History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2288067 Moth : Maybe someone else find it useful
2288068 Jdawg78 : Like, he had a comoda con "cojones de madera"
2288071 Moth : Hahah You are funny Travis
2288072 Travis : I am?
2288073 Travis : Looks ain't everything, right?
2288074 Moth : But I do not use a credit card.
2288075 Travis : It was a joke, Moth
2288076 Moth : I know I am old fashioned. And poor. :P
2288077 Travis : I barter with round stones and shiny scraps of metal
2288079 Moth : I miss those times where we could trade things instead of using money
2288080 Moth : :P
2288081 Travis : You still can
2288082 Moth : is Vadi still awake?
2288083 Travis : There are at least a dozen people worldwide that will trade with you
2288084 Travis : Awake, alert, and charged on coffee
2288085 Moth : I could trade my wool DIY.
2288086 Travis : I like wool suits
2288087 Moth : Travis. Are you describing yourself?
2288088 Vadi : I gotta go
2288089 Moth : Oh really. Send me your body measurements :D
2288090 Travis : No coffee here, but I did have a monster-size Dr Pepper
2288091 Travis : OK Vadi, take care
2288092 Moth : Oki, Vadi. Sleep tight.
2288093 Vadi : Not going ?
2288094 Moth : Hahaha he want us to leave with him?
2288095 Travis : Seems so lol
2288096 Vadi : Especially Travis
2288097 Travis : I gtg in 4 minutes lol
2288099 Moth : Hope you enjoy it, Travis
2288100 Travis : Hhh a name from the past
2288101 Moth : Why Travis?
2288102 Vadi : Ok, I will wait Uncle Travis.
2288103 Travis : I'm joking
2288104 Moth : I will leave then in 2 minute
2288105 Travis : I was your dad, now your uncle?
2288106 Travis : I g2g in 3 minutes, 11 seconds lol
2288107 Travis : That doesn't ring a bell, Moth?
2288108 Moth : I gtg in 60 seconds
2288109 Travis : JD gets it
2288111 Travis : lol Moth
2288112 Jdawg78 : I had to double check the name.
2288113 Travis : Are you Hhh, Vadi?
2288114 Moth : I AM SORRY
2288115 Travis : Sorry?
2288116 Travis : Why, pray tell?
2288117 Vadi : Why ?
2288118 Moth : I did not get it
2288119 Moth : I gtg in 10
2288124 Travis : Explain it, JD
2288126 Travis : I think she's serious lmao
2288130 Jdawg78 : I think he's poking fun at Macuahuitl.
2288132 Travis : Sit your butt down, Moth
2288134 Travis : obviously lol
2288135 Travis : "I think" funnnyyyyy
2288136 Moth : The rocket just took off
2288137 Moth : I see ahhhh
2288138 Travis : Ground control to Major Tom
2288139 Moth : Now I get it!
2288140 Vadi : To Travis' home
2288141 Travis : OK Moth
2288142 Travis : I think Vadi has a mancrush
2288143 Moth : Hahaha risa con retraso :D
2288144 Travis : Be shy now
2288145 Moth : Seriously I think the same
2288146 Vadi : What ?
2288147 Moth : You should consider yourself fortunate, Travis
2288148 Vadi : Are you joking ?
2288149 Travis : I do, everyday, Moth
2288150 Travis : Every day above ground is a blessing, right?
2288151 Moth : Travis? Are you joking?
2288152 Moth : I am Serious! Not seriuis
2288153 Travis : Serious AND not serious at the same time....interesting
2288154 Vadi : I am a " mancrush " ?
2288155 Vadi : Travis ?
2288156 Moth : Absolutely. I am thankful too
2288157 Travis : You are an upstanding citizen of the world, Vadi, and a mentor
2288158 Moth : I dont know what it means actually :P
2288159 Travis : I offer you a virtual salute
2288160 Travis : an e-thank you
2288161 Vadi : A word has been said
2288162 Vadi : Too late
2288163 Moth : A firm handshake and a pat on the back.
2288165 Moth : Are you fine?
2288166 Travis : Well played, Moth