gustan
2300984 Zol : Never mind..
2300985 Helena0586 : ‹@el mono real› Ciertamente soy hermosa, pero puedo ser fea de comportamiento
2300986 el mono real : Yes, Helena. I have seen that
2300987 Helena0586 : ‹@el mono real› Angie es Flower, verdad?
2300988 el mono real : Yes, Helena