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2282456 Universe City : I never read ebooks or listen to audio books.
2282457 Universe City : I like to have the real thing.
2282458 maestroandalu : Do you have the audiobook or just the book?
2282459 Tony47Granada : in order to remark the words that I don't understand
2282461 Tony47Granada : ‹@Universe City› ‹@Universe City› I don't knon anyone who hasn't read the Julius Verne books expect you "Universe"
2282462 Universe City : ‹@Tony47Granada› Jaja.
2282463 maestroandalu : how many pages does it have?
2282464 Universe City : The titles ring a bell.
2282465 Universe City : ChatGPT says "The correct term for a physical book, as opposed to an ebook or audiobook, is "print book." This term specifically refers to a book that has been printed on paper and bound."
2282466 Tony47Granada : they have about 200
2282467 maestroandalu : Bueno, yo no he leído a ninguno, sé de que va, pero la lectura no es lo mío, por desgracia.
2282468 Universe City : He's written 200 books?
2282469 Universe City : o_O
2282470 Universe City : I was just skimming through H.G. Well's Wikipedia page.
2282471 Universe City : Is Spain part of the European Union?
2282472 maestroandalu : what page are you on?
2282473 maestroandalu : yes, Macua, it is
2282474 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› Ahh, okay.
2282475 maestroandalu : Voy a quitar el sonido porque Jor1 entra y sale y el sonidito de los cojones me molesta.
2282476 Universe City : Haha.
2282477 Universe City : I'm getting sleepy.
2282478 maestroandalu : Pues a dormir
2282479 Universe City : Jajaja.
2282480 Universe City : Not yet.
2282481 maestroandalu : Yo después me iré a ver el partido.
2282482 maestroandalu : The final match
2282483 Universe City : Jajaja.
2282484 Universe City : Okay, see you later.
2282485 Universe City : ChatGPT says Luxembourg is the richest country in the EU.
2282486 Universe City : And it says Bulgaria is the poorest.
2282487 maestroandalu : Sí, eso sí. you are right
2282488 maestroandalu : Luxemburgo es el país más rico
2282490 Tony47Granada : don't beliave that so much strictly
2282491 maestroandalu : And Spain has a great doubt with European
2282492 Universe City : I wonder where Spain ranks.
2282493 Universe City : Let me ask it.
2282494 maestroandalu : Public due
2282495 Tony47Granada : because politicians lie more than they speak
2282496 maestroandalu : Muy arriba no creo que esté.
2282497 Tony47Granada : and it is possible where are in the last possition
2282498 maestroandalu : Un tiro les pegaba yo en las dos orejas.
2282499 Universe City : "Spain's Ranking by GDP per Capita (2023) Spain: Approximately 16th-18th in the EU"
2282501 maestroandalu : and another one on their mouth for they do not lie
2282502 Tony47Granada : but In Spain elections have been taken and our goberment has made up the figures
2282503 maestroandalu : position*
2282504 maestroandalu : maquillado las cifras
2282505 maestroandalu : Animalito Tony! ¡Cómo dominas la pasiva!
2282506 maestroandalu : Pero si las elecciones Españolas se cuenta como una unidad, tienes que poner has been taken
2282507 maestroandalu : Si no, está bien.
2282508 Tony47Granada : there are been several elections
2282509 Tony47Granada : the national one the states ones
2282510 Tony47Granada : I this case do I have to take election as one?
2282511 Tony47Granada : I am not sure about it
2282512 maestroandalu : Ok, it's well written
2282513 maestroandalu : No, está bien, ya que las cuenta como distintas elecciones, las generales, las europeas, etc...
2282514 maestroandalu : Las autonómicas.
2282515 maestroandalu : do you often read English grammar books?
2282516 Tony47Granada : I read the three book of grammar which are so famous
2282517 maestroandalu : When you write a phrase in passive voice, you have to know what's the subject
2282518 Tony47Granada : the intermediate several times
2282519 Tony47Granada : but it was sereral years ago
2282520 maestroandalu : cos' the subject goes to the end of the phrase.
2282521 maestroandalu : several*
2282522 maestroandalu : you put ok before.
2282523 Tony47Granada : but currently I don't have enough time
2282524 Tony47Granada : but I would like to review them again
2282525 maestroandalu : I see, ok
2282526 Tony47Granada : I notice I make mistakes that I didn't in the past
2282527 maestroandalu : Of all the time I have told with you, I just have seen two o three Spanish phrases, the rest of 'em were in English.
2282528 maestroandalu : Macua should correct your mistakes instead of me
2282529 maestroandalu : He lives in USA
2282530 Universe City : Jaja.
2282531 maestroandalu : Macua, where were u?
2282532 maestroandalu : We need a teacher for that correct us
2282533 Universe City : I'm watching videos on YouTube and I was skimming through the Wikipedia page on the European Union.
2282534 maestroandalu : Ahh!
2282535 Tony47Granada : no matter, the most important is to be a pleasant time here
2282536 Universe City : It says "Founded: November 1, 1993, Maastricht, Netherlands"
2282537 maestroandalu : Meanwhile, Tony was making a mistakes and crying, jajajaja
2282538 Universe City : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eur...
2282539 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› Jaja, don't be mean.
2282540 maestroandalu : I am Andalusian,
2282541 Tony47Granada : mi time is over I going to take out the dog then to watch the soccer match
2282542 maestroandalu : soon, I will go too
2282543 Universe City : ‹@Tony47Granada› All right, take care.
2282544 Tony47Granada : be happy, guys! Viva España y viva nuestra selección!!!
2282545 Universe City : ‹@Tony47Granada› Hasta luego.
2282546 maestroandalu : what do you think about our team? will we win?
2282547 maestroandalu : Hasta luego
2282548 Universe City : ‹@maestroandalu› adios
2282549 Jdawg78 : buena tarde.
2282550 Universe City : hola!
2282551 Universe City : como estas?
2282552 Jdawg78 : bien, mas o menos.
2282553 Universe City : im getting sleepy
2282554 Universe City : but i have to get off the computer in 1 and hour and 30 minutes anyway
2282555 Universe City : so it's a good thing :D