History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2292510 Fran : that not all women marry rich men
2292511 el mono real : So when the man doesn't pay for the meal, he indicates to the woman that he does not have the means to provide = no second date.
2292512 Universe City : ‹@pog mo thoin› Just because you haven't met them in person doesn't mean you don't support them on the internet. And the fact that you said that lets us know that you have supported them.
2292513 Fran : or are attracted to rich men
2292514 el mono real : Fran, if all women COULD marry rich men, then they would.
2292515 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› ¿No me crees qué?
2292516 Jaenette : Hermosa flor de la sierra, jilguero andino
2292517 pog mo thoin : support them on the internet??? they are letters in a screen lol.
2292518 Universe City : I have 488 books on Amazon that I want to buy. Anybody want to buy me some books?
2292519 Jaenette : Qu estés aprendiendo esa lengua
2292520 pog mo thoin : i don’t interact with any of them outside of here
2292521 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› Si estoy.
2292522 pog mo thoin : i hadn’t spoken to jon in 11 years either
2292523 Fran : Just like if all men could marry pretty women they would
2292524 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› Nadie, porque estará de adorno
2292525 Universe City : Sé algunas palabras por memoria.
2292526 Fran : So lets be real with each other here
2292527 el mono real : Exactly, Fran
2292528 Universe City : Niltze, tlacahs!/¡Hola, gente!
2292529 pog mo thoin : i forgot this place existed until last month tbh
2292530 Fran : Lol whateveerrr
2292531 Universe City : Nimexihcah/Yo soy mexica.
2292532 Universe City : Timexihcah/We are Mexica!
2292533 el mono real : Is this Katie 18?
2292534 Jaenette : Qosqo uraykunapi niñachay deveras, maqtata suwashan
2292535 pog mo thoin : lol wait who is mono
2292536 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› Acabo de leer 4 libros/4 horas para completar mis 8 libros.
2292537 el mono real : Or is it Katie 29 now?
2292538 Universe City : Me tomó 2 días.
2292540 Fran : El mono real
2292541 pog mo thoin : katie30 actually
2292542 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› Lees para nada, porque no veo hayas cambiado algo luego de leer tanto
2292543 el mono real : OMG, Katie has forgotten me
2292544 pog mo thoin : hahahaha i know monkey
2292545 Universe City : Soon mono will start talking about her boobs.
2292547 Fran : Who is katie
2292548 pog mo thoin : wtf chuy
2292549 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› o_O
2292550 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› No llores
2292551 el mono real : They probs be saggy now
2292552 Universe City : mono's favorite topics: Sex and large p*nises.
2292553 Fran : Who are you asking
2292554 pog mo thoin : because he has neither?
2292555 el mono real : Oh.. now I know what Jon meant when he said "script 2"
2292556 Fran : if this is katie? me?
2292558 pog mo thoin : i’m katie
2292559 Universe City : I forgot what I was going to ask ChatGPT.
2292560 Universe City : I remembered while I was washing the dishes but then I forgot again.
2292561 Fran : I thought you were someone else
2292562 Universe City : I have a lot to read on ChatGPT though.
2292563 pog mo thoin : okay gotta go losers, see ya next time!! byeee
2292565 Universe City : It was a phrase.
2292566 Jaenette : ‹@pog mo thoin› Que te vaya bien, chao
2292567 el mono real : See you in another 11 years
2292568 Universe City : ‹@pog mo thoin› Bye, you White Supremacist.
2292569 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› No seas descortés
2292570 pog mo thoin : love you too chuy
2292571 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› No digas eso
2292572 Universe City : ‹@pog mo thoin› GTFO
2292573 Jaenette : Que patanes que son ustedes dos
2292574 el mono real : I am always polite, Little girl
2292575 Jaenette : Esta noche, no
2292577 el mono real : When was I rude?
2292578 Jaenette : No se dice te espero en 11 años, eso es descortés
2292579 Universe City : Lo Cortés no te quita lo Cuauhtémoc. :D
2292580 el mono real : Little girl, this was to indicate how often she comes into the chatroom. It wasn't being impolitie
2292582 el mono real : Besides, she called us all "losers"
2292583 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› Lo es, pudiste decir solo chai y nada más
2292584 Jaenette : Chao*
2292585 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› A ti ni eso te quita lo descortés
2292586 el mono real : Hmmm... let's ask someone else for an unbiased opinion
2292587 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› o_O
2292589 el mono real : Fran, did you think this comment was impolite?
2292590 Universe City : ¿Por qué quieres pelear conmigo? Pense que habiamos hecho las paces.
2292591 Universe City : *Pensé
2292592 Jaenette : Hay que poner orden como si fuesen niños de jardín?
2292593 Universe City : *habíamos
2292594 el mono real : I think the little girl will be a good mother. Strict, but fair.
2292595 Jaenette : Orde, Mac, cortesía
2292596 Jaenette : Orden*
2292597 Universe City : O_o
2292598 Universe City : Ya me está dando sueño.
2292599 Jaenette : Sí, seré buena mamá, no consentidora como otras
2292600 Universe City : Eso es bueno, voy a poder dormir.
2292601 Jaenette : O mamá tonta
2292602 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› Padeces de insomnio ?
2292603 Universe City : Se me olvido que tenía que estar cuidando los perros.
2292604 Fran : Im busy
2292605 Fran : sorry y'all
2292606 Universe City : Pero el perro está acostado.
2292607 Jaenette : ‹@Fran› Np
2292608 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› Sí, a veces me da insomnia.
2292609 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› Por qué?