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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2285458 Macuahuitl : :D
2285459 el mono real : This is how bad the feminism has become. Men died for women, and today's women wont even recognise their sacrifice
2285460 Macuahuitl : Ufff.
2285461 el mono real : See? She is a toxic feminist
2285462 Macuahuitl : Why doesn't the media ever talk about EUROPEAN TERRORISM?
2285464 Macuahuitl : Whether they be in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Australia, etc.
2285465 Macuahuitl : HUH?
2285466 el mono real : You mean how America is supplying arms to Israel, so that they can kill innocent people, including children?
2285467 Macuahuitl : Yes, including that.
2285468 Macuahuitl : The U.S. supports Israel because the Jews are "KIND OF WHITE" and they can use them as a scapegoat.
2285469 Macuahuitl : *over Palestine
2285470 el mono real : There are a lot of wealthy Jewish people in America. Politicians dare not go up against them
2285471 el mono real : Hello Marilyn
2285472 Macuahuitl : Ehh, but the White Supremacists blame EVERYTHING on the Jews.
2285473 Macuahuitl : hola, marilyn
2285474 Macuahuitl : I don't think that's right either.
2285475 Moth : Hola Mono y Macua.
2285476 Macuahuitl : ‹@Moth› como estas?
2285477 el mono real : The politicians in the US are faced with a choice: Do what is morally right, or please the wealthy constituents.
2285478 el mono real : So unfortunately, thousands of children have to die
2285479 Moth : Bien. Y tu?
2285480 Macuahuitl : Nah, the U.S. is a White Supremacist Occupation of indigenous lands. They support and supply weapons to Israel over Palestine because the Jews are "KIND OF WHITE"
2285481 el mono real : That's not it, Chuy
2285482 Macuahuitl : And they can use the Jews (usually on the down low) as scapegoats.
2285483 el mono real : Chuy, do you really think that everyone in the senate supports these laws because all of them are white supremicists?
2285484 Macuahuitl : The U.S. is a White Supremacist occupation, so yes.
2285485 el mono real : You mean that just by pure coincidence, every senator that was elected into parliament, happens to be a white supremecist?
2285486 el mono real : It's unlikely, Chuy
2285487 Macuahuitl : Mmm, maybe not ALL of them but most.
2285488 Macuahuitl : Like I said, the "U.S." is a White Supremacist occupation of indigenous lands.
2285489 el mono real : Chuy, Marilyn does not want to be bored with this politics talk
2285490 Macuahuitl : It's always been a KKKapitalist country only white people and it will always be only for white people.
2285491 Macuahuitl : *only for white people
2285492 el mono real : Chuy, I think you enjoy calling people "racist" so that you can feel morally superior over them
2285493 Macuahuitl : Nope.
2285494 Macuahuitl : I have proof for every single person I've called racist here. I can show you the screencaps.
2285495 el mono real : It's ok. I enjoy calling people "fattys". It makes me feel good about myself
2285496 Macuahuitl : Except Patricia because she got lucky.
2285497 Macuahuitl : But why would I lie about a racist Russian girl in Argentina?
2285498 el mono real : I am in good shape, so when I compare myself to the fatties, it makes me feel proud that I have worked hard for a healthy body.
2285499 Macuahuitl : Heh...
2285500 Macuahuitl : That's you.
2285501 Macuahuitl : But no, I don't call people racist just to make myself feel morally superior. I have proof/screenshots for every single person I've ever called racist here.
2285502 el mono real : I think you enjoy pointing it out to them
2285503 Macuahuitl : And at least Jon doesn't deny calling me an "honest Injun" like Patricia denies saying that the job I used to do "is a job for black people."
2285504 Macuahuitl : Do they stop being racists?
2285505 el mono real : Were you a cleaner?
2285506 Macuahuitl : See? And you want me to stop calling you racist?
2285508 el mono real : A labourer?
2285510 el mono real : Did you pick cotton?
2285511 el mono real : Clean houses?
2285512 Macuahuitl : So don't ever complain to me that I "always talk about racism"
2285513 el mono real : Chuy, we are on your favourite subject right now. Guess who brought it up?
2285514 Macuahuitl : You brought up the U.S. supporting Israel.
2285515 el mono real : Sure. It was me
2285516 el mono real : Marilyn, que hiciste hoy?
2285517 el mono real : Como te fue el dia?
2285518 Macuahuitl : The solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict if quite simple: Give the land back to whoever was there first, whoever was REALLY there first.
2285519 Macuahuitl : But of course the U.S. won't ever say that.
2285520 Moth : So, what do you usually do when you are not talking about those topics?
2285521 Macuahuitl : *is
2285522 Macuahuitl : ‹@Moth› Me?
2285523 el mono real : We talk about sex, Marilyn
2285525 Moth : But still you can go on that. I am invisible. MAYBE i can learn sth from you two!:D
2285526 Macuahuitl : ‹@Moth› You're asking me?
2285527 Moth : I am asking both of you...
2285528 Macuahuitl : ‹@Moth› I'm usually reading books.
2285529 Moth : Haha Mono
2285530 Moth : That is a forbidden topic for Macua
2285531 Macuahuitl : While el mono is always talking about HIS favorite topic: sex and large pen*ses.
2285532 Moth : Oh good. Very well.
2285533 Moth : Sorry if my presence interrupted your casual conversation.
2285534 Moth : There is a saying: Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. Hehe.
2285535 Moth : Ya se pusieron a hablar en privado. No se vale
2285536 Macuahuitl : Not forbidden just uncomfortable.
2285537 el mono real : I am usually working
2285538 el mono real : Chuy is ashamed of his masculinity
2285539 Macuahuitl : Nah, that's not it.
2285540 el mono real : He thinks that by being "nice", women will find him attractive (he mistakenly believes that because he finds nice women attractive, that the opposite is true).
2285541 Macuahuitl : I'm only really attracted to good girls.
2285542 Macuahuitl : And I'm not saying "good girls" condescendingly or patronizing.
2285543 el mono real : Chuy when a man meets a nice woman, he finds her warm and appealing. She is feminine.
2285544 Macuahuitl : *patronizingly
2285545 el mono real : When a woman meets a nice man, she finds him weak and feminine. She treats him with suspicion or scorn.
2285546 Macuahuitl : lol..
2285548 Moth : But Macua is always arguing with every girl here. How would they find him nice?
2285549 Moth : :P
2285550 el mono real : Men don't want a "bad girl". It's why the term "bad girl" doesn't really exist
2285551 Macuahuitl : If she's a sociopath and/or a psychopath and/or a narcissist, yes.
2285552 Moth : Hello, Marib
2285553 Macuahuitl : ‹@Moth› Not every girl, just the vendidas LIKE ANGIE.
2285554 Marib1 : ‹@Moth› Buenas noches.
2285555 el mono real : All men want a partner who is "nice", because this is a feminine trait.
2285556 Moth : I am a bad girl >:-]
2285557 Marib1 : ‹@Moth› ¿De esas que a los hombres les gusta?