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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2294213 Universe City : but then got bored of it
2294214 Jdawg78 : My phone is haunted.
2294215 Jdawg78 : It just started playing music randomly.
2294218 Universe City : i wonder how good eminem's newest album is
2294219 Universe City : im scared to listen to it
2294220 Universe City : he's the bestselling artist of the 2000s
2294221 Universe City : up until 2009, i believe
2294222 Universe City : i tend to forget youtube is only 19 years old
2294223 Universe City : originally launched in 2005
2294224 Universe City : i was 15 years old
2294225 Universe City : and youtube became the place where the most music is listened to, more than all other websites combined :D
2294226 Universe City : i learned that from this book im reading
2294227 Universe City : that book i told you about
2294228 Universe City : www.amazon.com/Need-Know-...
2294229 Universe City : i g2g in an hour
2294230 Jdawg78 : I'm breaking out that dip. brb
2294231 Universe City : gonna take a shower, brush my teeth, eat something and read my books until i have to do my chores a 8 PM
2294232 Jdawg78 : Got some celery for it.
2294233 Universe City : ew, i hate celery
2294234 Universe City : i can never remember how to spell it either
2294235 Universe City : i always want to spell it selery
2294236 Jdawg78 : What's wrong with celery?
2294237 Universe City : it's gross lol
2294238 Universe City : it's like a stick of sour and water
2294239 Jdawg78 : Sour?
2294240 Jdawg78 : Celery isn't sour.
2294241 Universe City : to me it is
2294242 Universe City : a little bit
2294243 Universe City : and it's like chewing on grass
2294244 Universe City : All 435 songs with over 1 billion views: www.youtube.com/watch
2294245 Universe City : over 450 billion views
2294246 Universe City : and that's just the videos that have over 1 billion views
2294247 Universe City : that's not counting all tte music videos that have less than 1 billion views
2294248 Universe City : i wonder how many hours that translates to
2294249 Universe City : there should be a website that is dedicated to making data about the music industry
2294250 Universe City : and it should start out free and as more people visit it change it to paying a fee
2294251 Universe City : there's already websites like that but there should be one for JUST the music industr
2294252 Universe City : *industry
2294253 Jdawg78 : youtube.com/shorts/iUdsyZ... Let's try this.
2294254 Universe City : that guy is still making videos? lol
2294255 Universe City : jaja let's not :D
2294256 Universe City : im considering taking up ghostwriting songs
2294257 Universe City : on facebook
2294258 Universe City : :D
2294259 Universe City : i could make a good $1 million if im really good :D
2294260 Universe City : and get paid royalties or the rest of my life
2294261 Universe City : :D
2294262 Jdawg78 : Harris has her vp pick.
2294263 Jdawg78 : Balls to the Walz. :D
2294266 Universe City : from Minnesota
2294267 Universe City : MIDWEST REPRESENT!
2294268 Universe City : :D
2294269 Universe City : sometimes birds fly into my front's window
2294270 Universe City : it's kind of sad
2294271 Universe City : i can hear the thud
2294272 Universe City : *my house's front window
2294273 Universe City : im going to ask Gemini how much the song ghostwriting industry is worth
2294274 Universe City : "Given the challenges in accurately quantifying the song ghostwriting industry, a rough estimate would place its value in the hundreds of millions of dollars."
2294275 Universe City : Sometimes I think it makes up stuff.
2294276 Universe City : "It's important to emphasize that this is a highly speculative figure based on limited data and industry trends. The actual value could be significantly higher or lower."
2294277 Universe City : speaking of which have you made any money from your music? lol
2294278 Jdawg78 : Wow, the pod racing scene in star wars episode one was done in a miniature.
2294280 Jdawg78 : They had different colored cotton swabs as people and blew a fan underneath to make them look like they were moving.
2294282 Jdawg78 : I'm already tired. I got a lot of stuff done today though.
2294284 Jdawg78 : Already did the lawn, got my groceries.
2294285 Universe City : i g2g in 15 minutes
2294286 Jdawg78 : I want to go to japan.
2294287 Universe City : me too jaja
2294288 Jdawg78 : youtube.com/shorts/QB6jOD...
2294289 Universe City : jaja nice
2294290 Universe City : okay i g2g
2294291 Universe City : i might BBL after 9 PM
2294292 Universe City : take care, perro jota
2294293 Universe City : nos vemos
2294294 Jdawg78 : Hasta luego!
2294295 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2294296 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› Hola
2294297 Jdawg78 : What's new?
2294298 Jaenette : No hay mucho de nuevo, lo mismo
2294299 Jaenette : Pero estoy bien, eso es lo mejor
2294300 Jaenette : Cómo estás tú y tu gatita?
2294301 Jdawg78 : es mi dia libre.
2294302 Jaenette : Estás descansando con tu gatita
2294303 Jaenette : Puedes entender lo que dice con sus ronroneos tu gatita?
2294304 Jaenette : Se fue, regresaré más tarde
2294305 Jdawg78 : Okay.
2294306 Universe City : hola!
2294307 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› hola amiguita
2294308 Universe City : hola, jdawg!
2294309 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2294310 Jdawg78 : Watching some Dexter.
2294311 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› how's it going?