History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2294013 MaribManantial : Sí que son dolorosas las aftas, Moth.
2294014 MaribManantial : ‹@Moth› Pues sí, pero aprenderá algo :D
2294015 Moth : Si. Fue hace mucho tiempo.
2294016 Moth : Que fue lo que preguntaste de la polilla macho?
2294017 MaribManantial : Era por los fuegos.
2294018 MaribManantial : Jaja pero ya quedó fuera de lugar la pregunta.
2294019 Moth : Jajaja bueno
2294020 Moth : No sera del PPK?
2294021 MaribManantial : ¿PPK?
2294022 MaribManantial : ¿El ex presi?
2294024 Moth : Era viejito
2294025 Moth : Otro nuevo
2294026 Macuahuitl : KAITE WHITE SUPREMACIST
2294027 Moth : Digo un nuevo nick
2294028 Macuahuitl : *KATIE
2294029 MaribManantial : ‹@Moth› Y ya empezó a molestar ese tonto.
2294030 pog mo thoin : katie, not kaite :(
2294032 Macuahuitl : I corrected myself.
2294033 MaribManantial : ‹@pog mo thoin› Bienvenida.
2294034 Macuahuitl : It was a typo. :D
2294035 Moth : Hola Katie
2294036 Macuahuitl : Angie is a White Supremacist too.
2294037 pog mo thoin : hi moth
2294038 Moth : ‹@pog mo thoin› le gusta llamar la atención al Macua
2294039 Moth : El*
2294040 Macuahuitl : Tengo a a Senor Frog en ignore.
2294041 Macuahuitl : Es un pervertido.
2294042 MaribManantial : Ya me perdí en el bosque.
2294043 Macuahuitl : *Tengo a Senor Frog
2294044 MaribManantial : ‹@Moth› No entiendo ya.
2294045 Moth : Yo no veo a ningun Sr Frog
2294046 MaribManantial : Yo tampoco.
2294047 Moth : ‹@MaribManantial› Es la edad :P
2294048 Macuahuitl : "Pene Preciosos" = Senor Frog.
2294049 Macuahuitl : *Precisoso
2294050 MaribManantial : La edad conflictiva del vago de Chuy :D
2294052 Macuahuitl : o_O
2294053 MaribManantial : ‹@Moth› Me voy a descansar, mañana trabajo :D Que tengas un lindo día y te cuidas, amiga.
2294054 Moth : Oki. Marib
2294055 MaribManantial : Fran, te deseo éxitos en tu nuevo trabajo.
2294056 Macuahuitl : ‹@MaribManantial› ¿A qué te dedicas?
2294057 Moth : ‹@MaribManantial› Suerte en todo por alla
2294058 Moth : Cuidate tambien
2294059 MaribManantial : Fran ¡Felicidades!
2294060 Moth : Y buenas noches
2294061 MaribManantial : ‹@Moth› Gracias e igualmente.
2294062 MaribManantial : ‹@Moth› Chao :)
2294063 MaribManantial : ‹@pog mo thoin› Hasta pronto.
2294064 Moth : Chaooooo : )
2294065 Moth : Well, me leaving too.
2294066 Macuahuitl : *I'm
2294067 Macuahuitl : ‹@Moth› Okay, see ya! Take care!
2294069 Moth : Meeeeee leaving me leaving
2294070 Moth : :P
2294071 Macuahuitl : O_o
2294072 Moth : Bye Mac. Goodnight
2294073 Moth : Bye Fran
2294074 Macuahuitl : Good night, take care.
2294076 Macuahuitl : me quede solo genial :D
2294077 Macuahuitl : ‹@Fran› Do you use ChatGPT and/or Gemini (formerly known as "Google Bard")?
2294078 Macuahuitl : Like to help you learn Spanish?
2294079 Macuahuitl : KATIE WHITE SUPREMACIST
2294080 Macuahuitl : bueno ya me tengo que ir
2294081 Macuahuitl : hasta mañana, gente
2294082 Macuahuitl : se cuidan
2294083 Macuahuitl : nos vemos, buenas noches
2294086 Universe City : hola!
2294087 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2294088 Universe City : hola!
2294089 Universe City : how's it going?
2294090 Jdawg78 : Not bad. Got my internet back today.
2294092 Universe City : they cut it off because you didn't pay?
2294093 Jdawg78 : I was a couple days late. Yeah.
2294095 Jdawg78 : I had a choice of keeping the electricity bill paid or the phone.
2294098 Jdawg78 : Since we've had hot days, I opted for the electricity.
2294099 Jdawg78 : Luckily I had some audiobooks downloaded to listen offline.
2294102 Jdawg78 : I heard a joke in one of my books.
2294103 Jdawg78 : A policeman rushes into a church with his gun drawn. "I'm looking for 2 child molestors!"
2294104 Jdawg78 : A priest and a bishop both spoke up. "We'll do it!'
2294106 Universe City : that's so wrong, lol..
2294107 Jdawg78 : I think the one that made me laugh out loud though, was in his book he was talking about when he visited his dad in the hospital before he died.
2294108 Jdawg78 : He was painfully thin and going in and out of it. Could barely drink anything.
2294109 Jdawg78 : And his dad goes "I'm a zombie."
2294110 Jdawg78 : and he speaks up "YOu're not a zombie."
2294111 Jdawg78 : "Zombies can walk and eat."