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2287667 Universe City : What about you?
2287668 Shinnrah6 : oh nice matey!
2287669 Shinnrah6 : im bouncing between my parents and my brothers house lol
2287670 Universe City : You're probably better off being unemployed here than in "NZ" tbh.
2287671 Universe City : Ahh, okay. Jaja.
2287672 Shinnrah6 : i just drift about. for the past few months lmao
2287673 Shinnrah6 : you think so? whys that?
2287674 Universe City : So your family lives in "NZ" too?
2287675 Universe City : Well, because we're obviously and bigger and richer country.
2287676 Shinnrah6 : yup everyone that i consider "close" is here in NZ lol
2287677 Universe City : And you could find work pretty easy especially during the pandemic.
2287678 Universe City : Ahh, okay.
2287679 Shinnrah6 : hahahaha not gonna lie, when costco came here it was pretty damn revolutionary
2287680 Universe City : Hehe.
2287681 Universe City : That's nothing here, lol..
2287683 Shinnrah6 : nothing gets better than costco surely?
2287685 Universe City : Bruh, that's like a "McDonald's" to us, lol..
2287686 Shinnrah6 : lmao it's like heaven to us
2287687 Universe City : Small potatoes.
2287689 Universe City : I bet, jaja...
2287690 Shinnrah6 : ahahahaha it's soo damn cheap it aint funny.
2287692 Shinnrah6 : compared to our current duolopy (our two major supermarkets)
2287693 Universe City : Jaja.
2287694 Shinnrah6 : 24x eggs for $18 bucks
2287695 Shinnrah6 : go to costco get it for $10
2287697 Universe City : I'm not trying to be rude but that's pretty laughable to us, lol...
2287698 Shinnrah6 : etc etc everything almost half the price of what we find in our normal supermarkets zzz
2287699 Universe City : Now if you had a Walmart...that's be something. :D
2287700 Universe City : Jaja.
2287701 Universe City : *that'd
2287702 Shinnrah6 : nah you're allgood. If anyone has been rude this whole time, it's definitely me. We just "out" with it lol
2287703 Universe City : Jaja.
2287704 Shinnrah6 : yeah that'd never happen ahahahaha
2287706 Shinnrah6 : i just think our economy is too small for those big entities is what im trying to say lol
2287707 Shinnrah6 : we just dont have a lot of money in our economy in general
2287708 Universe City : I understand.
2287709 Universe City : Yeah, like I said that's pretty laughable to us. Jaja.
2287710 Shinnrah6 : oh look our GDP is like $200 billion compared to the US of 25 trillion lmao
2287711 Universe City : Jaja. That's what I mean, lol..:D
2287712 Shinnrah6 : not gonna lie i could do with a job now tho. Covid or not hah
2287713 Universe City : $200 billion is what all the Walmart's put together probably make in a week.
2287714 Shinnrah6 : but im fussy, and the employers are fussy. And i dont interview well mao
2287715 Shinnrah6 : fuk me sideways hahahahaha
2287716 Universe City : I understand.
2287717 Universe City : Jaja.
2287718 Shinnrah6 : mind you, for a while i use to think americans in general were quite small minded and didn't know anything outside of the US
2287719 Shinnrah6 : until i noticed that actually the US in general is massive
2287720 Universe City : That's probably true.
2287721 Shinnrah6 : and that it takes like 60hoursor so to drive from one side to the other
2287722 Shinnrah6 : if you drove nonstop at like 60 mph
2287723 Shinnrah6 : so everything about US in terms of scale is just roar
2287724 Shinnrah6 : goes to show how much of a pebble NZ really is
2287725 Shinnrah6 : soo insignificant in the grand scheme of things lol
2287726 Universe City : Jaja.
2287727 Universe City : I'm willing to bet most Americans (being a white-majority country) only really care about their own white race and nobody and nowhere else.
2287728 Shinnrah6 : i have a weird viewpoint on that where i think that's it's okay to be selfish
2287729 Universe City : lol..
2287730 Shinnrah6 : but it's not okay to be selfish where it impacts negatively on others
2287731 Shinnrah6 : idk if that makes sense
2287732 Shinnrah6 : maybe i could've worded that better lol
2287733 Universe City : Yeah, that makes sense.
2287734 Universe City : I g2g in 10 minutes, BTW.
2287735 Shinnrah6 : like freedom of speech yeah allgood
2287736 Shinnrah6 : but not if it hurts other
2287737 Universe City : Do you guys have Freedom of Speech three?
2287738 Shinnrah6 : you should probably go sleep now. what's an extra 10 minutes!
2287739 Universe City : *there
2287740 Shinnrah6 : i think we do
2287741 Universe City : Ahh, okay.
2287742 Shinnrah6 : we're quite free in the general scheme of things
2287743 Universe City : "New Zealand" was colonized by the English, right?
2287744 Shinnrah6 : far i can go for walks at night in the most "dangerous neighbourhood in NZ" and still feel allgood zzzzz
2287745 Shinnrah6 : yup correcto
2287746 Universe City : Ahh, okay.
2287747 Shinnrah6 : i use to go for jogs at midnight. idk if you could do that in the US :/ lol too much tele
2287748 Universe City : I bet those "most dangerous neighborhoods" are where the "minorities" live.
2287749 Shinnrah6 : yeah colonized officially in 1840
2287750 Shinnrah6 : yup definitely LOL
2287751 Universe City : You'd be okay unless you live in the "ghetto."
2287752 Shinnrah6 : i think it's more around "if you dont look for trouble, trouble wont find you"
2287753 Universe City : Jaja, I knew it.
2287754 Universe City : In "NZ" or the "U.S."?
2287755 Shinnrah6 : i lived in the "ghetto" almost 10 years ago
2287756 Universe City : In "NZ"?
2287757 Shinnrah6 : the shittiest thing about it was the kids next door stealing my friggin socks off the line and my shoes
2287758 Shinnrah6 : oh in NZ
2287759 Universe City : "NZ" has ghettos too?
2287760 Universe City : Ufff.
2287761 Shinnrah6 : well doesn't everywhere? ghetto is a relative term i suppose lol
2287762 Shinnrah6 : i.e. the lower echelons lol
2287763 Universe City : See: We didn't have ghettos in the "Western Hemisphere" before the Europeans invaded in 1492.
2287764 Shinnrah6 : yeah i believe that. When 'we' get told to go back to our primitive lives to our hula skirts
2287766 Universe City : Now, ghettos are made up by "minorities" especially Blacks and Mexicans.