History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2284458 Universe City : Ya no he visto a Angie o Helena aquí tan seguido como antes.
2284460 el mono real : There are people in this chat who are Trump supporters
2284461 el mono real : Don't they know that they are voting for Hitler II?
2284462 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Is that what the "Australian" media thinks about him?
2284463 Paolita1 : ‹@el mono real› Entre Biden y Trump, yo apoyaría a Trump, no hay más
2284464 el mono real : There will be no more democracy if he wins
2284465 Paolita1 : ‹@el mono real› De qué sirve una democracia con altos niveles de delincuencia, con alta migración insostenible?
2284466 el mono real : The world will lose all respect for the USA if he wins again
2284467 Paolita1 : Usa necesita recuperar su país con la democracia de antes
2284468 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› No, now I really want to know. What does the "Australian" media think about Trump?
2284469 el mono real : Chuy, our reporting is not biased here
2284470 Universe City : Now Paolita is taking things out of White Supremacist vendido (LIKE HER) Ch0lit069's book saying that Trump should deport me and all other Mexicans.
2284471 el mono real : It gives a fair and equal account of both sides
2284472 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› LOL. Right...
2284473 Universe City : I'm sure.
2284474 Universe City : LOL.
2284475 Universe City : That's laughable on its face.
2284476 Universe City : I've seen a few videos from "Australian" news agencies.
2284477 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› What are the two biggest media companies in "Australia"?
2284478 el mono real : Oh, the little girl left
2284480 Paolita1 : Quién es la little girl?
2284481 Universe City : Rupert Mordoch owns and launched The Fox News Channel.
2284482 Universe City : *Murdoch
2284483 Universe City : He's "Australian."
2284484 el mono real : She is a Peruvian girl
2284485 Universe City : But I'm rooting more for Ted Turner.
2284486 Paolita1 : ‹@el mono real› No la vi
2284487 el mono real : She is young, like you, Paolita
2284488 Paolita1 : Espero conocerla pronto
2284489 Universe City : Jajaja.
2284490 Universe City : Birds of a feather flock together.
2284491 el mono real : She is a smart, sensible girl
2284492 Paolita1 : ‹@el mono real› ya veo
2284493 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› You know who Rupert Murdoch is, right?
2284494 el mono real : Yes, he's the one who defeats Saruman
2284495 Universe City : lol.
2284496 el mono real : And he slays the dragon
2284497 Universe City : Whoever that is.
2284498 Universe City : Wait, is the a "Lord of the Rings" reference?
2284499 el mono real : I must go now
2284500 Universe City : All right, see you tomorrow.
2284501 Paolita1 : Yo también, Mono
2284502 el mono real : Paolita and Chuy can be together
2284504 Universe City : Jajaja.
2284505 Universe City : I g2g in 5 minutes anyway.
2284506 Paolita1 : Chao y cuida de tu jardín
2284507 Universe City : Same place, same time tomorrow.
2284509 Universe City : Good Times Forever Overflowing
2284510 el mono real : How do you know about my gardin?
2284511 el mono real : yes, Chuy. GTFO
2284513 el mono real : What happened to the beer emoji?
2284514 Universe City : IDK, there never was one.
2284515 Universe City : Since they changed the chat.
2284516 el mono real : Time to hit the pornhub
2284517 Universe City : jaja, wow..
2284518 Universe City : You should see somebody for that, mono.
2284519 el mono real : Stand back, this could get explosive
2284521 Universe City : GTFO.
2284522 Universe City : Bueno, ya me tengo que ir a bañar.
2284524 maestroandalu : Are you busy?
2284525 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2284527 Jdawg78 : What's new_
2284528 Travis : Calling Mono.....
2284529 Travis : One ringy dingy
2284530 Travis : Just as well
2284531 el mono real : Hello little girl
2284532 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› Hola
2284533 el mono real : Como estas?
2284534 Jaenette : Bien, muchas gracias, qué tal tú?
2284535 el mono real : It's raining today
2284536 el mono real : So I can't work on the garden
2284537 Jaenette : Que bonito
2284538 Jaenette : Pero remojará la tierra para que trabajes luego
2284539 el mono real : I prefer the warmer weather
2284540 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› Ya diseñaste tu jardín?
2284541 el mono real : I have an idea about what I want
2284542 el mono real : It's going to take a lot of work
2284543 Jaenette : Todo da trabajo, pero disfrutarás el resultado
2284544 el mono real : Little girl, one day you will have your own garden
2284545 el mono real : what will you grow?
2284546 Jaenette : Pero ya tengo un jardín que es de todos, un poco mío también
2284547 Jaenette : Como te dije, tenemos hierbas aromáticas, de cocina, hortalizas un poco
2284548 el mono real : Do you have a favourite flower?
2284549 Jaenette : Y flores, muchas
2284550 Jaenette : Sí, me gustan las rosas
2284551 Jaenette : También me gustan las margaritas, son flores sencillas, pero son lindas
2284552 el mono real : I have margaritas
2284553 el mono real : I have a pink one that is in full bloom
2284554 Jaenette : Las blancas o las amarillas?
2284555 el mono real : And I bought 2 others that are still small, but are red and purple
2284556 Jaenette : No sabía que habían de ese color
2284557 Jaenette : Deben ser muy lindas