History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2286866 Flower : cómo estás, vadi?
2286867 charliedontsurf : Never turn down a raise, or as you say, a rise lol
2286868 Moth : Vadi, because I would like to meet new people here :) and you seem nice.
2286869 charliedontsurf : Vadi is a friend of Norah
2286870 Jdawg78 : And really started considering it since DG sort of pissed me off today.
2286871 Flower : ‹@charliedontsurf› has visto a Norah?
2286872 charliedontsurf : You may need a gummy
2286873 Moth : Flower, are you and Norah friends?
2286874 charliedontsurf : su foto si, desde hace muchos anos
2286876 charliedontsurf : Ahora es una mujer de 40 anos mas o menos
2286877 Flower : un poquito, Norah es una chica simpática
2286878 Jdawg78 : So our power went out on monday, stayed in the store until 8:45pm...
2286879 Vadi : She doesn't know that I liked her.
2286880 Jdawg78 : She clocked us out at 8:15.
2286881 charliedontsurf : A crush?
2286882 Moth : Oh..she is about my age
2286883 charliedontsurf : Don't be shy, she wants children, like 10
2286885 Vadi : Who ?
2286888 charliedontsurf : That sucketh, JD
2286891 charliedontsurf : Flor, espik!
2286892 Jdawg78 : Everyone tells me I need to stand up for myself. So I said something this time.
2286893 Flower : cierto, Norah decía que quería niños
2286894 Moth : Because of her religion it must have been complicated
2286895 Vadi : And who would like to marry Norah to have 10 kids ?
2286896 charliedontsurf : You said, yes, your Highness, whatever you say
2286898 Moth : Maybe Vadi
2286899 charliedontsurf : Don't be a pushover
2286901 Flower : ‹@Vadi› tú pues, pero Norah puede rebajar ese número de niños
2286902 charliedontsurf : lol Flor
2286903 charliedontsurf : 5 pares de gemelos
2286904 Flower : ‹@Vadi› de 10 , contigo puede reducir a solo dos
2286905 Jdawg78 : So, she texted me saying, "I said you could go home at 7:30, and I was being nice giving you up to 8:15.
2286906 Vadi : I think charlie
2286907 Moth : That is a lot of hard work
2286908 charliedontsurf : We've all been there, JD
2286909 Flower : con dos Norah estaría happy
2286910 Jdawg78 : So I sent her a screen shot of the text..."It was timestamped at 8:18pm. And saying that, the safe has a delay of an extra 9 minutes...so that means we'd still have to be in the store up to 8:30.
2286911 charliedontsurf : Hmm, estas segura?
2286912 Jdawg78 : So now I'm the bad guy.
2286913 Moth : Charlie how many do you have?
2286914 charliedontsurf : I could have told her that
2286915 charliedontsurf : I don't talk about my family here, Moth. Sorry.
2286916 charliedontsurf : They can say what they like about me, but they're innocent lol
2286917 Flower : ‹@Moth› el sir tiene 30 hijos
2286918 Moth : Oki domingo
2286919 Vadi : I agree with you, Charlie
2286920 Moth : Oki doki xD
2286921 charliedontsurf : Dios mio, 30!
2286922 charliedontsurf : No soy un conejo
2286923 Flower : trabajaste mucho, pues, sir
2286924 charliedontsurf : No es trabajo
2286925 Flower : eres más que un rabbit lol
2286926 Flower : entonces, placer lol
2286928 Flower : el placer de cambiar pañales
2286930 Flower : preprarar biberones
2286931 Moth : Como sabe la Flower
2286932 Flower : hacer papillas
2286933 charliedontsurf : I've done my share
2286934 Flower : cantar canciones de cuna
2286935 charliedontsurf : Eso no tanto :D
2286936 Flower : y ya me callo, porque Vadi con esa lista no querrá ni 0.5 de un niño lol
2286937 charliedontsurf : Norah, enter now!
2286939 Flower : síi entra Norah
2286940 Jdawg78 : Oh, Fuzzy dice hola.
2286941 Moth : Si, que entre!
2286942 Flower : Alá lo pide
2286943 charliedontsurf : Wouldn't it be funny if.......
2286944 Jdawg78 : Pues, dice meow.
2286945 Flower : hola, fuzzy lol
2286946 Flower : aora Fuzzy habla y saluda
2286948 Flower : ahora*
2286949 Moth : Bueno ya me despido. It was nice to chat with you tonight.
2286950 Flower : ‹@Moth› ashh no te vayas
2286951 charliedontsurf : Gotta go everyone. Take care. Vadi, nice seeing you (again?)
2286953 Flower : Moth tú animas el chat, don't go!
2286954 Moth : I have to do some things before bed time. Goodnight : )
2286955 Vadi : You too Charlie
2286956 Flower : ‹@charliedontsurf› ay sir bah
2286958 Vadi : Let's go together
2286959 Flower : también se va el sir? bah
2286960 Vadi : Bye bye guys
2286961 charliedontsurf : on the count of 3
2286962 charliedontsurf : ready?
2286964 Flower : entonces?