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2284958 Moth : Segun la iglesia pecamos
2284959 el mono real : Boobs, Marilyn
2284960 Jaenette : ‹@Moth› Con Chuy? Mejor hay que molestarlo siempre, puede que recapacite y mejore su vida, eso es hacerle el bien
2284962 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› Sí, todos somos pecadores
2284963 Travis : Boobs are those bouncy accumulations of fat tissue on a female, right?
2284967 Travis : Hmmm, bad news Jaen. Can you put in a good word for me?
2284968 Travis : Bribe Mary or a saint, I have VISA and Mastercard
2284969 el mono real : Travis´ biggest sin is being a Trump supporter
2284970 Moth : Yo ya no peco :-> me voy al cielo (*^^*) :P
2284971 Travis : What took so long, Mono?
2284972 Travis : You must be more aged than I suspected
2284973 Travis : al cielo, hmm
2284974 Travis : Felicidades!
2284975 el mono real : He´s America´s Hitler
2284976 Travis : Wow, I've never heard that one lol
2284977 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› Yo apoyaría a Trump, no hay más
2284978 Travis : See, he needs new material, Moth
2284979 Moth : Jeanette tapate los ojos
2284980 el mono real : Charismatic, pathological liar, disregard for rules and democracy, racist
2284981 Travis : At least he hasn't mentioned dating tips yet
2284982 el mono real : There are many comparisons
2284983 Jaenette : Por qué? Moth
2284984 Travis : And both have two lungs, too, add that to the list
2284985 el mono real : That´s the only nice thing you can say about Trump
2284986 Moth : Just kidding. I thought they were talking about porn. And Mono was watching Hitler getting naked.
2284987 Travis : No, but won't bother with you
2284988 Travis : I mean, what's the point?
2284989 Moth : :
2284990 Jaenette : ‹@Moth› jajaja
2284991 el mono real : Those millions of people in Ukraine, they will all die
2284992 Travis : lol Moth
2284993 Travis : And the world will end in a nuclear war within minutes
2284994 Travis : And and and....
2284995 Travis : I'm starting to feel like you're not supportive of Trump, Matt
2284996 Jaenette : Y moriremos sin confesarnos, no nos dará tiempo
2284997 Travis : That will ruin my weekend
2284998 Travis : lol Jean
2284999 Moth : He is not indeed.
2285000 el mono real : You try and descredit what I´m writing with some unrealistic nonsense
2285001 Travis : no tengo rosario
2285002 Jaenette : Eso es lo más triste
2285003 el mono real : But Trump has already said he wont support the war in Ukraine. So the innocent Ukrainians will die
2285004 Travis : No, I just don't want to play the game, Matt
2285005 Travis : Why do you?
2285006 Travis : Don't forget, he's probably not a vegan, too
2285007 el mono real : So you are happy to vote for him, and turn a blind eye to all the dead people in Ukraine as a result?
2285008 Travis : Keep trying, Mono
2285009 el mono real : You have no answer
2285010 Travis : Eventually you'll trigger me is that it?
2285011 el mono real : You are voting for Hitler
2285013 Jaenette : Heil, Trump!
2285014 Travis : I thought he died decades ago?
2285015 el mono real : Actually, I´m just trying to shame all the Trump supporters
2285016 Travis : oh boy lol Jaen
2285017 Jaenette : Fight! Fight! Fihgt!
2285018 Travis : And how is it working out, Mono?
2285019 Travis : lol Jaen
2285020 Travis : You're right, Little Girl is feisy haha
2285021 Jaenette : Mañana me pongo mi parche en la oreja jaja
2285022 el mono real : How do you feel about those Ukrainians dying because of your vote?
2285023 Travis : Wow, you see it in Chuy, but not in yourself. VERY interesting haha
2285024 Travis : Persistent little guy aren't you?
2285025 el mono real : ANSWER MY QUESTION, VENDIDO
2285026 Travis : Try all the angles, maybe something will stick
2285028 Travis : And to quote from your buddy, Callate la boca, largate de mi vista gtfo and of course stfu
2285030 el mono real : So you are happy for those people to die, as long as you have a little bit more money in your pocket? I see how it works
2285031 Travis : I think we've covered all the bases
2285032 Travis : I'm glad you have eyesight
2285033 Travis : It's a gift of God
2285034 Moth : El.frio me hace dar hambre, Jeanette
2285035 Travis : I think we lost Moth
2285036 el mono real : When Trump get elected, the whole world will look on America with disgrace
2285037 Travis : Oh there you are
2285038 Jaenette : A mí también, en esta época gano peso
2285039 Travis : What's for dinner, ladies?
2285040 Moth : I cannot give any opinion about politics. First I would have to read a lot.
2285041 Jaenette : Pollo entomatado
2285042 el mono real : Little girl, don´t become a fatty. Men are not attracted to overweight women, despite what the media will try and tell you.
2285043 Travis : sopa de papa, jugo de papa, papas, guiso de papa
2285044 Jaenette : Papas sancochadas y ajicito bien picante apra el frío
2285045 Travis : a buffet of potatoes
2285046 Moth : Yo preparé arroz con Leche de postre :P
2285047 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› Soy delgada, así engorde sigo delgada
2285048 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› Te gusta las papas?
2285049 Travis : Tienes 17 anos de edad. Y luego????
2285050 Jaenette : ‹@Moth› Y de segundo que tienes para la cena?
2285052 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› Luego qué?
2285053 Jaenette : Seguiré delgada
2285054 el mono real : I eat a lot of carbohydrates
2285055 Moth : Pensaba comerlo mañana pero creo que ya no resisto :D
2285056 el mono real : Gotta fuel the fire
2285057 el mono real : Lots of pasta