History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2282256 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› Dices que Trump lo planeó y todo fue una farsa?
2282259 el mono real : He's like gollom... "my precious"
2282260 Travis : El Mono si
2282261 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› pero la farsa pudo costarle la vida
2282262 Jaenette : Por unos centímetros y se muere
2282263 Travis : Jaen, he is saying that, not I
2282264 Travis : His hatred of Trump clouds all reason
2282266 Travis : Orangeman bad, now Orangeman for Oscar
2282268 el mono real : lol Orangeman
2282269 Jaenette : Cuál es correcto, decir not I o not me?
2282270 Travis : Eres inteligente
2282271 Travis : not I
2282272 Travis : but it sounds stuffy
2282273 Jaenette : Creí era not me, gracias
2282274 Travis : Break it down into two sentences, Jaen
2282275 Travis : He is saying that and I am saying that
2282277 Jaenette : Got it
2282278 el mono real : The shooter has 3 shots to get him and misses all 3. Come on! With all the modern technology and scopes etc, how could you miss 3 times?
2282279 Travis : Me is saying that sounds incorrect, right?
2282280 Jaenette : Sí
2282281 el mono real : I bet he had the laser pointed right on his earlobe
2282282 Travis : Come on, he has an ear piercing now :D
2282285 Travis : He needs a hanging earring with MAGA on it :D
2282286 Jaenette : Y fue tan rápido que no pudo pensarlo jaja
2282287 el mono real : Well, we are all screwed now
2282288 el mono real : Trump's little plan worked and we have the Orangeman dictator in charge
2282289 Travis : Throwing in the towel?
2282290 el mono real : Yep. Biden can't win now
2282291 Travis : Maybe Mao can resurrect and cheer you up
2282292 Travis : He couldn't win for several years now
2282293 Jaenette : Me voy a dormir ya, gracias, señores, hasta mañana , espero verlos pronto para seguir aprendiendo
2282294 Travis : Of course always an October surprise lol
2282295 el mono real : Bye little girl
2282296 Jaenette : Mao Tse T?
2282297 Jaenette : Chao, Mono
2282298 Travis : Adios Jaen, que duermas bien
2282300 Jaenette : ‹@Travis› Gracias e igualmente
2282301 Jdawg78 : Hasta luego Travis
2282303 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› Chao
2282304 Jdawg78 : !
2282305 Travis : She's leaving, JD
2282306 Jdawg78 : Oh, Hasta luego Jaene3tte!
2282307 Travis : I'll leave Mono with "busy man"
2282308 el mono real : This little girl is very nice. I don't know why Chuy doesn't get along with her
2282309 Travis : oh brother
2282310 Travis : You're educated, righty?
2282311 el mono real : I'm not staying here with the busy man. He will probably try and get "busy" with me
2282314 Diesel : You can call me Daddy, Travesty
2282315 el mono real : Yep. I have an education
2282317 Travis : Hard to be a dad when you're a virgin
2282320 Travis : OK later all....take care
2282321 el mono real : He's a virgin
2282322 Diesel : Sure, lets make a bet who has had more women
2282323 el mono real : Bye Travis
2282324 Diesel : Bye POS
2282325 Travis : a pissing contest for little busy man, I'll pass
2282326 Diesel : Fuck off old fard
2282328 Diesel : both are weak
2282329 Travis : triggered so easily haha
2282330 el mono real : It doesn't count if you have to pay for them, little man
2282332 Travis : You're nearly average height with your high heels and tiara
2282333 Diesel : The mediocre psychologist
2282334 el mono real : Yeah, see how easily he gets angry
2282335 Travis : Helen Keller could see it, Mono
2282336 el mono real : He's got anger management problems
2282337 Travis : OK bye
2282338 Diesel : and the old fart who gives advice to the retard with no women
2282339 Diesel : Never pay for pussy
2282340 Universe City : ¡Hola!
2282341 Sebasthian01 : Hello / Hola !
2282342 Universe City : ‹@Sebasthian01› ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?
2282343 Sebasthian01 : Muy bien, gracias!. Y tu?
2282344 Universe City : Bien, también. Gracias.
2282345 Universe City : ¿De dónde eres?
2282346 Sebasthian01 : Que bueno. De dónde eres Universe City?
2282347 Universe City : Soy de Wisconsin, EEUU.
2282348 Sebasthian01 : haha acabo de preguntar lo mismo
2282349 Universe City : Y gracias.
2282350 Universe City : Jiji.
2282351 Universe City : ¿Y tú? ¿De dónde eres?
2282352 Universe City : :)
2282353 Sebasthian01 : Soy de Paraguay. Oh Wisconsin, hace mucho tiempo estuve cerca de alli, bueno en realidad en Illinois en un pueblo llamado Fox Lake, pero no lejos de Winsconsin
2282354 Universe City : Jijiji.
2282355 Universe City : Mucho gusto.