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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2283557 Universe City : ‹@Moth› She called me an "honest Injun" first.
2283558 Universe City : And then says that I'm "being mean."
2283559 el mono real : A fat, hairy woman is not attractive to you, you have made that judgement
2283560 el mono real : It's all on the scale, Chuy, and everyone has a scale
2283561 Universe City : I don't see beauty/ugly in people.
2283562 Moth : Jeanette are you still there?
2283564 Universe City : At least I don't try to.
2283565 el mono real : Chuy, don't try and pretend to be a saint
2283566 el mono real : Women prefer you to be honest
2283567 Universe City : It's what's inside that matters to me most.
2283568 el mono real : They would prefer you to say "yes, I want to fu#k you", rather than lie and say "I just want us to be friends because you are a nice person"
2283569 Jaenette : ‹@Moth› Sí, estoy aquí
2283570 Universe City : If I said "I just want us to be friends because you are a nice person" I would be being honest.
2283572 el mono real : If she were a fatty, that would be honest
2283573 Universe City : To you maybe...
2283574 Moth : Honesty is the best policy
2283575 Universe City : I think I've outgrown music.
2283576 Universe City : It has become grotesque for me.
2283577 Universe City : :D
2283578 Moth : Macua, I think Mono wants you to admit you like men to see if he's got a chance :P
2283580 Universe City : Yeah, I have reason to suspect that mono is bisexual.
2283581 Universe City : :D
2283582 Moth : He is very into you :D
2283583 Universe City : Jaja..
2283584 Moth : Be careful:D
2283585 Universe City : I've told him repeatedly that I'm 100% heterosexual.
2283586 Moth : I am kidding Mono. Dont get mad at me.
2283587 Universe City : Maybe tomorrow I will get a frappe.
2283589 el mono real : Men have been trying to trick women into having sex for tens of thousands of years. "I've just killed a wooly mammoth". "I own my own cave". "I am a doctor". "I am rich". When you come along and say "I just want us to be friends because you are a nice person", she knows you are lying, because every other guy has been trying to have sex with her.
2283590 Universe City : She should get to me know me then and find out that I'm being honest.
2283591 Universe City : :)
2283592 el mono real : Instead of generating a rapport with her (for being a nice guy), you automatically generate her suspicions.. "why is he lying to me? What does he want?"
2283593 Universe City : Jaja..
2283594 Universe City : Maybe she should get to know me then.
2283595 Universe City : Jaenette left. :D
2283596 el mono real : Chuy, stop the BS
2283597 Universe City : It's not b.s.
2283598 el mono real : Marilyn, do you agree with what I said?
2283599 Universe City : Before I was brainwashed to see what's beautiful and what's ugly.
2283600 Moth : She got bored
2283601 Universe City : But recently that has changed.
2283602 Universe City : *what's "beautiful" and what's "ugly."
2283603 Moth : Idk Mono. It seems like you are sharing your own experience
2283604 el mono real : OMG Chuy. You are believing EVERYTHING the feminists are telling you. You think that beauty is some made-up, social construct.
2283605 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› I've never encountered and/or talked to a feminist my whole life.
2283606 Universe City : Not even on the internet.
2283607 Universe City : I've told you before both machismo and feminism are sexist.
2283608 Universe City : And they BOTH come from Europe.
2283609 Universe City : Machismo from southern Europe and feminism from northern Europe.
2283610 el mono real : Men are guided by their instinct to sleep with the most attractive female. It's been with us since we evolved. Beauty isn't some "made up" idea that people invented.
2283611 Universe City : Ehh...you're just saying that.
2283612 Universe City : Provide some proof.
2283613 el mono real : Marilyn, I'm not ashamed of my masculinity
2283614 Moth : Mono, what is it too difficult to believe that he is not interested in sex like you do?
2283615 el mono real : I don't need to show proof
2283616 el mono real : Where is your proof that beauty is "made up"?
2283617 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Show me proof that "it's been with us since we evolved."
2283618 Universe City : I think your perception of who is "beautiful" has been shaped/manufactured by the media.
2283619 Universe City : Or at least influenced by it.
2283620 el mono real : The scientists go on to explain that for men, physical attraction, particularly a beautiful face "is a sign of fertility and the survival instinct draws them to women who can carry on their line."
2283621 el mono real : www.glamour.com/story/its...
2283622 Universe City : Cite your sources.
2283623 Universe City : So that article is telling me that Neanderthals knew the difference between a beautiful and an ugly face?
2283624 el mono real : Now your turn... show me where beauty is "made up"
2283626 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2283627 Jdawg78 : Me perdi algo?
2283628 Universe City : I would have to do a lot of research.
2283629 el mono real : Hi JD
2283630 Universe City : And read that whole article and study the author.
2283631 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› ¡Hola!
2283632 el mono real : Chuy seems to think that "beauty" is a made up construct. That we are only attracted to beautiful people because modern culture has "brainwashed" us.
2283633 Universe City : Beautiful inside matters more to me.
2283634 el mono real : Chuy is trying to come across as a kind of saint, saying that he only recognises "inner beauty" of people.
2283635 Moth : ‹@Jdawg78› Hola !
2283636 Universe City : Not only but "inner beauty" is more important to me.
2283637 el mono real : Which is ironic, considering how he shouts and screams "vendida" at half of the chatroom
2283638 Jdawg78 : They showed me how to use the power scrubber today.
2283639 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› So being a sellout/vendida is something beautiful?
2283640 Universe City : Interesting...
2283641 el mono real : You misunderstand again, Chuy
2283642 Universe City : Maybe to you Matthew, since you see everything from a Eurocentric POV and your "race" rules the world/it's a white man's world that we are forced to exist in.
2283643 Universe City : :D
2283644 el mono real : I'm saying that if you only recognise "inner beauty", why do you give the impression of "inner ugliness" by behaving so badly in the chatroom?
2283645 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Let me tell you why: In our Mexica society (before Europeans invaded in 1492) the main thing for us was being warriors, warriors for our people. And what do warriors do? They defend their people!
2283646 Universe City : Even today say the U.S. is in a war and a solider refuses to shoot, you know the upheaval the "Western"/Eurocentric/White Supremacist media like Fox News would have?
2283647 Moth : Oh uh
2283648 Universe City : Look at what happened to Julian Assange, Chelsea Manningly, etc.
2283649 Moth : Here we go again
2283651 Universe City : Julian Assange leaked some document of the U.S.'s war crimes and they wanted to lock him up for many years.
2283652 Universe City : *documents
2283653 Moth : Yeah, I do not like it when Macua gets Rude with every peruvian she meets.
2283654 Jdawg78 : Can't we talk about the more important things?
2283655 Jdawg78 : Like, I got to use power tools today. :D
2283656 Moth : Power point?
2283657 Universe City : ‹@Moth› Not ever, only the vendido/as.